

For love that was never to grow but was kept cherished ~ "Where's she?" Rex asked barging into the throne room, his eyes were quick to fall on his brother who sat on the throne chair comfortably. "Who?" His brother deadpanned making Rex become more furious "You know who I'm talking about, Rhys, where the fuck is Alya?" Rex asked again "Taking to where she belong" Rhyss said not bothering about his brother's reaction "You wouldn't dare to touch her, Rhys" Rex warned, the threat heavy in his voice, he could feel his control slipping with every seconds that passed by with his brother who decide to keep quiet. Two more seconds passed and Rhys said "Father and mother won't ever approved of the stupid love, you know that yourself" "She is an enemy and thankfully an easy one to break" Rhys paused for some seconds before adding "it will be a quick kill for her and you won't feel the loneliness, why don't I bring her?" He said getting up from the chair and moved to the door to only be stopped by Rex who glared hard at him "Touch a single hair on her body and I'll see to it that you become a meal to the wolves in the forest" Rex threatened, his hazel eyes changing to the dark color of red. ......

Aee_sharh20 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

chapter nine: Crush on you

Alya curled herself on her bed smiling widely at the train of thoughts whirling on her head, she rubbed her cheeks lightly. It was hurting from smiling too much but she couldn't help it.

She got up the bed and walked to her reading desk opening the first drawer. Not finding what she was looking for, she closed it and took a new diary and her pen and went back to sit on her bed.

' Dear diary, '

She began to write

' it's been pretty long we've spent time together, been very busy but naw I am back and will spend time with you.

Let me tell a confession

I know I can't simply hide the truth from myself even if I do with others.

I have got a big... '

She paused to think, she had to be really sure before she will conclude.

She had been thinking about him more often for some weeks

Just his sight can make her smile for an hour.

Alya chuckled at the thought

" But does it actually mean so much because I smile on seeing him? " She asked herself aloud

" Who are you talking about? "

Alya's gaze snapped to the door immediately and she scrambled her diary close. It was April

" Erm.. nobody " she replied sheepishly, her face was red from being caught.

April walked further into the room and caught a glimpse of the book Alya covered.

" So you can share a secret with a book but not your best friend? " April asked

" No, it's not like that "

" Then how? " April asked faking a sniff

Alya sighed and rubbed her arm

" Before I tell you, promise you wouldn't tell anyone "

" Are you trying to say I'm bad at keeping secrets? " April asked narrowing her eyes

" No.. "

" Just say what you want to say, I won't tell anyone " April interrupted her and laid on her bed waiting for her to start her confessions.

Alya slowly breathed out again

How was she going to tell her to avoid her questions. How about..

She turned to her friend and fixed her gaze, a large lump formed at her throat.

" I like Rex" she blurted out very fast

And just as she was expecting, April was dumbstruck. Maybe she was trying to get the like she was talking about.

" You like Rex? " April asked finally finding her voice

Alya smiled and looked away before she slowly nod her head

" Like, l-like like him? " April asked again trying to clear her mind and she saw Alya nod again.

Slowly, she smiled, clear surprise and amusement written in her eyes.

She didn't know why she was so happy

She looked at Alya and a grin formed on her lips

" So you've fallen in love with your boss? " April teased

" L-love? " Alya went red and she closed her face

" I don't know if I should call it love " she said in between her hands

" And it's a friend I fell in love with, not my boss " she muttered the last bit praying April didn't catch those words.

" Why don't I go tell him now, he is in the living room " April said and got up

" He is what? " Alya asked in surprise

" Yep, he is " April said and walked to the door

Rex was seated in her living room and April was going to meet him to...

Her face drained of colour

" Wait... " She sprang up the bed but April had gone out. She quickly ran out of the room to meet April already seated with Rex and Landon.

' How come she was so fast? ' Alya thought. Her face didn't give out the sign that she had ran.

" Aah, there she is " April said with a wide smile and Alya turned to her immediately.

Had she told him already, she thought April promised.

She turned back to Rex trying to fight back the blush making it's way on her cheeks

" Hey Rex " she gave a little nod with her head

" Hey Landon " she wiggled her fingers at him.

Landon sent her a wink while Rex smiled.

Rex stood up and walked to her, with his every step came a skip in a heartbeat.

He kept his gaze on with her as he covered the space between them with his long legs.

Alya turned to April briefly, she had a pleading look on her face and swallowed really hard as her friend's smirk widened.

Her heartbeat increased its pace at his first few words

" April said you..... won't be going to watch the movies with us "

Alya's nervousness dried out and she frowned

' Movie ?, What movie? " She almost asked out loud

She passed a look at April who sent her a wink and she got the message.

" Y-yeah, I have got to tidy up the whole place " Alya said trying to keep her cool.

It would have been lot easier to act normal around Rex if the secret crush was between just she and her diary only but a third party had came.

She turned back to Rex who find staring at her eyes really amusing.

Wasn't all the ' hot boy ' steps too grand just to ask that question

As though he could hear her thoughts, Rex said

" Just felt like making it a show " his lips curved upwards.

Rex moved back a little and turned to Landon.

" So what do you say? ,"*

" Go back home and continue our work? " Rex asked picking up his car keys.

" Home? "

" We have a movie to watch "

" The ladies are not coming, what fun is there watching a movie with a guy? " Rex asked

" Not Landon " he said with a proud tone

Rex scoffed and rolled his eyes, he turned to Alya who was watching them with a small smile playing on her lips.

He took her hand and brought it upward and placed a light kiss on her hand.

" I'll be leaving, milady " he said dramatically and freed her hand

" Get your lazy ass up Landon " Rex said and walked out of the house with Landon trailing behind.

" See you later love " Landon played with April hair

" And you too sis " he waved at Alya.

" For some minutes, I thought you told him " Alya said and heaved out a breath once Landon and Rex had left.

She slumped onto the nearest cushion and touched her heaving chest.

April smirked

" But he is gonna know someday, not from me but the princess in the Dreamland " she chuckled.

Alya smiled and got up

" I need to take a cold shower, I feel hot "

" Hot?? From just a peck on the hand? " April teased

Alya turned and glared at her

" Sorry, cold shower? " She asked meekly which made Alya burst into laughter

" Tell me, how long have you had a crush on Rex? " April asked in sudden interest

" Saay, three months "

April paused and slowly nod her head

Seeing April deep in thoughts, Alya knew she was going to start pouring down her questions so she quickly interrupted her, deciding against taking a shower

" Thank you for coming April, I had wanted to arrange my room " Alya pulled her to her room quickly

" It's going to be less tedious with you around to help " Alya said and they started their chores


Folding up her clothes in her wardrobe, Alya came across a diamond necklace and she took it out

" Oh my God!! " She heard April exclaim behind her.

" It's so beautiful " she muttered

" It is " Alya agreed, the necklace had her name inscribed on it and shone proudly under the lights.

She ran her thumb on the chain.

' so smooth ' she said subconsciously and stared long at it

Confused at the lost look on her face, April asked

" What's wrong? "

Alya held the chain to her eyes

" I don't think I.... "

She paused, a blurred image flooded her sight.

" Alya " April called at her blank expression

Alya didn't respond but she could hear her name clearly.

She wasn't in her room gaping at a necklace anymore. She was in an open restaurant


" Alya " she heard her name and she turned.

Someone barely visible came to sit with her.

" How is it? " He asked and she smiled brightly

" It's pretty, I love it " she said

" And this? " He asked holding up a necklace to her face

Alya's blue eyes shone in amazement

" It.. it's Soo b-beautiful " she half consciously stuttered dramatically.

" It's would be more beautiful on you, leah " He said

" Thank you " Alya greeted admiring the necklace in her hand.


" Alya "

She heard her name again and blinked. She was back in her room

' what was that? " She thought to herself

" Alya " April called again with a concerned tone seeing Alya's eyes glistening with tears.

" What's wrong? " April asked but Alya wrapped her arm around her instead.

" Are you okay? " April asked when she heard Alya sniff

" Are you crying? " She asked again and Alya shook her head

Thank God she wasn't crying, April breathed out in relief

She sat on the bed and pulled Alya making her lie on the bed with her head on her lap.

She weaved her hand softly on Alya's hair.

" What happened? " April asked

Alya took in a long and deep breath and released it slowly. She couldn't place it.

she didn't fell asleep to have said she was dreaming and it was very empty, giving off a strange vibe

" I don't really know "

" I don't remember anything about the necklace "

She looked at her hand again

This was not among her possessions

" But I saw someone give it to me "

" I saw it clearly, in my head "

Her voice was very low that April would have had to strain her ears to hear what she was saying if she wasn't sitting so close.

" He had called me Leah also " she added playing back everything on her head

April's hand moving to pat Alya's head suddenly stopped as the realisation dawned on her.

' Her memories ' A voice screamed in her head.

" I actually don't know what to think of it, everything was blurred and I couldn't make out his face " she interrupted April's thoughts

" Maybe it was just.... an imagination "

" What do you think? " She turned to look at April's face

" Maybe " April replied subconsciously

" I felt some kinda attachment to it though like a lost memory " Alya said not knowing why she added that last bit.

April looked down at her immediately

' Lost memory ' she thought

Her eyes glistened with tears and she was grateful Alya had turned.

They had all zeroed their mind off the possibility of she recovering her memory like the doctor had said.

It's had been more than nine months now. The turns of events with she and Rex becoming close had made them turn a blind eye over if they still want her memory back

But now...

April rubbed the tears threatening to fall off and patted Alya's gently as she breathed out.

She was happy, really happy that. She had switched to an excited mode

She picked up her phone and called Landon

" Hello babe " Landon said when the line got connected

" Hey " April said with the little of energy she had remaining to lift up excitement in her voice

" Where are you? " She asked

" ROYAL BLAZONZ with Rex " Landon replied