

Demon, a playboy and his feelings of love.

Sonam_Jain_35 · Televisi
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5 Chs


Demon came and sat next to me. While, every girl in class wanted to sit with him but he shocked everyone by sitting just beside me. Well, he really likes shocking people. Nobody can really tell what he wants or what he will do next.

As long as i had got to know him he only speaks nice to a person who is nice to him as well. He never annoys girls who falls for him, he is a guy who has motive behind every his move.. His each and every aspect was done after great planning.

But I noticed that he never forced any girl to be in relationship it just that, he was too hot and handsome to bear although he really had a perfect image of Mr. Playboy.

I looked at him and he looked into my eyes as well in spite of that out of shock i just turned around and when i turned behind again i noticed that, Demon was still staring me! And that stare of his blue oceanic eyes gave me a sudden bunch of goosebumps.. I was just asking myself "weather he wants something from me? Do he really wants something? Why? Why he sat beside me? Each and every girl is dying for him to sit beside them then why he chose me?" As this thoughts were surrounding my innocent mind i slide myself a little bit far away from Demon. He noticed that slide and smirked a little. Now the window was just beside me and i was able to feel those raindrops on my fingertip. When those little rain glasses touched the fire inside my soul i felt that how beautiful God has created everything, for every fire he has water, for every cold he made warmness and for every heart he made love.

Leena messaged me,

"why his sitting next to you?"

I replied, " how do I know? just ask him and let me know as well."

She kicked my foot as she was sitting just behind me and when i turned back she gave her crudest sarcastic smile.

When i and Leena were passing each other those weird looks demon came near me and.... whispered, "sorry for morning actually we were racing."

I exclaimed, " Racing? Oh! so it was you." I stood up and shoutingly said, "really because of you stupid guys I had to go to home to change my clothes. I was all muddy plus none of you stopped nor apologized to me. You guys were having fun but you all ruin my dam fun. When i forgot that mess you are saying SORRY. Huh!"

He was listening to me in such a peacefulness as if i was singing the most rhythmic song also, apart from listening to me in such a way he was even smiling and for a second i felt those goosebumps again ....Ugh!

I sat down and asked him, "did you just heard me?" Then he turned my face towards sir, who was angrily gazing at me. I made a little sweet face and said sorry to him. He shouted loudly at me and said, "Noor get out of my class." I said, "sorry sir, am really sorry" He showed his angry eyes and I quietly went out of the class.

Class got over after Ten minutes. I was standing out, sir came, looked at me and went ahead.

When i was going back in the class, i saw lucky coming towards me with demon and those blind coming with such a speed that i and he(lucky) got dumped with each other and due to that push of him i fell into demon's strong arms. "I don't know why my day was going like this?" I said to myself.

When i was in his arms i saw those blue eyes of his which were as deep as ocean and he was staring into my eyes with them..i dont really know why but i felt my heart was beat-less for a second when i realised that am so close to demon. Well, soon lucky interrupted my messy thoughts and our stare by saying "noor are you okay?"

After his interruption i got up from his arms and he let his hand help me to move up. "Am sorry." i said to both of them even after i did no mistake and they passed off while i continued to walk back in the class. While I was going at my seat, I saw Laila she was staring at me with all her anger.

Leena came and said, "enjoyed standing out? And what just happened, you in Demon's arms. What is happening Noor?"

"Shhh, let's go in canteen am hungry and don't use your mind". She sneered and we went out.

Leena, Arun and I went to the canteen. Arun started teasing me as Demon sat beside me.Then he said, "don't tell me that you also having crush on Demon".

"Yes i love him." I said without a stammer that even the dish in my hands was still. Leena and Arun were laughing when i noticed someone's presence beside me so, i turned back and saw it was DEMON. I don't know why that someone has to be Demon all the time.

When i was looking at him and was noticing his height, he said in the best ways possible "i said sorry to you, but you didnt forgave me."

"I...." I was about to say but when i noticed the students behind Demon the lips of mine were just stitched and when i took a gaze around the canteen i saw that each and every student was just looking at us hopelessly and that scenario made my heart-beats stopped again. That was the time when i knew that Demon said this apologize thing just to tease me, to irritate me. BLOODY DEMON!

When finally, our gaze met he winked at me and ignoring that i asked "you came here to ask this?"

Just to answer my this question he bent down slightly and looked straight into my eyes and said "yes." While i was just thinking that what the hell he loves in staring games?? Like all the time looking into eyes? Laila walk in, interrupt our stare game(his favourites) and gave a weird stare to me and said to demon, "Demon, can I talk to you?"

Demon, he was still Staring at me. I don't know what he was doing. Then he went with Laila.

Arun and Leena were still laughing. I angrily looked at them and said, "you guys are laughing. Here, am confuse that Why is demon like this today?"

Leena said, "Stop thinking of him, let's eat something." I said, "Am not that free to think of him."

"Yaah, like I don't know you." Leena teased me.

"Okay, okay I will not, let's have something."


( Demon and Laila's conversation )

Demon - say, what you wanted to speak?

Laila - Demon, our college is organising a couple dance competition between other colleges as a gratitude to 'Samay Orphanages'. They are celebrating their Five years anniversary. There are alot of other activities too.

Demon - so,

Laila - will you be my partner in couple dance competition?

Demon looked at Noor.