

xiaoqu thinks he will believe her but finds out she's not the right person for him when she notices Lei Fang in an accident scene . will she conquer love

Daoistz3fIeV · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


Xiaoqu stood there on the road side when she saw a tofu shop with a placard stating VACANCY DELIVERY MEN needed as she quickly rushed to the shop to apply when she was calculating how many yuans she needed to go back to KOREA her dream city


Madam what do you need or are you here for a job concerning the vacany,the waitress asked, Yes said Xiaoqu and the waitress replied disappointedly ma we would have chosen you but someone just filled up that space, am sorry and we're closed for the nights


Xiaoqu fainted

Qin jingze,jingze, murmured Xiaoqu in her sleep as it alerted the doctor, she's awake, who's her closest family screamed the doctor when Qin jingze jumped up and said I'm her boyfriend,running into the room only to see his Xiaoqu sobbing and murmuring jingze don't leave me, believe me and felt pity for her, then and there he decided to propose to her ,coohoo coohoo he coughs slightly to get her attention and to her great surprise her jingze was in the room with her, she started sobbing, jingze imI sorry for everything,please when he patted her and the time seem to stop for a moment and again started ticking slowly when he suddenly knelt on one knee and asked Xiaoqu will you be my sunshine,my wife,the owner of my heart, marry me and Forget about the past misunderstanding and think about a future in love, my darling!!! It finally looked like her hope came alive her eyes lit with a smile and was just about to say yes when the Doctor strange barged in and said sir your time is over this is not an engagement party but a HOSPITAL he barked as jingze smiled and ran out of the room not minding what the doctor just said,xiao Xiaoqu looked up to ask about her check up only to confirm that this is not her Doctor. while jingze was going outside the hospital he thought about how xiaoqu must have suffered because of him and decided to cope with his lovelife struggles


Xiaoqu was shocked because this was not her Doctor and wanted to scream when he said Miss xiaoqu I don't have time to waste you were the one who hit on my car the other day so you will get your punishment when Xiaoqu became suddenly quiet , meet me at the hospital restaurant by 5:30pm today



Xiaoqu is seen with a man at the table lost in exploring his face looks, oh no the man looked sexy and handsome, oh man not only the face he seems to be doing well in workout because his abs are saying the results ,she was still lost in thought when he cleared his throat because he knew the kind of effect he had on women but this one looks different and delicious but he wasn't sure he could handle her