
His Majesty's Sweetheart

She was a girl from the village of Razo who dreamed of being more than just some man's wife. After rigorous training throughout her childhood in both combat and stealth Sakura is finally able to try out to be a guard of the Razo kingdom. However, on her way she finds herself being stopped and nearly attacked by one of the king's guards and forced to protect herself. Things take a turn when she meets Kyro, the king himself! Kyro witnesses Sakura's skills and strength first hand and immediately picks her to be his personal guard! But of course not all is what it appears to be when the two find themselves in crazy situations that lead to a lust filled attracted towards each other and are claimed as forbidden territory, due to the fact Kyro is already married to the current queen and childhood friend, Kiyoko! Will Sakura accept her feelings and Kyro's love by giving up the opportunity to be a wife and be with someone who genuinely understands her? Or will she continue fighting by his side and claim the title as not only top guard but the next queen of Razo?

natashahills · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

His Greatest Gift

The next morning I woke up extremely early and got fitted for my official uniform. The seamstress had informed me that Kyro had sent her to prepare the gear and to my surprise he did a very good job.

According to the design, the uniform was like a dress however it was only a long and light weight coat that was able to conceal my sword. It was made of the finest material the kingdom had to offer and a layer of mythical protection that was able to increase my agility.

Not too long after getting ready the royal hairdressers entered my room, they put my hair into two long ponytails and secured them with the royal flowers and ribbon.

Everyone leaves the room and I'm left alone. I gazed at myself in the mirror and almost couldn't recognize the girl from Razo Village, was this going to be the new me?

"Well don't you look nice today."

I turned around to see Kiyoko standing behind me with her two closest maids, she was dressed in a fine silk gown and the crown perfectly placed on her head. She raises her hand and both her maids walk away without a word, Kiyoko walks into my room and the air immediately becomes heavy.

"Your highness." I bow gracefully.

"I see my husbands new guard is ready for her first day." she says without any expression. "You must be thrilled that his majesty picked a simple common girl like yourself to be his personal guard."

"I- I am very grateful to his majesty and I won't let him down either."

"Is that so?" Kiyoko says as she grabs my throat and forces me to look at her aggressively. "And how far are you willing to go to prove how grateful you are?"

"I don't understand what you mean..." I speak trying to pull myself away.

"Listen to me and listen very closely, I've seen many girls like you enter this kingdom and every single one of them have fallen in love with my husband," she growls. "But the moment they do, his majesty banishes them from Razo and they are left in the dirt! And believe me even with a face like yours, you and your family will end up the exact same if you dare express such vile feelings, are we clear?!"

"P- Please your highness," I gasp for air. "I would never do such a thing!"

Kiyoko sinisterly smirks before releasing her grasp, I fall on the ground desperately panting. She stood above me and glared, Kiyoko wasn't afraid to show her power and put those who stand in her way in their place... and unfortunately that included me.

She doesn't say anything else and leaves my room in a gracefully and elegant manner leaving me on the ground.

I attempted to get back on my feet but it was as if I could feel a sharp pain rush through my body.

"Dammit..." I cough. "What did she do to me?"

I took a deep breath and left my room to meet with Kyro, I couldn't let him know what happened. I couldn't let Kiyoko hurt my family... I just needed to keep my distance but remain a loyal guard.


I was able to reach the front gates and saw Kyro standing alongside two horses. His advisor notices me and whispers to Kyro, he turns around and looks at me with a smile as he walks over to me.

"Sakura you're finally here," he says with a smile. "You look beautiful in your uniform."

"T- Thank you... your majesty." I looked away disappointed. "Shall we be going?"

"Sakura, are you alright?" he asks with concern. "You seem tense."

"No not at all, I just think we shouldn't waste anymore time." I say walking past Kyro and up to the horses. "These are beautiful horses."

"This is my horse, Treyval." he says as he gently pats the black horse. "And she is yours."

I looked over at the pure white horse, she gazed at me and I approached her with great caution. Holding my hand out I watch as she hesitantly sniffs my hand, she then places her head in my pam and pet her.

"I'm impressed," Kyro says walking over to me. "Usually she's not too fond of people, but she seemed to trust you almost instantly."

"I worked in the field with my parents, remember, so I know a few things when it comes to animals." I say still petting the horse. "Does she have a name?"

"Hmm not that I know of, would you like to name her?" he asks.

"Me? But she's one of your royal horses, I don't think I should-"

"Sakura, it's fine, besides she's your horse now. It's only right you be the one to name her."

"Oh... well I guess I'll name you..." I look at her for a moment. "Liyua."

"Liyua?" he asks curiously. "That's a unique name."

"Ah well it's a combination of my parents name..." I say sheepishly. "Is it silly?"

"Not at all, I think it's cute." Kyro says, patting my head.

"I'm glad she didn't reject me, that would have hurt a bit."

"I see," Kyro says looking over at me for a moment. "Should we get going then?"

"Oh um... of course!"

Kyro and I hop on our horses and leave the palace, it felt nice feeling the wind through my hair and just feeling free.

We arrive at the entrance of the city and I look over at Kyro on pure instinct only to see him gaze over at me.

"This is your first time in the kingdom, right?"

I nod nervously.

"Just stay calm and collected," he says with a soft smile. "The people will see and learn of you for the first time, so you want to give off your best impression especially as a guard."

As I'm about to answer Kyro, I begin to cough violently. It was as if I could still feel Kiyoko's hand wrapped around my neck, but how was that possible? I was perfectly fine just a few moments ago.

"Sakura what's wrong?!" Kyro says as he comes up to me.

"I- I'm fine." I say holding myself together. "I just had a tickle in my throat is all."

Koto looks at me with a worried expression, but he nods and proceeds to enter the kingdom. Whatever I was feeling needed to be pushed aside, I couldn't embarrass Kyro, I needed to show the people that I was serious and took my role with great respect.

"I can do this..."

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