
His Human

"...Hmh...it seems like you really like disobeying me kitten, so I'll have to fulfill the promise I made to you the other day"... My eyes widen I didn't need to be told twice because i recalled everything he said 4 week ago outside Tom's cafe... "You think just because the moon goddess paired me with you I'll accept you?...you are nothing more than a weak, stupid, annoying teenager who is nothing more than a waste of space...stay away from me because if we ever meet again, I'll make sure to make your fucking life a living hell." "Excuse me assface, your car hit me and you're acting as if I jumped in front of your stupid ugly car .. I'm ignoring that its a Porsche.. Apologize now before I slap your arrogant face" ---‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- Lira thinks werewolves are just myths and farytiles...what happens when she's mated to one...an alpha known for his ruthlessness and merciless reputation... Killian hates humans.. he sees them as cunning and vicious killers..What happens when he finds out he's mated to one?? Will Killian be able to accept his fate or will his past destroy his future... WARNING...this book consits of mature language, sexual themes and violance

Adele_Hlandziwe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs



Jullian glanced at the castle that was once beaming with life but now dull with darkness before him. So far he had he had made alliances with the Nolcans and the witches of the East. Promising the witches more land and sanctuary once he claimed the throne, they were more than willing to join his army. Killian, along with the council of supernaturals, had denied all witches of the practices of dark amongst humans. He didn't care about the humans though, to him, they were in all his way to claiming the throne.

He knew that the only way to become alpha superior was through the moon godess's blessing but he didn't car, he wasn't a true alpha, but he'd make suke to claim the kingdom for himself. It ad been over a hundred years since the last true alpha but now, his brother was made king of all wolves and that alone made his hatred for him to grow deeper that before. Jullian knew that the witches were cunning, probably plotting against him but didn't care because he needed more people to join him. After all, he'd rage a war against them once his concurring had been done. Killian had an army capable of killing each and every supernatural in the world but decided to be at peace with them instead, that alone made him weak in Julian's eyes. His brother's stupidity would become his downfall.

In Jullian's eyes, there was no such thing as peace. He wanted all supernatural beings to bow down bofore him, he didn't care about the thousands of lives he'd take, he was more focused on killing each and every one of them who sided with his younger brother. To Jullian, each and everyone of them was a traitor, whether young or old, weak or strong, rich or poor, they had to die. He made it his life mission to reclaim what he believed was stolen from him.

To him they all deserved to die. He went out of his way to achieve everything he had only for his father to hand it all to his brother. His father payed back it with his own blood though. Jullian never felt remorseful after killing his own father. He wanted him to feel what he felt the moment he handed his brother what belonged to him. He wanted to burn the moon goddess herself for giving his brother such immense power. In his mind it belonged to him. He would've got it that day if Mike and Jacob never interfered when he plunged the silver knife deep in Killian's chest. After all, Killian took everything he had from him.

He hated his brother more than anything else. Since the day he was born, in Jullian's eyes, Killian got everything he wanted. Their mother's love, their father's pride, and their brother's happiness. Killian was adored by each and everyone in their lives. That made him sick to the core. He was the first born and in his eyes, he was born to rule. His anger and hatred towards his brothers was inevitable. He wanted to destroy them, take everything away from them, then kill them slowly after they've witness his rise on tbe throne. He had their weaknesses in his fingertips. Although Killian's mate was with one of  his allies, Jacob's mate was locked away  in his cell. He smirked knowing that he never knew about her...neither of them did. After all, he made sure Jacob was certain that she had died before they discovered that they were mates...The witches of the East did become useful afterall.

He knew to both his brothers this seemed to be the end but he was just beginning. He had sent his slaves to attack packs while he went around the world, securing allies who were more than willing to dethrone his brother.

He was aware of the figures moving in the shadows. Darting across him as he made his way inside the gloomy castle. His next step towards his war was right inside the castle..Troian..

The banished vampire prince. Stripped off his title, forced to live like a peasant for going against his father's throne. To him, they were similar, both outcasts from their kingdoms.

Entering the castle's huge wornout double doors, Julian glanced around the dissapearing figure, blending with the the shadows...children of the night.. He glanced around, finding the castle to be in poor condition. Before he could move, a figure appeared behind him. Stepping away from the shadows, a male with striking sholder length hair, ruby red eyes and pale skin that seemed to be kiss by the moon itself. He looked young but that didn't fool Jullian. He knew of this man's age...He had learnt all about him growing up in his studies but now, standing infront of the vampire himself, Jullian couldn't take his gaze away from him. Straightening up, Jullian knowledge the prince, slightly bowing in his presence.

"Troian, prince of the children of the night."

"We both know I was stripped of that title three hundred years ago".

"Not to me. I've been searching for you for the past ten years." He glanced at Troian's striking features. His ruby red eyes were filled with curiosity and a deep longing inside. He knew that look, he had wore it for the past 10 years, longing for the day he'd finally take back everything he believed was taken away from him.

"Mhmm. Now that you've found me, what brings you to my home?" Jullian glanced around the room. The walls were pealing off, chandelier berly hanging from the ceiling. The floors looked like they haven't been cleaned in millennium. And Troian had the audacity to call this his home.

"I've come to offer you a ticket to the throne, which is rightfully yours"

Troian glanced at the warewolf. Tilting his head to the side in mockery. Jullian had the audacity to come into his home, where he could be easly killed by his children, claim to offer him a ticket to his father's kingdom, which was now ruled by his sister, Camilla for over hundred years after his father died.

Not only was she strong and fast, but she had an army of vampires, waiting for her to snap her fingers and destroy anything she wishes. Troian had tried, beyond reasonable doubt, to take the throne from his sister. Heck he lost  hundreds of vampires in his coven because of her. She had killed each and every one of them who tried rebelling against her. He couldn't help but bark out a laugher.

"And you think I'd be interested because? Clearly you have gone insane dog!" Jullian chuckled at his statement.

"The way I see it, you have nothing left but your broken down castle and weak small coven. Believe it or not I am your onlt ticket to destroying your sister and her followers. An alliance with me will not only save you and your coven from

starvation but will also guarantee you a seat in your throne."

"Camilla is just like my naive little brother. She believes in peace just like him. We both know there isn't anything such as peace while the humans rule amongst us. When I'll rule, I'll give you permission to hunt, kill, rape and  torture every single one of them to your heart's desire. I will not stand in your way like my brother. All I was in return is your support to dethrone both the king of wolves and the queen of vampires."

Troian let his words sink in his head. He believed the wolf was crazy but the thought of Camellia's head on a plater satisfied him. He had heard about Jullian forming alliances with other beings but never had it dawn to him how he'd benefit if he were to be in am agreement with him. Finally he'd be free of the restrictions that the alpha king had placed for his people. He wanted his children to bathe in the blood of humans. They were barely feeding and Jullian was proposing something he couldn't deny. He knew that he couldn't trust him but he'd just take his chances with him, after all, he had seen the hatred and sinister longing of killing his brother.

"Let us assume that I agree to your crazy alliance, what happenes then Jullian? What happens if we fail? If your brother proves to be just as strong as I've been told? What happens when everything you've accomplished so far happens to be all for nothing?"

Jullian knew it would take a lot to comvince the vampire prince to agree on this alliance. He had played all his cards right and so far, he wasn't dead yet. He knew the risks of coming here and was prepared to say the least

"None of that will happen. Lets just say I have somethings they'll both want, and that my dear Troian...is their mates."

"Well then, lets talk my dear wolf"

After two hours of conniving and planning, Jullian was able to settle an agreement with the banished vampire prince. He had managed to get another alley. He had the Nolcans, witches of the east and now, the vampire prince himself. His brother underestimated him and he was going to make sure that he pays for doing so...