
His Favourite Addiction

She's annoying but I love her. She's my baddie, my desire...I'm consumed with love, driven with passion to taste and want her.... I'm madly in love with her....craving her love. Of all the things I crave for and I'm addicted to....none is compared to my most favourite one...her. Marvlyn, my favourite addiction.

Renee_Writes · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


"Ma'am, it's very much inappropriate for you, the fiancéé of the boss who happens to be a public figure, to alight a car through the window". Naomi says.

"Oh really?"

"Yes ma'am".

"So how popular is your boss? How much of a public figure is he?" I ask as we strut into the boutique.

"Mr Miniel is worth $9.99b. He owns a very popular eatery here which worths $20M and a five star hotel of which you know. He's the most influenced celebrity here and the whole town knows him. He's the talk of the town and every girl's dream guy. Sad how Mr Miniel isn't into girls". Naomi says.

"I'm the talk of the Town! You've never been to the ghetto before. We run the strip club, we run every damn thing in the ghetto!". I say.

She's from the ghetto?

"Uh, we should proceed to picking dresses for ya, we've a long day ahead of us. Your make up artists would be there and your hairstylists would be there by 6:00pm". Naomi says.

"I've a personal hair stylist and make up artist". I say.

"Yeah, you do".

"It's not a question. I'm telling you I've my personal hair stylist and make up artist and so I don't need any one Jason has to offer. I'd have em come over to get me looking nice". I say.


"Don't interfere! It's between Jason and I". I say.

She picks out some clothes and hands them over to me.

I pick two, a glittery mini red gown and a mini blue gown too.

I walk into the fitting room with the dresses while she selects some shoes for me.

I step out of the fitting room and she approves of the first and I disapprove. It goes on this way till we settle for a scarlet gown. It's a straight cut gown with a slit on both sides. She hand picks a red stiletto for me.

"Your fashion sense or fashion taste rather isn't all that sick. It's okay. I already like you". I say.

"You too miss". She says and tries to pay for the clothes but I stop her. I walk up to the cashier and make seductive moves towards him.

I signal her to leave with the clothes as he's distracted but she doesn't understand. I quit seducing him and let her pay for it.

"What was that back there miss? The boss won't be happy if he found out you were seducing someone". She says.

"Who's gonna tell him? And why should it be his business? He doesn't love me, I'm only doing this for the money". I say.

"Miss, you tried robbing a store...you could go to jail for that!" She says and I chuckle.

"Jail huh?! I've escaped from 30 prisons so I ain't afraid of getting caught again. I change my identity each time I leave prison". I say to her.


Wait what? She's not just wild, crazy and from the ghetto, she's a fucking criminal!

She's escaped from 30 prisons! Wow, that's a lot.

"So, wanna share the experience of how life is in the ghetto and in prison?" I ask.

"Why? Are you an undercover cop?" She asks and I chuckle.

"No ma'am".

"Life in the ghetto's much fun compared to life here. In the ghetto, we get to take risks, which is the fun and vital part of life. Life of a celebrity's sick and boring. I'll tell you a lil secret. I've cracked 40 safes for 40 different celebrities and each safe I crack, I make away.....I steal $20,000,000 and I give the rest of the money to the rich ass I cracked the safe for and they pay me cool $70,000,000 dollars. That's cool clean cash ei". She says.

I've never seen or even earned $90,000,000 my entire life. That's a whole lot of money.

"You earned that amount before?" She asks and I nod my head.

"See? Life in the ghetto's fun! We're the life of every club! We run this shitty town!" She says.


We hop into the car, and there's a prolonged silence till we get home.

"Thanks". She says as she insists on carrying the shopping bags herself. We both walk into the house together and meet a sitting Jason.

"Thanks Erxa. Why'd you not get the bags for her?"

Wait! Erxa? Her name's Erxa? She's got a really cool name there buh she decided to stick to a dumb ass one🤦, people.

"She insisted". Naomi says.

"Yo! Erx, I'll call you Erxa....you answer Naomi when it's Jason". I say and she nods briefly.

"Jason, I've my personal hairstylist and make up artist. Wouldn't be needing yours". I added.

"I'm hiring you a stylist and a make up artist and that's final". He says with a tone of finality.

"Well then, you might consider finding yourself someone else who's gonna be your pretend-fiancéé". I say.

"Is that a threat?"

"I don't know. What do you think it is?"

"I'm finding no one. You're gonna do it and you're gonna abide by my rules!"

"Suit yourself. But just know I'mma spill it to your parents and then you get no fucking share!"

"Shares? Who's talking of shares here? You're threatening me Lyn, do you fucking have an idea whom I am?!"

"Yeah, of course. I do. Mr Miniel, the talk of the Town, every girl's dream guy....but not mine though, a celebrity who owns a million dollar hotel and eatery blah blah blah".

"Wrong, a multi million dollar company".

"Bullshit! You think I give a fuck?"

"Sorry, Naomi, you can leave. I'll transfer your pay to your account. Thanks for your service".

"But, you haven't asked how much everything worth". Naomi says.

"No need for that. I'd pay you double".

"Okay then sir. Bye". She says and turns to leave.

"Erxa....bye". I say to her and she flashes me a smile before leaving the house.

"I picked you up from the slim, got you cleaned up and gave you money and-".

"Enough Jason! Don't you dare rub your sloppy money on my damn face! You think without you I'm nothing?! Well, you're wrong. And what gives you the right to speak of where I come from? I came from the fucking ghetto and life in the ghetto is fucking fun compared to the damn life you've here! Point of correction sir, you didn't pick me up! I don't like to boast but you fucking know my status??! Next time you dare rub your shit in my face, I'll screw you!" I say and walk out on him.

"And what exactly do you worth? I mean, you came from the slum!"

"I love that slum! Being a fucking celebrity is damn boring! Not the kinda fun I wanna have, there's no damn privacy, no fun in taking risks, fake life, fake friends, fake happiness, everything is fucking fake! I've cracked over 40 safes for fucking rich pot bellyed old men! I make away with $20M....I steal it away before giving the money to these men and you know how much they fucking pay me after that?! $70M each! I've escaped over 30 prisons, it's all damn fun! You wanna try rub your shit in my face because you think I can't afford your kinda life? That's bullshit!" I say.

"I'm sorry". He says.

"For what exactly? For being rude and arrogant and trynna rub your shit in my face or for realising you treated someone who's fucking richer than you are like a piece of rag? I doing you a favor here! I'm helping you save up some dumb ass money from your folks! I never had to take money from my folks! I fought dirty in those streets in the ghetto to get 'em! I don't fight clean, I fight dirty! I don't get cool clean cash but I get cool dirty cash! And I ain't rubbing it on you! Be fucking nice to me!"

"Why don't you ever act like you've this amount?" He asks.

"Because I don't flaunt riches! I'll be rich on a damn low key because I don't want this life! It's boring".

"I'm sorry for being arrogant and insulting you and where you grew up in". He says.

"Save it! I'm calling in my hair stylists and make up artists and that's final". I say and walk away.


I take out my phone and dial Alexa, she picks up after a while.

"What's up bitch?" She says.

"I'm fucking fine motherfucker. How's life, guys still running the town huh?" I ask.

"Yeah baby, we always do. Why'd you ring me up?"

"You fucking nuts?! Why'd I not ring you?" I ask.

"Don't know, perhaps you've forgotten us because of that famous nut-head you gat there".

"Hold it up! He ain't a nut-head got it?"

"Yeah crimson". She says.

"Mm, I'm already tired of his sick ass. You're coming over by 5. Come with Jean and Jocy". I say.

"Jocy's outta town. Does he know we're coming?" She asks.

"Yeah but who gives a fuck whether or not he approves?"

"Yeah baby. I'll come with Mouni". She says.

"Money? What for?"

"Mouni....Mouni Zester". She says.

"Oh....Mouni...you sure she can do make ups?" I ask.

"Mm. Very".

"Alright nut head, I'll text you the address asap". I say and hang up.

I text her the message before stepping out of the lift.

I walk into my room and sprawl the clothes on the bed, I step out of my current clothes and walk into the shower for a bath, after a couple of minutes, I'm out and I put on my bathrobe and blow dry my hair waiting for Alexa to come. Just then I receive a call from her.

"Yo, baby what's up?" I say.

"Dude won't let us in".

"Why?" I ask.

"Says he doesn't know us".

"Put him on the mobile". I say.

"What sort of disrespect is this Marvlyn?"

"Don't tempt me Jason, let my friends in". I say.

"And if I refuse?"

"I'll break all your glass artifacts". I say.

"Fine, go ahead then".

I push one of the glass artifacts down and it breaks.

"You did not just do that". He says in an angry tone.

"You gave me a nudge ahead". I say. "Let them in!"

"Fine!" He says and I end the call.

He directs them to my room and there I was, lain on the bed waiting for them.

"What's up nigger!" Alexa asks.

"Fine bitch. Sit yo ass already! Mouni....sick name dude. Zes, didn't yo mama teach you to shut the door after you?!" I say.

"Yeah, sorry". She apologizes shortly and shuts the door.

"Good baby! So let's get to business".

"Wait....take a chill pill baby! You're fucking enjoying his damn money huh?!" Alexa asks and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Leave!" I yell.

"Uh...Vee, I'm sorry about Alexa. She's nuts....sometimes. Remember how it used to be at the ghetto-?"

"Fucking shut your hole up Zes, you've never been there. Leave now Alexa!"

"You fucking ordering me outta here?" She asks.

"I'mma fucking slit your throat if you don't leave".

"Come on nigger! You can't ask me to leave, cool down now sis". She says.

"You fuck on me next time and ask me shitty questions, I'd spank you!" I say.

"Yeah baby, got it". She says.

"Good, I've a date with Jason in the evening, get my hair done and my make up too. Make it damn perfect!"

"Got it all". Zes says.

"No, no, no Zester. I bought all I'll need. Where's Jean?" I ask.

"Uh, we couldn't meet up with her so she'd be here no sooner". Zes says.

"Fuck! Y'all were meant to be here together, I can't wait for her to get here before I get my nails done!"

"What's up baby?" Jean says walking in after which she slams it shut.

"Sit!" I say and take out the shopping bags and get out all the make up, hair, pedicure and manicure stuffs.

"These are-" .

"Get started with me and don't talk Jean, I'm getting late". I say.

Well, I already showered so I was a 100% ready.

Jean gets my nails cleaned and filed. Zes get my hair combed and stretched.

Alexa just gotta wait till I'm dressed so I don't get foundations or contour on my clothes.

Jean fixes in those pretty red nails for me and paints my toes red. I put on my red gown and a black gown over it so it doesn't get stained while making up.

I peel off my face mask and rinse my face one last time before drying it. Alexa gets on with the makeup while Jean and Zes sit to discuss.

"So, Zes...how'd you meet Lex?" I ask.

Alexa's bisexual.

"Uh....in a night club". She says.

"Yeah in a night club. It was sort of weird when I met her, she didn't look like the party type". Alexa says.

"Yeah, I'm actually not the party type. I went there because of Jocy. All the while Jocy and I dated, I felt attraction towards Alexa and not Jocy. She always caught me staring at Alex". Zes says.

"Yeah, Jocy always got on my nerves because of Mouni. She thought we had a thing going on. She came up with dating each other like I, her and Mouni. It only worked for a week and then Jocy said she's done". Alexa says.

"A lot happened at the ghetto, I did miss a lot". I say.

"Yeah, I found someone". Jean says.

"You did?" I ask as Alexa does my brows.

"Yeah. Name's Kevin". She says.

"Nice, Kevin, like Kevin Hart or Kevin from Jonas brothers?" I tease.

"No, just Kevin". She says.

"Before you tell me more about Kevin, why'd you come alone? It's unusual".

"I didn't want to go with the girls". She says.

"And why's that?" I ask.

"Because Alexa's been drugging Kevin to have sex with him". Jean says.

"No, not this talk again. I haven't always been doing it. I did it just once and I'm fucking sorry, but your boyfriend's a pervert!" Alexa defends.

"Bae, you've been fucking someone else?" Mouni asks.

"Just once Zes, when you were giving me silent treatment". Alexa says apologetically.

"Kevin's not a pervert, you are! You seduced Mouni into loving you, same reason Jocy broke up with you guys and same reason she isn't talking to you guys! You're such a snake Alexa, you're not my friend!" Jean says.

"Whoa! Cut it out guys! It ain't nice". I say.

"No-". Zes says.

"No no's bitch! I don't wanna hear anyone's voice here again. Alexa, get my make up done, y'all should do what I called you for and I'll pay you. Then when you walk through this door, don't look back, leave and never come back! Y'all don't wanna change and be mature, I'm sick and tired of you all! Alexa must you be a damn pervert! Even if Kevin showed he wants you, did you have to go? Knowing fully well he's Jean's. Just get me fixed and leave! Y'all don't know what true friendship is, I'mma find a new clique. You be back stabbing each other and later call yourselves friends and sisters, well I'm not your friend anymore and I not your sister anymore. For a shitty moment, I need true sisters and friends who'd stand by me and not stab me in the damn back. Heaven knows how much you've all backstabbed me!" Why'd you go out with Jocy if you didn't love her? Why'd you not go out with Alexa instead?" I ask.

"I liked Jocy in the start, but she started to bore me, she was never there when I needed her, Alexa was and so I started getting used to her and I developed feelings for her. When Jocy came back and now stayed around regularly, I felt nothing for her". Zes says.

"Why'd you not fix it with her before loving Alexa?"

"She never keeps to her words. She promised she'd always be there but she was never there". Zes says.

"Why'd you not talk about it with her again?"

"I did but she kept making promises she never kept to". Zes says.

"Why'd you not break up with her after realizing you no longer loved her?"

"I couldn't bring myself to. I didn't want to break her heart. It's why I had an open relationship with Alexa, I did it in such a way she'd find out I'm in love with lex not her". She says.

"👏👏perfect idea baby but you're so dumb. So you think she wasn't heart broken or maybe less heart broken after finding out her girlfriend's been cheating on her with her own close friend? You're stupid. You've finally destroyed her relationship with Alexa and you think she'd ever forgive you two? Alexa, you're stupid too. Zes, I love how you feel right now after finding out your girlfriend fucked someone else, same way Jocy felt. It's just a piece. Alexa, you knew Kevin loved Jean and they're dating and you have a girlfriend too so why do this to her....why do this to Jean?"

"Jean hurt me, I wanted to get back at her. She told on me". Alexa says.

"Very dumb, I didn't even know you were hurt because you were always happy. I didn't know it'd hurt you and I'm sorry. But I lost Kevin because of your selfish desire to revenge!" Jean says.

"Truth be told, Kevin's not a pervert. Kevin still loves you, you didn't lose him. I'm sorry I was being selfish. I'm sorry I had to drug him to sleep with him after I tried seducing him and he wouldn't even fall because he has you and he loves you. He never showed signs of loving me. I made it up. Kevin can't see you now because he won't be able to look you in the eye, he's hurt too and he thinks you wouldn't believe he's innocent. I admit I've caused a lot of problems to you and I don't deserve to be your friend or even your sister. I'm leaving and I'd never come back into your lives, I'd never contact you guys again....once I'm done with Marvlyn, I'll be gone for good. I'm sorry Mouni, but it's over". Alexa says.

"That's a whole lot to take in. Y'all have to forgive each other, it's hard but it's part of maturity". I say. Alexa was already done with my make up and Zes was working on my hair.

"You don't have to break up with Mouni and you don't have to leave the sisterhood, just change and promise to be good and be good". Jean says. "I forgive you. I'll talk to Kevin aftwr I leave". She adds.

"Right, I'm sorry Mouni". She says.

"It's fine we ain't done". Mouni says and Alexa nods briefly.

"That's it baby, good girls. Mouni, and Lexa, y'all have one more apology to do. Make sure you apologize to Jocy!" I say.

"We will, promise". Mouni says.

In a couple of minutes, I'm done with dressing and I entertain them and pay 'em. I was looking fantastic now, there's no fucking way Jason would resist me now. I thought.

They leave in a couple of minutes and I get myself and my things in order. I receive a text from Jason stating he's waiting at the restaurant. I close the blinds and lock the doors, turn off the lights and I scurry downstairs to see an already exhausted driver holding the door open for me to get in.