
His Human

"...Hmh...it seems like you really like disobeying me kitten, so I'll have to fulfill the promise I made to you the other day"... My eyes widen I didn't need to be told twice because i recalled everything he said 4 week ago outside Tom's cafe... "You think just because the moon goddess paired me with you I'll accept you?...you are nothing more than a weak, stupid, annoying teenager who is nothing more than a waste of space...stay away from me because if we ever meet again, I'll make sure to make your fucking life a living hell." "Excuse me assface, your car hit me and you're acting as if I jumped in front of your stupid ugly car .. I'm ignoring that its a Porsche.. Apologize now before I slap your arrogant face" ---‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- Lira thinks werewolves are just myths and farytiles...what happens when she's mated to one...an alpha known for his ruthlessness and merciless reputation... Killian hates humans.. he sees them as cunning and vicious killers..What happens when he finds out he's mated to one?? Will Killian be able to accept his fate or will his past destroy his future... WARNING...this book consits of mature language, sexual themes and violance

Adele_Hlandziwe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs



Being a True Alpha, King of all wolves and a business man is challenging. I have to juggle my work and pack at the same time. When I found out that my dad decided to hand over the family business to me, I was just shocked and thrilled ...I had no doubt that Jullian, my older brother wanted the position but my father thought he was not suitable for it.

Jullian was the eldest followed by Jacob and I was the youngest. I was clueless about running a business, but the moment I took over, in just a year, the family business was such a success that it was named number-one on the list of the most successful company in the state. I had to handle the responsibilities in my life, my pack, and my company... My father decided it would be best if took over the company because Jacob didn't want the responsibility...Jullian was either going to live it bankrupt or shut down..

I had to work with humans, and it was hard because of my resentment towards their kind. The reason I hate humans is because when I was 12, hunters invaded my pack and killed my mother along with many other pack members. My father was never the same after my mother's death....He tried to act like he was recovering from it but i still don't believe he actually did..

16 years ago

"Mom catch me..hurry mommy hurry"

"Slow down there Killian we don't want you hurting yourself"..I giggled...I made my way to the field that surrounded our pack house...I felt her foot steps near me...just as she stretched her arms an alarm sounded....

"Killian...we need to go back...hunters have invaded our pack...your father just mind-linked me.."

She took my hand and we both sprinted towards the pack house...when we almost reached the door my mother suddenly stopped...

"Mom hurry..wh..why did you stop"..

"Baby I need you to listen to me...run and don't stop running...hide with the others and don't come back looking for me...I need you to be brave honey...can you do that for me?"

"Mom please..c..come with me...I can't leave you here mo..." I stopped talking because I saw that her stomach  was leaking blood..someone shot her....she suddenly fell onto her knees...I felt the tears threatening to spill...i tried to catch her but she was too heavy.

"Honey promise me you'll run...go find your brothers...I'll wait for you here...I love you my Killy always remember that.."

"Mom please, you hav.."I was cut off by three hunters that made their way towards us...I was now aware of the gruesome scene in the field...wolves and hunters were scattered across the field...many wolves slaughtered and hunters dismembered...I smelled the stench of blood that covered the air....the hunters outnumbered the pack...It was four hunters against one werewolf..I saw a hunted plunging a sword in a wolf's chest and dragging it drown that the wolf's insides scattered on the ground...I couldn't move or breath...

"Go now.."

"No mom I won't leave you..please do..don't make me leave you"...i saw my mother closing her eyes...she was mind linking someone...in a few seconds someone pulled my arm and dragged me away from her...

"No..no leave me...mother...no..please..mom.."

That person hosted me onto his shoulders and started running into the woods, away from the pack house...I lifted my heard and what I saw made me scream.. one of the hunters plugged a knife into my mother's abdomen and the other sliced her neck...she fell onto the ground and her blonde her was sprawled across the ground...she looked so lifeless...I started trashing and kicking

"MOTHER...NO...LET GO OF ME..PLEASE...MOM..NO"...The person carrying me shifted into his wolf and I was hurled onto his back...with his super speed, he ran fully into the woods and made his way towards the border...I was sobbing on his back...I cried myself to sleep that night....my father found me outside the border the next day...It was his beta that pulled me away from the scene..he saved my life that day...

I was never the same ever since... My mother believed that we can make peace with humans....I wanted to honor my mother by doing right by her...I could never forgive the humans for what they did but I was willing to live amongst them...I wanted my mother to be proud of me and I decided not to avenge her death...I thought that not all humans were out to get us, in fact the only bad one's were the ones who invaded my pack...I was willing to change my mind about them but after what they did again 2 years later..my hatred only intensified...

"Hurry up Jacob, father said we'll be late", I screamed at my 17 year old brother.

Jacob and I were really close. Jullian liked to distance himself from us as he was preparing to become the alpha as soon as father died.. he practically declared himself alpha and father was still alive, he walked around like he owned the place..he was 18 at that time.

"Yo, slow down there little guy, we don't want you falling and breaking your arm again", Jacob replied.

"Dude stop, I'm 14 now, I'm not a kid anymore"

"You'll always be small to me, after all I'm your big-bro so I'll always make fun of you"..

I was about to protest when I heard my father yelling outside the pack house..

"you boys better get here now or else you'll regret it"...regretting it ment that we would run around the enormous pack house from sunrise til sunset.. We looked at each other and bolted through the door. When we got there my bestfriend Mike and his older brother, Tony were there. We didn't waste any time as we all entered the black jeep my dad owned.

We reached the camp which was outside our border and it was going smooth so far. Mike and I got out first to explore the area and we were followed by our brothers. Tony and Jacob got along well but they weren't best friends like me and Mike.. a few other pups from our pack and  other packs were there were there..

" Killian, let's go before your dad kisses us again in front of everyone". My eyes widened as I heard Mike's voice and I remembered how my father likes being emotional everytime he leaves us on our own. He might be the alpha but that guy sure knew how to embarrass a dude.

We bolted into one of the cabins and heard him shout out words I never played attention to. All I knew is that I wasn't going to look like a fool in front of other werewolves. We settled in and after two days of camping, I was really enjoying myself. We planned on taking a hike the next day. Mike was very excited that he insisted we woke up earlier than the others.. So we did just that and before the sun was up, we were making our way through the woods. Just as we were exploring, we heard a loud scream coming from a few miles from us. We decided to check it out and I mind-linked my brother.

"Something is wrong, I'm gonna check it out with Mike. Meet us near the river"

Jacob was there within ten minutes and we all followed the scent that leaded us to where the scream came from. When we got there we found a small abandoned shack and inside we saw a small girl curddled in a corner. She was about 6 and looked terrified. As we approached her, she began whimpering and eventually broke into small sobs. Jacob approached her slowly and we noticed her scent was different from a human. In fact she was a werewolf.

"Hey..hey we're not gonna hurt you. What's your name princess?", Jacob asked.


"My name is Jacob and that's my brother Killian and his friend Mike"

The little girl peeked her heard from Jacob body and looked at us with sad eyes.

"Princess how did you get here?, why are you alone?"

"Daddy was killed by hunters in my pack. Mommy and I ran but were followed and she hid me in here and told me to stay quiet, th..then the bad people came and took her too...they dragged mommy to that tree and hurt her and killed her too" she pointed on a tree that looked old and bloody. We looked at each other and I could feel my anger boiling.

"I'm sorry princess, we are going get you out of here, those bad men won't hurt you anymore" Jacob hugged the girl. We went out of the shack, Anna was cradled in Jacob's hands, we made our way back to camp when we heard screams coming from the campsite..the stench of blood could be smelled and we felt the fear radiating in the air...we rushed to back to the campsite. We were about to reach the campsite when Jacob stopped dead on his tracks with Anna still òn his arms. We stared at the scene in front of us, bodies were scattered across the field, dismembered and slaughtered..I noticed that the blood was from werewolves, pups and wolves were being slaughtered. I couldn't breath, I was terrified, just as I was about to speak, I heard Anna speak,

"That's the bad man who killed my mommy, he ca..came here to g..get me" she stuttered

I looked over to her and her eyes were filled with horror and fear. None of us said anything as we watched the scene unfold in front of our eyes. Hunters we scattered across the field slaughtering wolves like playing sport. Jacob quietly ducked behind the bushes and I felt Mike drag me down as well..

"Hush princess don't make any sound, the bad man won't come here okay...we're safe he won't hurt us..."

he nodded towards me and Mike and we knew better than to make a sound.. I was terrified and I couldn't explain the fear that corsed through my veins.

All my life I was taught that we were supposed to protect humans from other supernaturals as they knew nothing of the dangers that followed them around.

My mother always preached about keeping humans safe, but that day, I saw what they really were, they were cunning and killers. They didnt deserve our protection. All I saw was blood and as they spilled our blood, my mother's blood and I made a promise that day that they would all pay.. My people will never have to fear them and Anna will have peace knowing that I avenged her parents.