
His Half-Humam Mate

Siena~ After I met Aaron, wierd things started happening me, overwhelming emotions, wierd possiveness, urge to have him. He smelled like Forest and chocolate if that made any sense, I wanted to be away from him but something kept pushing me towards him. Aaron~ I found my mate was a human, but was she really one? The way her senses worked, her strength, her emotions her strong reaction to our bond. Was she really just a human?

Kita_09_03 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chp.5 His friends


After school, I went to enrol myself for the track and field.

One thing I really like except sketching is running. Running makes me feel good, and I was a good runner. I have won every single time I participated and I'm proud of it.

"You have a really good record," my coach said as she went through my information, "I would really love to have you on the team."

"Then can I take it as I joined the team?" I asked and the coach smiled at me closing the documents.

"I want to see it for myself though."

She got up and taking her whistle started walking outside, I followed her as she asked, "What is your speciality? You have won both in sprint and Mid distance running."

"I would say sprint," I said nodding to myself confirming.

"Good, let's go." We went from the dark hallway that opened up in a big field behind the school. There was a track around the field with goalposts on each side. With a few people on the field just dribbling the ball.

"The field is used by clubs based on their turns. Today it is their turn so they are using it, but the track is available to us every day, as long as they don't have a match."

"Now shall we start?" She turned to me and I nodding took off my jacket and shoes and kept it on the bench nearby.

I went back and after jumping for a while warmed up myself a bit and then got in position on the starting blocks.

The coach removed her stopwatch and then looked at me.

I took a deep breath and waited for the whistle as soon as the whistle was blown I started running taking long steps looking down not stopping till I reached the line.

In no time I was across the line and stopped, turning back I jogged to the coach who had a bright smile on her face.

"12 seconds, not bad, not bad....come to practice tomorrow."

She said and I smiled brightly, 'Yes!!'

"You will get your gym clothes tomorrow, now you can go home," she said and walked inside the school building.

I sat on the bench panting a little as I wore my shoes and wearing my jacket hung my bag on my shoulder.

I went to my locker and kept the books, taking only the history one since I couldn't focus because of some jerk. I took out my skateboard and made my way home.

When I was near my house I got a call from Ruth, I stopped skating and picked it up while walking with my skateboard In hand.


"Hey panda," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Really, can't you forget that nickname?"

"No," he laughed.

"What did you call me for?"

"Oh right, actually it was my job to do that but I would be late because of some matter, so can you go to Pizza hub and bring some pizza home?"

"Huh!! Why me?" I whined, I hated going in a shop and placing an order, I always passed that job to someone else.

"Please just this time," he requested and I sighed.

"What toppings?"

"Anything you want."

"Okay bye, come home soon."

I put my skateboard down and went to the pizza hub, the place was really good and sold delicious pizzas. I especially loved the pepperoni and olive and bell pepper one.

I stopped in front of the shop and taking my skateboard walked inside, "Welcome," a sweet voice said from the counter and I smiled.

"Hey Clara," I greeted the owner, "Oh my En!" She smiled brightly.

"Hey," I greeted again awkwardly.

"What would you like today?" She asked and I took a deep breath.

'It's okay you can do it, a simple job, say one pepperoni and one olive and bell pepper.'

I prep talked myself and opened my mouth.

"One pepperoni and one oily bell pepper...I-I mean olive and bell pepper," I said and closed my eyes shut.

'Shit, why did I say oily!!! Can't I place an order properly?'

Clara chuckled a little and patted on my shoulder, "I will get it packed why don't you take a seat."

She said and I nodded turning back only to bump into a hard wall.

"What the f-"

"Hey En," he said and I sighed not even wanting to look up, I knew who that was from his annoying voice.

I turned to walk away but he held my wrist which sent tingles up my body and I looked up at him, his eyes capturing mine in his intense gaze as a smile stayed glued on his face.

"We meet again," he said still smiling and I pulled my wrist back, 'What was that sensation?'

"Excuse me," I said but this time he put his hand around my shoulder and walked me towards a seat full of people.

"What are you doing?" I whispered annoyed and he smiled.

"Introducing my friends to you."

"I don't want to g-" before I could complete my sentence I was made to sit down on the seat as that bastard sat down beside me, a little more closer than he should be.

"So guys this is Siena Knox," He introduced me and I forcefully smiled at everyone.

"And I'm Aaron, Aaron Renouard," he introduced himself first then the boy sitting opposite to him gave a polite smile.

"I'm Trevi's stone."

"I'm Angela Eaton," said a cheerful blond girl who was....sitting on the lap of a boy...I guess her boyfriend.

"He is Bruce Frost, my boyfriend," she introduced the boy who I had already guessed was her boyfriend.

"Riley Head," the girl sitting beside me said as she glared at me and I unknowingly shifted more towards Aaron.

"I-its nice to meet you all," I said with an awkward smile.

'I want to run!!!!'

"So where are you from?" Trevis asked and I cleared my throat.

"Calgary, Alberta."

"Wow that's a very beautiful city," Angela said and I smiled nodding a little.

"Why are you holding a skateboard?" Riley asked though I thought she wouldn't ask anything since I get the feeling she don't like me.

"I came here on it."

"Wow that's cool," Angela said showing me a thumbs up.

"So why did you move here?" Bruce asked and I answered, "My Dad and brother live here."

"Ooh," he said and before they could ask any more questions Clara called my name, "En your package is ready."

I thanked her for that in my mind as I stood up along with Aaron who made way for me.

I quickly took the package paying the bill and made my way out where Aaron followed me.

"Let's go together," he said and I sighed.

'What can I do to make him run away from me??'

"Hey," he started and I looked to the side, "Look.... I'm really sorry that my first impression was bad but... I'm not a bad guy."

I scoffed, "Not a bad guy but definitely a freak."

"I know why you think that...but I was thinking loud nothing else I have no mental illness if that's what you are thinking."

I chuckled a little, "Well okay," I shrugged, "But that doesn't mean we became friends."

"Why not?" He asked a little shocked.

"It takes a lot for me to be friends with someone, it's not your fault it's mine."

We reached my house and I said goodbye to him.

I went inside to find Ruth already at home along with Dad.

"Hey Panda," My dad greeted and I pouted.

"You both need to stop with that nickname."

"You know we won't," Ruth said messing my hair and taking the package from me.