
His Fake Fiancée

Miwa_A · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Sterile Halls

The incessant ticking of her wrist watch echoed through the quiet hallway, relentlessly marking the passage of time with precision that Emilia had come to resent. Each tick seemed to whisper another "should" or "must", a constant reminder of all the expectations that bound her life as stiffly as the collar of her blouse, constricting her breath.

She sat upright in one of the three chairs lining the hospital corridor, her gaze was fixed blankly on the neat arrays of paintings in front of her. The paintings, an assortment of abstract forms, seemed out of place amidst the sterile whiteness of the hospital wall. Yet in their silent ambiguity, they seem to mirror her inner chaos.

"Emilia." Dr. Thomas Stuart's gentle voice pulled her from her introspection. He stood at the open door to her left, his white coat blending in with the surroundings and rendering him almost inconspicuous. Yet Dr. Stuart has been a steady presence in her life since her mother's confinement five years ago. He was the anchor that ironically binds her to her constricting familial obligations.

Diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer's disease, her mother had reached a stage where palliative care was necessary, focusing on comfort and quality life rather than curative treatments. The progression of the illness meant she required full-time care, and the facility provided the specialized support and attention she needed.

"Tom." She sighed, looking at his face. The twelve hour shift has done little to alter his composed demeanor.

"I thought I told you to go home and rest." He softly scolded, taking her hand and helping her to stand.

"I thought you told me to get my busted lip fixed. Your new nurse only looked at me like I'm a call girl," she attempted a joke, but humor failed her in the heaviness of the moment.

He looked at her intensely. "Let's attend to that cut."

Her mother had been screaming at her just about an hour earlier. Emilia had been helping Tom and the nurse tucking her mother in her hospital bed when the outbursts occurred. "You whore!" her mother had yelled. "John, why did it have to be her!" She had struck Emilia violently across her face.

"I need to go," Emilia objected. "I just wanted to make sure she's alright."

"Don't be stubborn, Em." He held on to her arm, almost pulling her towards the end of the hallway.

"Don't," she warned, firmly rooted in her place. "The last thing I need is your pity. Not from you."

"Tom?" A woman's soft voice echoed from the end of the hallway. A heavily pregnant woman appeared and her scowl deepened as her eyes locked onto his hand on Emilia's arm.

Emilia met Tom's eyes, tension hanging heavily between them. "Let go," she said with a firmness that belied the pain she felt in the moment.

Tom reluctantly released her arm. "It's not what you think," he said under his breath and turned to the woman who had approached. "What are you doing here, Rose?"

"I've been in your office for over an hour," Rose complained. "You promised dinner. It's past seven. I'm starving. So is your baby." She was gently caressing her belly, as if to remind Emilia of her current state.

Rose had been Tom's assistant when she met her. Emilia had been blinded by her own certainties about Tom and had failed to see Rose's growing infatuation. When he finally proposed to Emilia two years ago, she had been the happiest despite being weighed down by her mother's constant need and abusive outbursts. The revelation of Rose's pregnancy eight months ago, a painful evidence of Tom's weakness and betrayal, had been a harsh lesson for her: a man can take away your happiness as quickly as he gave it.

Seeking solace from these overwhelming memories and the day's painful reminders, Emilia found herself retreating to the familiar comfort of a quiet restaurant. Here in the subdued ambience of this refuge, she sat in a solitary corner. With her fourth glass of champagne in hand, she presented a portrait of solitude, her thoughts adrift amidst the gentle murmurs surrounding her. The day's events had left her emotionally drained - the confrontation at the hospital, her mothers confusing outburst, and the bitter proof of Tom's betrayal only compounded her sense of isolation.

The weight of her personal struggles hung heavily on her. Since she was young, Emilia had grappled with her mother's inexplicable disdain, a burden that was both confusing and painful. It was a shadow that loomed over her, darkening even her brightest days. This emotional weight was compounded by the heartache surrounding Tom. His continued presence in her mother's life was a constant reminder of their complicated past.

In the restaurant's hushed atmosphere, these thoughts swirled around Emilia. Each sip of champagne was an attempt to soothe the ache, but the alcohol only brought her emotions close to the surface. It was as if all the years of hurt and confusion were demanding to be acknowledged, refusing to be silenced any longer.

But the quiet restaurant, with its soft lighting and hushed atmosphere, also offered a temporary escape. Here, amidst strangers and their subdued conversation, she could momentarily forget the sharp sting of her own life's troubles. Going home to an empty apartment, to face the echoing silence and her own brooding thoughts, seemed unbearable.

As she gently swirled the champagne in her glass, taking another languid sip, Emilia's thoughts began to wander. The restaurant's calm ambience enveloped her, with the soft murmur of conversations creating a soothing backdrop to her introspective mood.

In this serene setting, the distinct timbre of a voice from a nearby table inadvertently captured her attention. It wasn't her intention to eavesdrop. The man's voice simply had a way of permeating the quiet atmosphere. It was a deep, baritone sound - both sensual and commanding, resonating with a soothing yet seductive quality. The voice, discussing business matters with a woman, seemed to effortlessly weave a spell of allure.

Emilia found herself inadvertently drawn to the sound. It was not just the content of the conversation that intrigued her, but the manner of his speech – the measured, confident cadence that suggested an underlying charisma. She imagined the speaker, picturing a man who knew the power of his voice and the effect it could have.

A small, amused chuckle escaped her lips, surprising even herself. She was bemused by her own reaction – the way her senses seemed to tune in to this stranger's voice, and the thought that he might be intentionally captivating his companion's attention with such an enchanting tone.

Max was deep in conversation with Helena, his tone a careful blend of professionalism and subtle persuasion. As he made a final point, his words were unexpectedly interrupted by a soft chuckle from a nearby table. Curious, Max turned to find his gaze instinctively drawn to the graceful curve of a woman's neck. A few strands of rich brown hair escaped from her ponytail, cascading sensually over her skin. He watched, captivated. As she turned, their eyes met in a moment of quiet intensity. The subtle disarray of her hair, coupled with the warm flush of her cheeks, the relaxed unguarded posture, spoke of an evening spent in tranquil solitude.

However, Max's expression soon hardened slightly. A mix of annoyance and intrigue surfaced as he realized he was the subject of her quiet mirth. "Is something amusing?" He asked, directing his gaze at this intriguing stranger.

Emilia, buoyed by the champagne and the surreal scene, met his eyes with a boldness that surprised even herself. "Yes," she responded, her voice tinged with a playful edge. "Your voice. The flattery. The charm…it all seemed..theatrical."

Max, momentarily taken aback by her candidness, paused to study her more closely. Was it the champagne speaking, he wondered, or was she always this alarmingly forthright? Behind him was a woman who seemed to cast aside typical social decorum, speaking her mind with an audacity that was refreshing as it was infuriating. Her directness, coupled with the playful sparkle in her eyes, marked this encounter as intriguingly out of the ordinary.

"There's an art to conversation," Max replied, his voice steady and reflective. "Though, I must admit, it's not often that my 'performance' is so candidly observed." His expression remained neutral, yet his eyes held a glint of curiosity, clearly fascinated by this woman who suddenly sparked his intrigue.

The air between them was charged with an inexplicable energy. In this brief exchange, a connection was ignited – one that neither of them fully understood yet. For Emilia, this stranger with his compelling voice and confident air was an intriguing mystery. For Max, Emilia's candidness and unguarded demeanor were a refreshing contrast to the calculated interactions he was accustomed to.

Their eyes held for a moment longer before Max turned back to Helena, but the encounter lingered in his mind. Emilia, returning to her drink, couldn't help but smile to herself. This unexpected interaction had added an interesting twist to her otherwise introspective evening.

From her table, Emilia overhead Helena's voice, laced with a blend of sophistication and command. "Well, it seems you've managed to captivate more than just your intended audience. Your proposal is intriguing, I'll give it proper consideration."

Realizing she might have indulged in one glass too many, Emilia considered it was probably time to head home. Yet as she prepared to leave, part of her lingered, caught up in the enchanting resonance of the stranger's voice that had, for a moment, provided an unexpected distraction from her own troubles.

As Helena gracefully rose to leave, she gave Emilia an amused, knowing glance. Max, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel a twinge of appreciation for the unexpected turn the evening has taken.

Emilia watched Helena depart, her initial amusement giving way to a newfound curiosity about the dynamics between the two.

Max, sensing that his plan was still on track despite the unexpected twist, allowed himself a cautious sense of optimism. The inebriated woman's presence, though unplanned, had added a spontaneity to the evening.