
His first love

She didn't know she caught the sight of a handsome devil. He was everything a girl could ask for. The girls would die to be his but she felt, she is the unfortunate one to be called his. He wanted to capture her in his arms forever. She would consider burning herself alive than being touched by this devil.

Nainaaalii · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

First Sight


Standing alone in the clothing store she was looking outside of the glass, to the lights of other shops. She was not aware of her surroundings, busy in her own thoughts, in some other world being with her fantasy love. She was a girl with unrealistic imagination. She has been always like this being silly and not aware whats happening in the world. She adored her self the way she was. She was looking like a lost angel standing there. The lights coming from glass were making her face glow.

After standing for a while she woke up from her day dreaming about her one percent man, one precent man was her ideal man. A man who is imposible to be found in this cruel world. An angel on this earth sent by her god, made by him just for her.

"Where are they ?

Do they not know I can't be alone for this long. They said it will take just 5 minutes and now its been more than 10 minutes. "Stupid them". She was scoffing now. Making stupid faces she didnt even know somebody was watching her very closely. She absently started going through the clothes hanging in shelves.

Its good not many people are here.

She thought.

She could see one help on the counter and was thankful for that as she had the tendency to get nervous infront of people and never liked to be the center of attention of people or to be around strangers.

After spending another good 5 minutes she thought to visit the toy shop infront of this clothing store. Though she was way much older to be attracted to toys but the fact was she was a little girl from inside.

She entered the toy shop. The fluffy stuffed toys were arranged neatly on shelves. She was watching them one by one in an awe just the way a kid stares at his favourite candy.

"So soft" she murmered

to the fluffy unicorn while taking it in her hand and touching it softly.

"I wish I could hug these toys" she thought and started giggling softly.

She was looking like a child right now the beautiful smile on her face was showing how innocent she was. Her smile was the best she could win anybody's heart with just one toothy smile.

She stopped giggling suddenly realizing she is standing in a shop all by herself and alone. She got nervous all of a sudden and put the unicorn back on shelve and turned to leave the shop. The sight of brown shoes stopped her raised foot to take next step. The owner of the shoes was standing very near much to her dismay with increasing heart beat she mustered courage to look up. Infront of her there was a man standing with glowing light brown eyes and looking at her with very fascinated eyes. She felt like burning with that stare. She wanted to say something but failed to utter any word. She wasn't able to think anything. She started going pale and his expressions got serious slowly. Only then she noticed he had a small smile playing on his lips. She looked down.

"Uhh Uhh umm I

Uhh you"

She failed badly to form words. Her brain wasnt helping her.

she mustered her courage again and tried to make use of her stuck tongue.

"Ccan youu please uhh movee?"

She stammered.

Instead of moving back the owner of the shoes took another step towards her into her personal space.

She took a step back and collided with the toy shelve now she has no where to escape. She started shivering out of fear.

Who is he ? What does he want? Why isn't anyone coming for help? Where is Api ?

She was about to faint.

Hello readers

Hope you all are good and enjoyed the first chapter of this story.

Excited to for next part ?

what do you think who is he ?

an angel or devil ?

I know its short, I will try to make it long. As I am a novice Please bear me and dont forget to love me 🙈.

see you next time time peeps

lots of love !💗❤💖💓💘💝💞💟💋

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation !

Do you like my story comment and let me know how can I improve.

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