

Great people of Silvercrest kingdom, Crestians, it has come to my notice that a wide beast has been attacking our people especially at Purple Hearts Valley. I know that we are a strong kingdom and many of us think that this beast is no match against us but the truth is, this beast has defeated us in so many ways. Many great hunters, great warriors, great alphas and even the strongest of packs have all been taken away from us by this creature. Alphas like Maximus, Kastro, Lucario, and even Bettas like Raya, Vin and Lucas have been wiped off by this beast. Even the strongest packs like the House of Taryens, the House of Emberfall, the House of Tarlac have all fallen in the presence of this great beast. So, it is no small creature that we are fighting against here. We have also found out that this beast is immune to all of our attacks and even our greatest weapons are not match for it. We have tried using the Death Hanger, Mystic falls, Stone of Styx and even the Ferryman's Gun has not been able to do anything to it. So, great people of Silvercrest, beloved Crestians, I, your King, Alpha King Nexus Duse, forbids anyone from going to the Purple Hearts Valley. I declare the Purple Hearts Valley a forbidden place that no one must enter. Whoever is caught there shall pay a heavy price!

Hassana_Zubair · Fantasi
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24 Chs


"Grim, I don't think we should be going there. Remember the Alpha King Nexus warned people to stay away from here. It is where the God of Death usually hides out." Celestia said with a hint of fear evident in her voice.

"Come on Celestia, why are you acting so scared? This isn't like you. Are you forgetting that your mate is an Alpha? I can protect you. The Death God is no match for me!" Grim boasted, gesturing with his hands.

Celestia and Grim both approached the Death God's hideout, going past the entrance and into the bushes. Truth be told, Celestia was right, the King had forbid everyone from going to that area be it morning or night after the attacks from the Death God became incessant.

The Death God was a Werewolf feared by everyone and known to strike menace in the night time. It was usually seen lurking in the bushes towards the end of Silvercrest forest. A forest which was quite popular to the werewolves for hanging out had suddenly become deserted after the Death God started attacking. No one knew why it attacked but it was quite certain that it had a motive and it was to kill…kill the people of Silvercrest kingdom.

An area which was supposed to be stayed away from was where Celestia and Grim decide to make out, not heeding to the words of the King. Grim was an Alpha, a stupid one, one might say. The dominance and intelligence that others possessed was quite far from him but he had the pride of them. He was very certain that the God of Death was no match for him. A mistake he would pay dearly for.

As Grim and Celestia sat on a fallen tree trunk and started to make out, kissing and romancing themselves, Celestia felt a movement in the bushes. It was night time on a full moon but they had night vision and could see clearly. Celestia felt uncomfortable, Grim was lost in her body to notice the movement. Celestia pulled Grim away from her and said

"Can you hear that? I think we should leave!"

"Hear what? I can't hear anything." a confused Grim said.

"In the bushes. I think the God of Death is here. Let's go Grim!" Celestia warned.

"Why should we leave? The God of Death is the one intruding on our privacy so he should leave!" Grim said.

"Grim…" Celestia called softly.

Grim stood up with his shirt falling to the ground and his bare chest being revealed. He was white, white as snow and his upper body was firmly structured. His biceps were intriguingly bold and his brown color eyes paired perfectly with his body.

"If the God of Death is here, he should come out!" Grim shouted with his voice echoing through the forest.

Indeed the God of Death was present, at a corner observing the scene. He smirked in satisfaction by the act of Grim.

"A proud one." he muttered underneath his breath.

"Grim, stop!" Celestia said.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Grim assured.

"Let's go back. I don't see the need for us to come here, it's not like we are not mated together!" Celestia voiced.

"Celestia, stop being scared!" Grim said.

"Wait, I'll show you something." he continued.

"What are you going to do?" Celestia asked.

"It's a full moon, you know." Grim hinted.

"And?…" Celestia asked.

"And I am going to transform." Grim said.

"Grim, don't!.." Celestia warned.

Celestia was part of a tribe of werewolves who could control when they transform. Although the moon had an effect on everyone, making them transform without will, Celestia's tribe could determine when their transformation should happen.

As the moon rays illuminate through the forest, a surge of energy courses through Grim's veins, igniting an agonizing transformation that engulfs his body and mind. Grim's human persona fades away, replaced by a powerful, untamed creature of the night. An Alpha. To show his dominance and power, Grim lets out a resounding howl that echoes through the forest. Celestia is left stunned, Grim was actually looking like the wolf she fell in love with. Celestia's blue-angel coloured eyes lit up in amazement and her lips spread wide into a smile.

Grim let out another howl and Celestia chuckles lightly. She was impressed by the Alpha male that her mate was showing to her. The Death God, on the other hand, found it funny. Young, stupid lovers. Grim transformed back into his human form and Celestia ran up to him.

"See, I told you the God of Death isn't up to me." Grim boasted.

"You are right. I'm sorry." Celestia said as she wrapped her hands around his waist.

"Did you hear my howl?" Grim whispered into Celestia's ear.

"I did." Celestia replied as she pulled her face closer to Grim.

"And how was it?" Grim said as he pulled Celestia closer to him, filling up any space that was left behind.

Celestia smiled brightly as she leaned towards Grim's face with their lips touching.

"It was…hot." Celestia whispered onto Grim's lips as he pulled her in for a kiss, engulfing her breath with his.

The God of Death had had enough of it all and decided it was the time to attack….when they were unaware. Under the bright moonlight, he transformed into the revered beast that he was. His fur was a mixture of white and black, his teeths were as sharp as scissors. Features, such as hair thickening and coarsening, started to come to be in the transformation. His unyielding nails elongate and sharpen, becoming formidable claws ideal for hunting and defense.His facial structure reshapes, accentuating predatory characteristics, while heightened senses become apparent, granting unparalleled vision, hearing, and scent. Muscles mature, growing in strength and power, preparing the body for the life of a formidable hunter. The God of Death was in his full form.

The God of Death was in full beast mode and wasted no time in attacking. In the twinkle of an eye, he raged out of the bush while Grim and Celestia were still kissing. Celestia got a feeling as her senses tingled, she pulled away from the kiss only to look up and see the God of Death in motion. Celestia's face went pale as if the blood in her had left and all her eyes were focused on the Death God who was slowly approaching. Grim turned around to look in the direction of Celestia when he noticed the expression on face and immediately the God of Death striked, disfiguring the body of Grim with his long, sharp claws. The God of Death gave multiple strikes nonstop to Grim across his body and he yelled in pain and when Grim tried to transform, the God of Death ripped his heart out and threw it aside. Soon, Grim was dead.

Celestia screamed out in horror at what she had just witnessed. She began to step backwards in fear and begged the God of Death profusely but all her words fell to deaf ears. She couldn't even use her powers because she was too afraid. This was unlike her. The God of Death approached her immediately and did the same as he did with Grim while Celestia begged profusely. The last thing Celestia saw before she died was the eyes of the Death God. They were dark, dark as dark could be and held no emotions in them. Celestia saw the look in his eyes and knew that she couldn't escape it. She was going to be killed. Ultimately, the God of Death ripped her heart out of her chest just like he did with Grim and fell her lifeless body to the ground before he walked away.

Check out my other book titled “HOW TO SEDUCE YOUR HUSBAND”

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