
(Getting To Know Her)

 Andrei's Pov:

I can't help myself to stay tranquil while I'm looking with Cley. He look so miserable. And I know why. His mate was really hard to deal with.

She's beyond Cley's control.

I've known Cley for a long time. We've grown up together in a pack house and we treat each other like we're real brothers.

Both our parents was the leader of our pack. They have a strong bond, that's why no one ever succeeded to defeat our pack. We're still the number one pack in the continent of North America.

His father was the Alpha while mine is Beta. Cley is a good friend of mine. I just want all the best for him. I want him to feel happy and contended about everything.

But right now, by just looking at him, I know that he's really bleak. He's recumbent on his bed, staring at the ceiling as if that can solve his problem.

After what happened earlier during our class, I mean after an encounter with his mate, he's too silent and I don't know how to approach him. But I want to help, no matter what.

"Hey, bro. Wanna go outside?" I said.

"Where?" He replied.

"Restaurant? I'm craving for steaks. " I said. Leslie said there's a restaurant here that serves perfect steaks.

"Sounds good. Me too. I think I need a lot of steak right now. I'm so depressed." He said.

"I know right. Let's go."

While on our way to the restaurant, Cley still unapproachable. What if I told him that Berlyn is working on that restaurant?

Of course it's Leslie again who told me that Berlyn is working there as a part timer. Leslie and I were that close, you know. She's nice to me and I don't know, maybe she has a little bit crush on me.

I'm sure if he knew, he's going to change his mood. But of course, I won't tell him right away. I want him to be surprised.

"What's your plan about Berlyn?"

I asked.

"I don't know, bro. I don't know where to start. I want to see her, to be with her. But how? I don't even know where she lived. I want to know what she's doing right now. It's really hard for me to be far away with her. I think I'm gonna be crazy. I've already missed her." he said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure she feel it too. The needs, the longing. The way how you feel about her. Maybe both of you need some times try to get to know each other. I'm sure she feel the same way but she didn't know how to express it correctly." I said.

"I really want to know all about her but she's keep on avoiding me. And worst ignore my presence." He said hopelessly.

"You know what, that's beyond what I'm expecting to happen between you and Berlyn, bro. It seems like she had a strong personality. She knows how to handle herself very well, most specially when it comes to her feelings. That's extra ordinary. I didn't saw anyone in our pack having that character. She's tough and brave at the same time." I concluded.

"You think so? Well, I guess I'm the luckiest if I have her." He said.

"Yes, you are. So, don't give up on her, okay? I know you can do it. Not only for your self but also for the next generation of our pack." I said.

"Yeah. You're right. Thanks, bro." He said.

Now, I'm glad that I able to enlighten his mind. And I'm sure, with my tips and advice, he can handle her this time.

Berlyn's Pov:

I'm here in Halder Italian Restaurant for my part time job. After class, I've already go straight in here. I've started working here since I was fourteen.

I need to work for me to sustain my studies and basic needs. I am thankful that even in my younger age, Mrs. Halder accepted me as a part timer.

She also giving me an allowance for my studies. She treated me like I'm her daughter coz she don't have a kids. Her husband already passed away three years ago.

And in return for everything she did to me, I've work hard. I've really appreciated her kindness. And I also want to help coz I know how important it is for her.

This restaurant was being manage by her husband before. And when he died, this is the only memories that left with her.

"Berlyn, there's a new customer outside. Can you take their order?"

I am busy washing the dishes when Mrs. Halder told me to assist the customer.

"Okay, ma'am."

I said and hurriedly proceeded to the counter. I think I'm in a mess coz my hair strands suddenly fell off on my face and I'm sweating terribly. It's hot over here, huh?

I don't even bother to look at the mirror. I'm in a hurry, you know. My co-worker Asher take under time a while ago that's why I'm the only one left in a restaurant to help Mrs. Halder.

When I reached the counter, I immediately go to table number five with a notepad and pen on my hand.

While slowly getting on their table, I realized that those two guys sitting over there was a little bit familiar. I can't figure out who are they coz both of them busy looking for the menu which covered their face.

But I smell something. Oh, they are werewolves.! I felt shiver so suddenly. Everytime I encounter a werewolves, I always feel this way.

Being frightened, nervous and paranoid at the same time. As if, I feel like something's bad gonna happen. I took a deep breath. I can do this.

Well, I need to accomplish my work properly for the sake of Mrs. Halder. So I don't care if they are werewolves or not. I'm a Werewolf too, so it's a tie.

"Good evening, sir. Can I take your order?" I said nicely with matching sweet smile on my face.

"Four regular pieces of steak and two glasses of pineapple juice."

The guy beside me said, and close the menu. That's when I saw his face. His devilish-handsome face!

It's him. David Cley. What is he doing here? Is he following me? Or maybe not? Base on his reaction, he is surprise to see me too.

Whoah, now I realized that I missed him already even though it's been hours since I didn't saw him. What the heck! Where did it came from? Missed him? Seriously? Oh, come on. Stop it, Berlyn.

"What are you doing here? Are you following me? What are you? Stalker?"

It's already too late before I control myself. I've already said it out loud. And worst, he's a customer here. What if Mrs. Halder know about this? Such a mess!

"Following you? Of course not. I'm here to eat. What about you? What are you doing here?"

He said while smiling at me. Happy much that he saw me? Tss, assuming much, Berlyn? I just rolled my eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm working here, hello." I said with a sarcastic voice.

"Hi, Berlyn. It's nice to see you here." Andrei said.

"Oh, you're both here, huh? Tell me, who said that I am here?" I asked.

"Nothing. Were just craving for steak, so we went here, accidentally."

Andrei said with a little bit smirked on his face.

"Really? I don't think so. Is it Leslie? That little brat!" I murmur.

"How did you know? You're smart, huh. Well, I just want to accompany Cley here. He really miss you terribly. As in to the highest level. I don't want him to see like a zombie roaming inside our room, so that's why were here."

He said while laughing. I blushed. I looked at Cley and he's also looking at me. Tss. When he gonna stop this?

"Stop being like this, Cley. Please." I said in the back of my mind.

If he continued the way he looked at me right now, I think I might lose control. What if I gave in? What if I accept him as my mate? What's next?

Everything about me will gonna change a lot. And I'm not prepared for this sudden changes. I sighed heavily.

"That's all, sir? It takes a minute before I can served your order. I'll be right back."

I said and walk away from them without looking back. As I arrived in the kitchen, I've already gave their order on a chef. While waiting for the order to be prepared, I continued to wash the dishes I left before.

I need something to do. I need some diversion for a minute. That Cley really get into my nerves. All I want is to have a peaceful life. But since I've known him a while ago, I think everything I want won't ever happen again.

He's keep linger on my mind. And I don't know how to handle this kind of situation. Why does he need to show up? I'm fine without knowing him before. I'm perfectly fine.

But I guess everything will never be the same again now that he find me. Now that I found him. Mom was right. If it's meant to happen, no one can hinder it, even me. I believe her now.

Soulmate is soulmate. Destiny still destiny. And I can't change it no matter what I do. Even how hard I try to avoid him, ignore him, moon goddess wants still gonna happen. Were meant for each other, and I need to accept that reality.

"Ms. Somer, the order is ready. " The chef said, talking to me.

"Thank you, chef. I'm going to serve it now." I said.

Before I leave the kitchen, I do some retouch on a comfort room. I want to look presentable this time, not just like earlier. Or I'm doing this for Cley?

Fine! I don't want him to change his mind if he realized that I'm not that beautiful. Gosh, it's so weird! Accepting the fact, it makes me feel dumb. Of course he wouldn't change his mind.

He don't have any choice but to accept me just the way I am, like how i accept him now as my mate. Okay, happy? I said now.

With a tray on my hands and a smile on my face, I walk towards their table. I'm very nervous but I need to do this. Maybe we can talk about us? Getting to know more about him? I don't know. I just want to talk to him right now.

"This is your order, sir. Have a nice meal." I said while smiling. I place the food on their table properly.

"Thank you." Cley said.

That's all? Thank you? He's not going to talk to me? Tss. Did he just snob me? Fine! Whatever! I'm still standing beside him, staring at him when Andrei suddenly tease me.

"Do you have something to tell us, Berlyn?" Andrei said with a grin.

"Ha? Ahm, nothing." I said.

"Then why you're still standing over there? You're gonna watch Cley while finishing his food?" Andrei chuckled.

"Why? Is it forbidden?" I said trying to joke around. Andrei laugh.

"I knew it! I think both of you need some privacy? What do you think, Cley? Am I going to exit now?" Andrei said.

"No, Andrei. You don't need to do that." Cley said.

His focused was still on a food. He really ignored me. One more time and I'm gonna slap this little bastard!

He pissed me off. I'm the one whose making a move now, for me to talk to him and yet his acting like that? Wow! Unbelievable!

"Fine! I should go. Have a nice meal."

I said mocking at him. I turned my back and walk away from their table. It's so embarrassing.

That Cley did know how to make fun of me. If he don't want to talk to me, fine! I should be glad that he change his mind about me as his mate. I can live my life to the fullest now. As if YOLO!

"And where do you think you're going?" I heared Cley said it before I can go further. I automatically stop from walking.

"Maybe I'm gonna stay here that's why I'm going over there?"I said sarcastically.

"Haha, funny. Come here. I'm just teasing you." He replied. I just roll my eyes.

"Teasing me? Not funny." I said when I face him.

"So, what do you want?" He asked intensedly while looking at me.

"You?" I said, trying to be serious. He stunned. When I saw his jaw dropped, I burst out from laughing.

"Just kidding! I gotta go. If you want to talk to me, wait for me outside. I need to finish my work." I said.

"And who gave you the idea that I want to talked to you?" He said. I raised my eyebrows.

"What?" I said impatiently.

"Just kidding also. Okay, I'll wait for you outside." He said.

"Whatever!" I said and walk away. This time, it's for real...

Author's Note:

Do you want more sweet moments of Cley and Berlyn guys? Well, let's see. I'm so excited about this.

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It's me,
