
Chapter 22 God's Honest Truth.

"Is it weird being back where you grew up?" I ask Uncle Tobias before shoveling a bunch of fries into my mouth. There's no point in eating just one... It's either six plus or nothing. I chow down on them before washing it down with a noisy slurp of my strawberry milkshake. Beside me, Woody eyes me up, humour glinting away in his eyes.

"Remind yourself to breathe in between those bites Ruby."

"Shut up Cowboy." I respond instantly, rolling my eyes at him. I turn my attention back to Uncle Tobias and upon noticing my scrutinizing look, he puts down his food.

"Sort of. I left this place for a reason, it has nothing but bad memories for me."

"Why is that?" I ask him. He drops his head and sighs heavily, having some sort of internal battle with himself. After several moments of silence, he raises his head to look directly at Woody and I. There's a shift in the atmosphere in the room and I sit up straighter.