

"Ah, Clementine. You're now here. I can see that you also brought your lovely daughter with you today."

"...We are greeting the Majestic Sun of Vastia Kingdom."

When Clementine properly greets the king, his daughter also follows his movement. She carefully lifts the skirt of her dress and curtsies in front of the king. But Penelope can only bow her body a little since her other arm is still holding her favorite stuffed bunny.

"You don't have to greet me that formally every day." The king lightly said to Clementine before his eyes landed on the little girl standing beside her father. "Hello. You are Penelope Dresvil, right?"

The king purposely makes his voice sound so soft to avoid scaring the little girl. With his appearance, it is already a miracle if those children he meets will not cry. Aside from his son Astria and Prince Lucien, the king hasn't met any children who are not yet scared of him.