
Chapter Six


I speed walk back to my office to put away Ralph's toolbox. Go back! Go back to our mate! I try my best to ignore my wolf, but I was in as much pain as he was. My heart ached from being away from her. I shake my head and retreat to my desk. "This can't be happening. She can't be...." Trying to wrap my head around how such an infuriating woman could possibly be matched with me, I fail to notice Nora standing in my doorway until she clears her throat.

My eyes snap to her. "What is it, Nora?" I growl. Nora flinches a little at my tone, but I can't bring myself to care enough to apologize. "There's a man here by the name of Alexander. He says that he has an urgent matter to discuss with you. Should I send him to the meeting room or....?" Her gaze travels over my face. I shake my head, running my hand over my face. "Bring him in." I say.

Nora nods silently and walks away. Moments later, Alex enters my office. I straighten my back and nod at my Beta. "Alex. What's wrong now?" I ask. He gently pushes my door closed and leans his back on it, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You. I felt a change in you not too long ago. What happened?" I run my hand through my hair and start pacing. "I met her. My mate. The Luna we've been waiting for." Alex doesn't have a physical response, but I could see the wheels in his head turning.

"Your mate is the Luna in the prophecy? That's a great thing, isn't it?" He asks. I turn to him sharply. "It should be. I mean, it is. Except she doesn't seem to know anything about it. Our bond affected me, but she had no reaction. What does that mean? Is it because she hates me? Because I have a strong dislike of her?" Alex pushes off of the door and grabs my shoulders. "Logan, listen to me. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but you're bonded. As far as we know, she hasn't rejected you as her mate. That means there's nothing to worry about right now.

"Our first step is to go get your Luna. Then, we figure everything else out. Let's take it one step at a time, alright?" I smile at Alex and nod. "Alright. This is why I made you my Beta. Her apartment is in walking distance, but if we're taking her to the den we'll need to take your car." I say. Alex returns my smile and releases my shoulders. "I'll pull my car around. Practice what you're going to say to her. We don't want to scare her off or anything." he says and leaves my office.

I take a deep breath and think about Alex's words. I do feel our bond, so he's right that she hasn't rejected me. But how do I know that she won't reject me as soon as I tell her that she's my mate? If I had known, I wouldn't have acted the way I did. What can I do to make it up to her?

I thought hard about it until an idea popped into my head. Taking out my phone, I called my favorite florist.