

This book had been deleted unfortunately

lacyevans · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Ball for royalty

Lillia slept for a little while before the maids came to prepare her for the ball.

She didn't want to go but she had no choice, Aiden had said it was an important ball that needed them both.

Wearing a good looking white royal gown that covered her legs, flowing on the ground. The texture of the clothes was soft and cooled the skin, It felt like sleeping in a sheep body. The gown had designed around it, having a v shape around the breast side and just below the navel. Gold designed stones was glued to cover the entire side of the v shape. She definitely looked royal.

Her hair was tied to a messy bun, leaving one stray hair each at both side of her face,a white and red bead necklace laid on her neck, with gold earring.

She sat at the court room, waiting for the king to be done. It felt like ages waiting for him and her gown that was tied at the back began to suffocate her, her hands rushed to loosen them a little but she couldn't. She was determined to loosen it because she couldn't breathe well, using enough force behind her, she could reach a few distance closer to the knot. She was completely oblivious to the king who had stepped in only to see struggling lillia with her breast pushing out of the handless gown.

Aiden felt his throat dry up instantly, his body grew hot. It took everything in him to not just grab her roughly from the big breast.

"Need help?",he asked alerting her of his presence. Lillia quickly stood up out of shock.

"No...no...am good",she flushed red.

She looked at him and her mouth fell,they where wearing the same attire. She looked at him deep, he looked even more handsome,and ....cute. she reprimanded herself,this devil was anything but cute, how could she think he was cute?.

His white clothe were decorated with gold chains around the shoulder and armpit, a gold chain was used to wrap a very soft blanketlike clothe over his shoulders white ribbon at each end of the gold chain. His silver hair was arranged neatly, going behind his ears. He looked really breath taken.

Like an angel coming to bless people or tempt them.

Aiden eyes looked her up and down,his eyes burning. His eyes stared hungrily at her curves and breast, she really looked like a dessert dished out for him, a forbidden tempting dessert.

"Let go",.

They both walked out the castle and entered a good carriage, which was beautiful wrapped in white gold paint.

The inside of the carriage was beautiful too, with enough space. Lillia was sure that this was probably the only kind in dradevows. It was really good for royalty. The carriage drove away from the castle. Both the couple didn't speak to each other all through the ride,each with their own thoughts.

Lillia was worried a little, yesterday was the day she came to be the queen of dradevows, that very same day the cook was killed. Was the castle not safe as what everyone thought?.

She looked at the trees and lakes passby fast, the feeling was tranquil.

Looking up she faced Aiden, he really looked handsome, looking like some angel. If he was one?. His green eyes looked distant and his pose was straight, it was clear that he was thinking and probably bothered about something.

The carriage stopped, the rider came down and opened the door for both the king and queen of dradevows.

Aiden came down first with his hand holding lillia's small hand, tugging her along with him. When they came down, lillia wasn't expecting the type of view she saw. She was expecting a huge castle made out of gold or just a huge mansion, instead was a clean beautiful trimmed garden with lot of colour flowers Surrounding it. Tons of coloured butterfly perched at the flowers randomly, flutterly their wings. Thousands of richly dressed kings with their wives talked together, being saved drinks by maids walking with trays of drinks.

Aiden moved towards the gathering, with lillia. The others turned to look at them, they all glanced their way with envious. Lillia felt uncomfortable from their stares,the men looked at her like she had some kind of disease, while the women with them looked at her with envious. Aiden wasn't moved from their stares, he wasn't even bothered, his green eyes stared straight as he walked with power and confidence. The others who were king began to feel like some kind of servants looking at their powerful king. They immediately averted their glances, but taking little peek.

"What can you expect from dradevows",they whispered.

Lillia watched him take her straight away, not even stopping to talk to anyone, they walked out of the garden a little. Lillia looked up at him, wondering where he was going, wasn't he talking to anyone? Didn't he have a king as a fellow friend?. lillia had seen the others talking to each other fully acquainted. Wasn't he going to do the same?.

But he just avoided them,not sparing any single one a glance at all. They walked a little far away from the beautiful garden till they arrived to what looked like round aisle with multiple pillers. Few people with a glass of wine in their hands walked and talk to each other with pride, they all looked pompous and fat.

"This is where the really powerful king and queen stays",Aiden finally spoke. It was as if he could hear her thoughts.

"Are you one?",she suddenly blurted out suddenly, shocking herself, she hadn't really planned to say it out but it was hard to not ask. She could see a sly smile in the corner of his lips, his green eyes looked down at her as they walked towards the aisle.

"Let find out",was what he said till they entered the aisle. All of the guests immediately looked at them shooting them glares. Unlike before, few people came to greet them, even though their eyes looked at them in a different way.

"Milord",a lady greeted Aiden, she had a big smile on her face and this time her eyes where not like the others, they where clear as the lake, a beautiful hazel eyes.

"Milady, how have you been?",Aiden asked with a little smile on his face.

Lillia looked up at him, surprised,this was the only lady he asked such questions. She began to wonder who the lady was?

"Meet my wife, lillia",he introduced her. The lady had a surprise look for a split second before her smile returned to her face, reaching out her hand to have a hand shake.

"Milady, you look beautiful",she complimented.

Lillia smiled at her and took her hand,

"Thank you",

"You can call me Eirene",she said noticing the hesitation in Lillia's eyes.

"Ok",was all lillia could respond before taking a silence stance beside Aiden. She wasn't used to all of this and her feet had began to kill her from all the walking.

"Can you please excuse me, I'll be back",she took an excuse and left, heading down the aisle towards a clear small garden a little bit far from the aisle.

Aiden looked at her as she left, his eyes a little worried, he wanted to stop her but he could already see the triedness in her eyes and he knew she wasn't used to this.

"Finally we meet aiden",a deep voice said behind him, a voice that he hated so much. A little devilish smile fell on the corner of his lips as he stared hard at the fat king.

"Nice to know that you've gotten more fatter than before maximus",Aiden said looking him up and down.

Maximus gritted his teeth, he so wanted to just have a sword hang inside this fool, but that wasn't going to be very far, this idiot is going to have a sword inside him.

"A king lives well for the benefits of his people and my cook feeds well. How about yours?", maximus asked with a crook smile. Aiden Devilish smile fell and what was replaced was a smirk, a smirk that made him more handsome.

"My cook, I wonder why you're asking, do you care to meet him because I can arrange that ",Aiden asked his smirk widen.

"Aiden',a strong voice called out. The voice called out with bitter spite. Everyone turned to look at the person and immediately began to take a step back, away from the formation that was going to take place, even Eirene began to worry and took a step behind, hiding at Aiden's back.

The king of Warrentons walked with air as he approached Aiden, his enemy, the only person that didn't fear him.

He was a much older man than aiden, six foot tall with a mushy mustache, and black bears. He had a strong body and well buildt body, he wasn't handsome or pretty instead he was ugly having several spot on his face and wrinkles.

He walked closer to Aiden and maximus, his eyes on aiden face, how he wanted to tear that pretty face.

He got closer and stopped.

"I didn't expect to see you here Aiden",he said looking him up and down.

"Even me, I thought you might be gazing with the goat and cows",Aiden said with a huge smile.

The king of Warrentons, Aloysius, gritted his teeth as he stared at Aiden with a deadly look. Aiden instead gave him a mocking look, knowing that Aloysius couldn't attack him here at a ball for all powerful people, unless he was about to make a very big enemies against him.

Maximus who was beside Aloysius began to give a small chuckle then he looked at aiden.

"I heard you are now married, where's your wife?",he asked looking around.

"I guess, she isn't pretty and you are very ashamed to bring her here with you",.

Aiden smile fell this time, his face was devoid from any expression.

"What woman would marry a man knowned for womanizing, a man that can barely put himself in check, am even sure he can get hard if he sees a woman cow. Your new wife must be stupid", Aloysius insulted. This time a expression entered Aiden's face, an expression that scared people, even Eirene took many steps away from Aiden.

Immediately, Aiden grabbed Aloysius by his collar hard, lifting him a little up as if Aloysius was just a paper that could be lifted by anyone. Aiden was beyond furious, snarling at Aloysius.

"How dare you call my wife with that your dirty mouth",he snarled. Aloysius guards immediately rushed in formed a half circle at Aiden aiming their spears at him.

"Drop his majesty now"they said. They where scared but they needed to get their king away from Aiden, but they couldn't because immediately Aiden's guards saw the guards of Aloysius threaten their king they immediately jumped in and stayed behind their king facing them. Everyone feared the guards of dradevows,they where noble warriors who had went into many battles and came out truimph, they where very loyal to the royal family of dradevows. Aloysius guards knew not to mess with them because they won't hesitate to kill them all.

Aloysius snarled back, even though he was already feeling embarrassed and his neck hurt from Aiden strong grabbing.

"Wow, look at that and I thought the king was unable to fall in love with anyone apart from",he hurtfully bent a little to whisper something to aiden.

"Especially when he is in a very good relationship with his duke daughter",.

Aiden was shocked and he immediately let go of Aloysius who gave him a mocking smile.

"You thoughts I don't know?, please, it wasn't hard to find out considering the big mouth of her's",.

Aiden gave a low sigh, he should know that rose love to blabber and boast and she might have said it loud to few other people. The anger expression in his face fell and it returned to no expression.

"Get the queen,we are leaving",he ordered a guard. Aloysius laughed loud.

"Why do you want to leave Aiden, I thought you might stay to enjoy",he mocked."Have told you, you don't belong to anywhere, you don't deserve to be here at all, you are way more good being died, you son of bastard parents",.

Aiden didn't reply anymore as he watched Aloysius slowly make his way towards him talking his harsh words. When he was really close, enough to being in aiden face he snarled.

"Watch your back boy and maybe the one of your wife or....mistress ...if that is what I would call your former wife rose",.

Suddenly a loud crack was heard, few teeth flew out of gum, and everyone saw Aloysius fall down with blood trailing his mouth.

"Shut up Aloysius",aiden said cooly, he talked as if he didn't just hit a king.

Aloysius guards took a step forward but Aiden guards raised their spears forward. Maximus had a look of shock in his face, aiden really dare to hit a powerful king. Aiden had huge gut.

"I can see you have a death wish",this time maximus did the talking.

Aiden turned to face him but this time a mocking smile on his face.

"People at your palace do and am sure that their wishes is already granted", Aiden replied. Just then Lillia had already came back, this time she was shocked at the gathering, seeing a man on the ground with blood in his mouth, was aiden the one that hit him?. Aiden turned to face her and her heart jumped to her belly, aiden was like a devil, not a single angel look was in his face anymore.

He grabbed her hand harshly and dragged her out, his guards following behind.

The people behind was shocked at the charisma of the king of dradevows. He was the youngest among them but he was this powerful. Aloysius hitted the ground a few times before getting up, a guard handed him an handkerchief to whip his mouth with.

As for maximus he was still wondering what Aiden meant by his last Statement. Immediately, he took his leave heading to his palace. His carriage rode away fast. When he got to the palace, he saw all his six wife outside, and they ran to him.

His first wife bagan to talk.

"Milord something has happen, all of our servants are dead",she announced with fear. Maximus walked into his castle, heading to his court room with his guards and wife following him. He pushed the big door open.

Everyone was greeted with a bloody scene. Mauled servants was gathered in a heap at the front of the thrones. A maid dead bloody mauled body was on the king sit with a warning at the wall behind her. It was written in blood.


The ladies behind let out a shill scream.**

Do you think what Aiden did was good or not..