
chapter 4

The next day, Xavier sat in his study working on the outlets of his on going project. It was past midnight and he couldn't sleep so the best option was to work obviously.

There is something at the back of his mind that keeps bugging him. He knows what that is but he can't help it.

It is something or probably the only thing that endangers his existence.

Plus his schedule for the upcoming week is so full, he barely have time to go home and have a proper meal.


Ailee was in her room savouring strawberries dipped in chocolate while reading her book. She was relieved that the party went well. Though she wasn't there for long she was happy that everyone else enjoyed and along with their parents she and her siblings received so many gifts as well.

She went downstairs to look for someone who would get her new books from the store but found none. She has already ordered so many books online but they will take atleast a week to get delivered.

After giving it a thorough thought she came to the conclusion that she will go by herself.

She was a little nervous because it has been a good month since she left her house at all.

She immediately got ready and settled in her car. "Ok let's do this Lily!" she encouraged herself and pulled out of the driveway.

She reached the store and started looking through the never ending sections of the books. It was the biggest bookstore of the whole city and have books of every genre.

Time passed by and she was still searching some more books when she got a call "Hello?"

"Lilly, love where are you?"

"I'm at the city bookstore Papa."

"Ok take your time its not like you stay out everyday. "

" Yes papa. Are you at home already? "

"Yes its almost time for dinner you know"

She gasped hearing that and immediately checked the time and realised it was indeed time for dinner. God was she that engrossed in looking around that she spent 4 hours in searching?

" I am sorry Papa I forgot to inform the maids and lost track of time. I'll be there soon. Bye love you."

" It's ok sweetie, bye drive safely"

" Yes papa"

She hung up and started walking towards the counter.

She looked down and saw a stack of books in her arms that it was getting harder every passing minute for her to hold onto them.

After a very awkward check out she finally managed to take the books to the car with the help of the security guard. She thanked him and left for her house.

When she reached home everyone was already seated at their places and waiting for her. She quickly washed her hands and joined them.

"So Lils how was your lil trip to the outside world?" started Alex.

"It was much better than I expected. I'd say good even. " She smiled and nodded happily.

" I'm so proud of you baby" said her mama from across the table.


After dinner, all the siblings were sitting together in the garden and drinking coffee except Ailee who was drinking hot chocolate.

Iris suddenly asked "Alex are you and dad acquainted with Romano DeVinci?"

"Yes we recently started working together."

Ailee didn't know who the man in question was so she asked "Who is he?"

Emma and Gigi gasped and looked at eachother and then looked at Ailee "You must be kidding, right sissy?"

"I'm afraid not"

"How can you not know him?"

" well I don't know"

" God Lily he has been the talk of the town for the last 5 years now. I can't believe you never heard of him. " said Emma.

" He's considered as the King of the industry. Also his looks are to die for. " Gigi gushed dreamily.

" Not to forget he's a walking red sign. You change your route when you see him on the same lane kind of dangerous. Got it?"

" Magic words like sorry, please, thank you don't even exist in his dictionary and his mannerisms are as good as your social skills that is practically zero. " Mila interjected.

" I still couldn't stop looking at him during the party. I'm sad that he only stayed for hardly an hour." Iris said earning incredulous looks from everyone.

" Ok I think its enough information for one day."

" Mhmm"

They soon retired to their rooms but Ailee kept wondering who the mysterious man was. He must've come after she left.

She decided to drop the thought because its useless to think about someone she doesn't even know.


Here Xavier just got to know that one of his book got switched with some other person.

It was a latest edition of a technology encyclopaedia. He found the previous edition interesting so he wanted to try this one as well.

These types of books aren't published in mass so he had to pre-order it to get it delivered on time. Not that they will not publish a special copy just for him but he wanted to save them and himself the little trouble.

Alas he'll have to wait now.

His assistant did complained on his behalf and got a response that they'll look into it and send him a new copy.

Just then he got a call from his assistant

"Hello sir, they found the person with whom your book was exchanged. Apparently its a girl named Ailee and she will be asked to return it by the end of next week."

" Hmm ok"

Strangely that name sounds familiar. Though he has never heard or known anyone that goes by that name but still he feels like he had heard it somewhere.


Ailee kept looking at the entrance of the store and then the encyclopedia she's holding.

A week ago she received a call from the manager asking her about the said book. She didn't notice until then that they misplaced the romance novel she intended to buy.

Now here she is, to return the book in exchange for hers. She is contemplating whether to go in or not. Either she go back home and pretend this never happened or she can go inside and exchange the book like the big girl she is.

She is so tempted to pick the former option but on the other hand she is feeling bad for the person who specially ordered this book.

After sitting in her car and staring at the doors for 20 minutes she finally decided to go with the latter. She can't always hide in her room.

She went inside and straight at the counter.

"Excuse me?" she said in a feeble voice.

"Yes how may I help you?" said the cashier.

"I- I'm here to- umm return this book." she said timidly.

"Oh yeah we were expecting you-"

"Welcome sir" suddenly the manager came out and greeted someone behind Ailee.

She slowly turned back to look who the man was that had the manager running out of his cabin.

And there she saw a hunk of a man standing at the doorstep with four even bigger guys around him. Probably his guards.

First thought that came in her mind was that he was beautiful just like those main characters from her favourite romance novels. But this guy here was so intimidating she couldn't even look at his face for more than a few seconds. Some kind of power oozing out of him.

Just then she quickly turned back. The lesser she stays here the better it would be.

But when she turned around, the cashier was already pale and sweating. He shakily picked up the book from the counter and put it in the bag.

Suddenly she felt a presence right next to her. She already had an idea of who it might be so she decided to not check. But when he put her book, the same book she was supposed to buy that day, on the counter she unconsciously looked up at him while he did the same.
