
his dangerous love

the love story of boy that’s a vampire

Shawn_Bowen_8866 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Let me give you a little backstory real quick before I start telling you the real part. To everyone in the outside of my world, I'm a normal teenage boy. I'm what people would call the basic life. I go to school every day, and once school is over I go to football practice. People like to come up to me all the time and tell me that I'm special and that I can go places in football. They say that I'm the best player that our school has ever seen. I'm 6'5 220 pounds so I guess they always just suspect that I have really good genetics or something like that. I don't know why they would suspect that they never have even seen my parents no one has ever met them. The truth is they don't know how special I am, but it's not the kind of special that you are probably thinking about. I'm the kinda special that if people found out about me I would be tortured, and experimented on. I'm the kinda special that if something makes me mad enough they could get seriously injured or worse die. No one knew my secret and no one could ever find it. The consequences of someone finding out could be catastrophic for me but also for the other person. Right now it is currently the day right before my first day of my senior year. The reason I'm so exited about this is Because I don't have to worry about hiding my secret for another 5 years but after those 5 years I have to move to a different location and start all over again to keep my secret safe. But I don't want to focus on that right now. I really just want this year to go good, but I have one of the worst feelings about this year. My visions are normally always correct. That's one of my speacal gifts that one of the positives but I'm the only person I know that his like me that gets visions most people like me don't get the ability to have visions.