
The Proposal

Cley's Pov:

It's been a week since I've accidentally said to Berlyn that I already find my mate. It happened that night while we are lying on my bed on that cabin after we runaway from the cops on DVU gymnasium.

The moment she said that she didn't do it, I mean she didn't attack those varsity player on the gym, I believe her right away. I've conducted investigation and also check out the CCTV footage during that time and I find out that it's Abby's friend who attack them.

I've already confronted Abby about that and she don't have a choice but to admit it. That she's only doing that coz she want to annoy Berlyn. I'm so furious that time. How dare her do that things so naturally without even thinking about the consequences of her action?

I've already told about it to Vladimir and he said that their going back to New York after my birthday party next week. Of course he's going to take Abby with him.