
chapter two

She curled herself like a ball, and shut her eyes. Life has been miserable so far everything she dreamed of had been crashed down she was just twenty three and everything she dreamed of her ambition goals, hopes and joy had been ripped away in a blink of an eye.

If one had the choice to decide his or her fate she would have chose to never been born.

The tears she was struggling to keep came rushing down again; she sniffed as she rub her nose with the back of her hands; the air in the room was so stuffy and she was sweating all over but all of that didn't matter at that moment; she wished her journey could just end quickly but sadly she just began; she didn't even know how long she lay there eyes shut and mind wandering. Because of the darkness she was sensitive to every sound . she could hear the stomping of feet's on the floor above her, the creeping of insect in the room, and the never ending smell of blood; she felt like throwing up. Her heart shattered and soon she fell asleep. 

She woke up to the ringing of keys on the door; her body sat upright waiting for the door to open and she did not even have enough time to look at the person that open the door a plate of food was pushed in instantly the door was shut.

Tanya sat still and listened to the retreating footsteps; she could not move ; 

She didn't have the appetite to eat anything not to talk of anything that came from that house. Once a day the door would be open and a meal would be push in for her but she touched none of them; on the fifth day, she was already too wake and her fingers barely moved and her eyes remained shut for almost the whole day; fresh tears replacing the already dried streaks; suddenly the lights in the room where turn on; she had not seen such brightness for days; thus it was illuminating she raised her weak hands slowly over her eyes; the door to the room open and she heard people walking in; forcing her self to sit up straight she glanced at them, there was a woman in her fifties and two ladies with her, the older lady watched her for a moment and waved to the two ladies; the walked forward and lifted her up without waiting for her stable her feets the dragged her along the hallway.

Tanya didn't resist them, she didn't even have the strength to ;

Her feets scrapped the floor as the pulled her limp body forward;

She heard a door open and she was dragged inside; the sweet scent of lavender wafted into her nostrils and she lifted her eyes to look at where she was;

There was a bath filled with water and steam coming out from it, and a maid, and a maid standing there as though she has been waiting for her;


The old lady commanded, Tanya looked at her and notice there was not a glint of smile on her face and she knew if she didn't strip she would be force to;

Her hands trembled as she held the hem of her gown and pulled it over her head and the way the watched her made her nervous. Before she reach out for her panties it was pulled down with force by one of the ladies that dragged her from the dark room, she was Left with nothing but her bare skin; Tanya looked at her body she hadn't washed for days she stanked; as though the have been told in what to do a maid brought a stool and made her sit on it, another came with toothbrush and paste; 

 "Open your mouth" the old lady who had not moved an inch from where she stood commanded; 

Tanya looked at her and notice she was staring at her with so much disgust and ferocity she knew that she didn't have a choice than to open her mouth, the maid washed it so roughly that she felt blood seeping out from her gums; she was still rinsing her mouth when the maid brought in two small stools she drew her brows together wondering what it would be use for. "Place your legs on top of them, she did as she was told; instantly the maid pushed the stool apart making her legs wide open her hand reflexively covered her private parts, the old lady seeing this, walked up to her yanking her hair backwards Tanya winced in pain while a resounding slap landed on her right ears;

" do as you are told young lady " Tanya could swear she saw stars she blinked severally trying to hold back the brewing tears;

No one needed to tell her to remove her hands; they shaved her till it was smooth the old lady pointed to the bath and she stood up; the bath water was hot and she immersed her self in it, it smelled like lavender with a bit of lemon; she soaked her self I'm the bath for about twenty minutes after which the old lady pointed to the shower area; 

Tanya helped her self up while standing a maid washed her body thoroughly; after while she was washed she applied sweet smelling lotion on a skin which made her skin glow almost immediately; after that she was stress in a nice set of lingerie, her hair was blow dryed and packed up into a high ponytail; she was taking to a mirror where she was made to sit and apply facial creams and makeup. 

When her eyes met reflection her heart squeeze. Tanya felt her tears drop from her to the maids palm . the girl paused for a second but continued immediately afterwards she was taking to a dining where different kinds of meals were served her chair was pushed and she sat down.

The old lady sat on the opposite side of the dinning 

"Eat up, you must be hungry" the old lady watched her Tanya picked her cutlries she place some vegetables into her bowl she was farmised she knew if she wanted to survived this six month she would have to eat with no grudge. The maids stood and watched her eat until she had her fill their heads shaking as the watched her. She was taken to a room on the first floor once she was in they door was locked from outside.

She took her time in surveying the room; she sat on the bed and in a blink she slept off.