

Cley's Pov:

It's been a month since I've decided to stay in Forks and leaved my life in New York. I've stayed in New York for almost eight years. I was only fourteen when I decided going there to solved this puzzle that keep on hunting me for almost nine years now.

This dream of mine was started when I was thirteen– the day when I learned to transform as a werewolf. In my dreams, there was a girl whom I really liked. And I'm sure that she's my mate. That's for sure. But she runaway from me and headed towards New York.

I've got curious about her coz I didn't even met that girl once in my real life but I feel like she's real. That she's not only existing on my imagination or hallucinations. My inner wolf was keep on telling me that I should find her.

That's why I decided going to New York together with Andrei. My mom and dad didn't agreed with me at first. They said that it's impossible to happen. But they already let me go when I said that this girl was my mate.