
His HOT Wife

I've married the man whose responsible for my broken heart. I've hurt, cried, and pitied myself enough. And no more. I'll make him regret ever breaking my heart. I'll never forget and forgive him for his betrayal. I hate him..with every fiber of my being. I hate his annoyingly handsome face. His hypnotizing ocean blue of an eyes. I hate his frustratingly well-built body. But what really hits me in the guts HARD is the fact that no matter how much I try to prevent myself from ever feeling something for him again, he just makes it SO.DAMN.HARD. for me to. One moment he annoys me, and overwhelms me the next. Will the protective walls I built around my shattered heart hold for long no matter how much I struggle to keep it strong? Will I ever, if not truly heal, be able to fully love and trust someone, him, again? Or will I just make a run for it before I gave in and make the mistake of handing my already broken heart for the second time?

NZomi18 · perkotaan
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4 Chs

Chapter Two: Hot bitch of a Wife

Nash's POV

I woke up early today. I wanted to get away from the house where Drey and I share the same roof.

Thankful we don't share the same room.

That's the only thing I asked of him in exchange for shutting my mouth about what happened, to our families especially mine.

His betrayal yes, that weighs more better than addressing it as just "happened" he doesn't deserve any light treatment. In my opinion that is...

I took a shower, did my usual morning ritual and dressed up.

I wore a thin sheer black top that hugged my curves and a short tattered dark denim jeans.

For my heels, are some glossy champagne pink christian luboutins.

I just felt like being a little bit daring for today.

I checked myself one last time in the mirror.

Oh boy, do I look drop dead hot. I grinned at my reflection.

Bloody red lips so seductive. Perfect!

"Who are you?" I asked playfully to my reflection.

This new Naiasha Loraine dresses not for the sole reason of getting her husband's only attention..which was what I neglected to do all these time we're married. But that's about to change of course.

I'll make him fall for me so I could break his heart. From this day on, I'll be everything that I was not before.

I'll dress to catch every man's attention not just my husband's in that way I could give Drey something else to worry about. I wonder if he even cares..but nontheless, I've made up my mind. I'll be his every bit hot bitch of a wife.

Naiasha's, no wait...Loraine's back with vengeance.

I smiled evily. I smell progress and can already feel my victory.

I strode down the stairs to our living room with grace, my bitch mode poker face on..and mentally danced in glee when I saw Drey by the end of the stairs looking up at me.

He stood there frozen for a good few seconds..a minute maybe.

I allowed him to drink in the sight of me, his eyes raked down my body and spends a good few seconds on some certain area of my being. I rolled my eyes.


After he'd thoroughly checked me out his eyes landed on my face and our eyes locked.

What's with this renewed confidence I have in my system? It's like a drug, It made me fearless, shameless...and It's addictive.I know it's the way he looks at me that makes me feel beautiful and sexy..and confident.

I usually can't stand looking straight and for long into his deep ocean blue of an eyes. But I managed this time without blinking...

I strode down towards him.

I was rewarded with a stunned Drey..he was the first one to blink for a couple of times as I now stood less than a foot from him. I was inches taller than him from where I stood two level up. I noticed his body tensed at the touch of my fingers to his chin.

I grinned seductively.

He swallowed and was about to say something but I spoke first.

"You're gaping Stranton."

I said and gave him a sweet taunting smile as I stepped aside and walked passed him, heels clicking on the marble floor.

He caught me by my arm before I could get a foot away from him.

I flinched at his touch.

He has not touched me for what seems like ages ago...I merely allowed him to during our hell of a wedding.

Well at least it was HELL to me.

I insisted that he'd better not touch me or I'll ruin evrything and rat him out to our parents.

I glared at him.

He removed his hand from my arm.

I turned my face away from him and started heading to the doors.

I really wanted to get out of here already.

"Nash, love....where are you going?" His voice weary but gentle.

Did he just called me l--love?!!! And how dare him use that gentle tone on me?! I snap my attention to him.

I am furious.

I now stood facing him full on.

"Don't you EVER, EVER Stranton...EVER call me that again."I warned.

"Nash, look...I'm sorry okay? I live every hour of everyday regretting that day I cheated on you. I---" I cut him off by holding up my hand.

"Stop. Stop talking, I don't give a shit Stranton...whatever.Why don't you invite her over to warm your bed tonight? I'll be gone for a day or two anyway. No one to walk in on you..not that I'll ever...go check on you, I mean. Do whatever you please."

I turned my back on him and started walking to the doors again. Hoping he won't stall me again.

God knows what else would I do If he pretended and lied to my face once more that he cared and he was sincere on what he's saying...I know I was suppose to like this outcome. I've got his attention after all, right? He was affected by me, yes?

But I just wanted to get away from him today and make him go crazy thinking about me.

And how dare he say he was sorry and imply that he regretted "his-cheating-on-me" incident, when I just caught him phoning that same bitch last night saying those same goddamned words like that very same night!

After a good few feets of distance from him he spoke.

"You're not going anywhere." dead serious.

Are you kidding me? And what if I don't? I wanted to tell him but I didn't, he doesn't deserve my energy.

I ignored him and walked on.

Whatever Stranton...whatever.

"You're not going to listen are you? So god help me, Loraine, if you do not stop this instance--"and that's it! I'm trashing on him! I turned to yell at him when strong arms swept me up off the ground.

"How dare you---!!!!"my breath was knocked off from my lungs when he hoist me up his strong hard shoulder my stomach landing hard on his shoulder.

My upper body slung behind his back. My face by the small of his back my arms flailing down his legs.

One arm supported my waist and the other holding still my kicking legs which I was trying so desperately to get free from his strong grip.

I hit him with my free hands but it was all nothing to him.

"Put me down!! I said put me down you jerk!! You s--"I was cut off.

"Keep doing that and you'll get a spank on your pretty ass Loraine.."he warned.

I hate him.

He walked us back up the stairs..

"Put me down Stranton!"I said crossing my arms akwardly and stopped fighting him.

"Ah..no struggling? No hitting me? I would have loved to spank your pretty little ass."he said bluntly. I gasp at his bluntness.

"What? Not used to hearing the word a---"I cut him off.

"Fuck you, Stranton."

I hate him...I felt offended, violated? Disrespected? How could he talk of me like that...he just happens to bring out the worst in me.

Even make me say the words I've never said..never would've dared to say..he's just so bad for me.

he stopped for a second..I thought he was about to put me down but he didn't. Instead he spanked my ass like he threatened earlier and resumed walking up the stairs again.

"Oww!! You---"I was cut off.

"I would love to hear you say that again young lady...please, try that again."he challenged.

I groaned.

"I hate you."I announced.

"Old news my love."he said as he readjusted me on his shoulder which brought my tops to ride up my upper body and his hand landed on my bare skin there.

He groaned and muttered something unintelligible under his breath.

I just ignored him let him fantasize about me. I then grew at ease when I saw the door to my room and grew cold when we walked passed it.

"I'm not going inside your room."I said in horror.

"Scared? Now, you can't just go and get away with almost wearing something that don't leave something in the imagination and plan on leaving for fuck knows how long! Who else could you be seducing if not your own husband eh Loraine?"

"You'd think that 'cause god knows how familiar you've become on roaming womens bodies..god knows how many of them you've bedded with!"

He didn't say a word then....and that hits me in the gut again...really, He could've denied it...there was a part of me that wanted for him to deny it, to hear him say it's not true, but he didn't.


Of course,

he have bedded dozens of them...maybe half a hundred of them.

You'll never know with a guy like him and that face.

I knew better than be one of them...