
His Majesty, The King (HIATUS)

A random soul gets chosen by a dying god to inherit their power. Now the soul has to handle the full power of a god in a mortal body, and being reincarnated in the Naruto world with death and destruction galore. *English is my second language and this is my first novel, so I do apologize for the inevitable grammar and spelling mistakes. Also, I am only doing this for fun so don't hate too much please.

smol_benis · Komik
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24 Chs

Chapter 7: School

Let's see here. I know I said I was going to practice taijutsu, but now I realized that I had no experience with martial arts much less any taijutsu. Back in my previous life I never took martial arts lessons, I might have watched some WWE, but that was pretty much it.

After quite a while of thinking, I finally came to decision. The marital arts on Earth were definitely not practical here, where people could hop around on trees and spit fire. Since my powers were very similar to that of the Jade Emperor from 'The God of Highschool', I could probably use the martial arts moves that were displayed there and thanks to my enhanced memory recollection I can probably remember most of the moves from the webtoon.

I quickly got up and walked over to a tree, right now a kick could probably go through the tree so I had to learn to control my strength. Walking up to a tree, I immediately went into the karate stance.

<3rd Stance Hwechook>

I attempted to kick the right side of the tree with heel of my right leg. Unfortunately, not only could I not bring my leg up to that height, but I ended up kicking too hard resulting in my leg getting stuck in the bark. Yea... I probably should not have started with such a complicated move. Maybe some basic front kicks and shit would do me right, damn I probably should have taken martial arts classes in my previous world.


[3 years later]

"Boys, can you come down" said my mother. It was probably another family discussion. Damn I really wanted to go back to the park.

Kyo and I were now 8 years old. Of course he looked better than ever, while I was -better. I cut my hair so now my hair looked almost identical to Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen, except I did not have the sexy ass eyes.

Thanks to inputting Ki into my pelvis, to increase flexibility, as well as adding it to my other body parts I could now replicate most of the renewal taekwondo moves from 'The God of Highschool', everything except for the recoilless moves which I now found out were impossible to do without using my vector abilities. Oh yea, about my vector abilities. I did not use it too much, since I was more so practicing my physical skills, but it still naturally increased. I can now push or pull a full grown adult, as well as control electricity through electromagnetic force. I also made some special moves, though that's a surprise for later. Of course I never actually tested out my abilities in actual combat, but that's what the ninja academy was for.

Anyway back to the present. My brother and I were sitting at the table, waiting for my parents to talk.

"You guys are now 8 years old, which means its time for school" announced my mother. Oh shit, that's right school started when kids were 8 years old. I wonder why it started so late, by the time I was 8 years old in my previous life I was already in second grade.

"Its finally time for school mommy, I want to go I want to go" exclaimed my brother. He was probably excited for school. Little does he know the horrors that await in the building known as school.

"Of course honey. In school you can make friends, and learn lot's of new things. In fact you boy will attend the civilian academy starting next month" said my mother, smiling.

Hold the fuck up! The civilian academy, what the fuck is that. I thought it was just the ninja academy, I never heard about the civilian academy in the anime. Based on the name, its probably for those who didn't want to be shinobi, but I wanted to be one.

"No mommy, I don't want to go to the civilian academy" I replied, trying to sound as cute as possible.

"What do you mean darling. School is a great place and you can't spend your whole time at home or in the park. You need to go out and meet new people" replied my mother. Of course, she did not understand anything I was saying.

"No mommy. I want to go to the ninja academy, I want to be a shinobi" I answered. The atmosphere suddenly intensified. Both my parents and brother were now staring at me.

"No. Shinra you will not become a shinobi" yelled my mother.

"But why. Being a shinobi is so cool, I could spit fire and control water", okay that was not helping my case. "...I could help defend the village."

"Son, I understand you want to be a shinobi. But its not cool at all" it was now my father's turn to talk. "Shinobis have to lay down their lives and carry out any mission order by the village including... murder, theft, and spying. I don't want my son to become a murderer", father hesitated for a bit before he again said "Not only that son, but in order to become a ninja you need to be able to use chakra, and you can't use chakra".

Huh, they knew as well. Shit I needed to somehow find a way to show that I can use chakra. I can probably show them by emitting lightning, but no way can an 8 year old already control their affinity, so that was not an option.

"But daddy, I can use chakra see look", I waved my hand and before long it was able to start glowing with a bluish hue. My parents went wide-eyed before whispering to each other. Neat trick if I do say so myself. I pushed some unusable 'Ki' to the palm of my hand, then inputted some electricity in order to make it look like blue chakra. Its a risky trick since one small mishap can result in my nerves getting damaged, but I practiced releasing electricity in my body in order to develop one of my special moves.

"I thought the doctor said he could not use chakra, that his chakra network was damaged?"

"I know, I know this surprised me as well. Does this mean--"

"No! I refuse to allow my son to become one of those murderer", now my mom was yelling.

"Calm down, calm down" said my father trying to comfort her. He then turned to me and said, "Son, even if you can use chakra shinobis have to be ready to kill and die. Why do you want to be a shinobi so badly"

"I want to be a shinobi so that I can protect my family" I answered. My family was again staring at me. "All of us are just civilians. The village won't care about us when its attacked. That's why I want to be a shinobi so that I can protect you guys, I'll be the greatest shinobi so that my entire family will feel safe. Even Sho, Natsuo, Shoto, and Kyo."

My parents looked at each other again before whispering.

"Fujita, we can't...."

"I know Mikoto, but look at the boys eyes. It was exactly like mine before the war, we can't stop him no matter what we do". Thank goodness I poured some Ki into my ears, or else I would not be able to hear what they were saying.

"Fine we can let him go but..."

"Yea I got it Mikoto, I tell him", father whispered back before turning to me. "Fine we will let you go to the Ninja academy, but you have to promise us one thing."

"Yes mother, father I will promise anything" Now I was speaking more formally.

"You have to promise that as soon as you hesitate to accept a mission, whatever it may be, you have to quit being a ninja right then and there. Shinobis have to accept any mission from there village no matter what it is. It could be and assassination or theft, but if you hesitate to accept then you are not ready to be a shinobi."

I honestly had no clue what he meant, but I nodded my head anyway. "Yes father"

"Good, Shinra we'll register you to the Ninja Academy starting next month. Kyo would you also like to become a shinobi like your brother", Kyo shook his head.

"I just want to go to the civilian academy"

"Good, you boys can go out now. Me and your mother have something to discuss"

As we were walking out, my brother suddenly stopped me.

"Brother are sure about this. Being a shinobi is super scary. You can die and there are so many scary people you have to fight" whispered my brother. He was obviously worried about me. I couldn't help but chuckle before replying, "Don't worry Kyo, I promise I won't die. When I graduate, I will make sure to visit you and Aiko and my nephews and nieces to show that I'm still here".

Kyo's face became redder than a tomato. "Brother, your such an idiot" he replied before running away outside.

"Oh thats how you wanna play it" I said quickly running after him. Yep, I will definitely try to protect my family to the best of my ability, so that they can lead comfortable lives free of worry.

What's up people,

Author here. Yes, Shinra is finally going to school. Yea, shit is finally getting started. I apologize for the super slow intro. I wanted to introduce Shinra's character and his family , but don;t worry I will try to make the story a bit more fast paced.

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