
His Baby Boy

Jesse Morris was a shy 25 year old who worked down the street from Janvier Inc. Hal Janvier was a powerful man who knew what he wanted and how to get it. Once he sets his eyes on Jesse, the attraction is instant. He knew that the shy man would be his perfect Baby Boy. His Prince. His Little.

Officialcarmin · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


Walking on sunshine.

That's how I felt. Scratch that, walking on sunshine doesn't cover it. It's been days since we first had sex. And I've spent those days in Hal's house. At this point I don't even remember the color of my walls at home.

Last night we had a bit of fun with water sports. Hal had made sure I drank enough water, I was teased to the brink of tears, my hands fisting the bed, waiting for his command. When he gave it, I remembered how it felt. I remember how good I felt. The instant relief. My body shook with it.

I was really happy Hal lived a good distance away from his neighbors, the screaming might have gotten some attention.

I was currently at work, occasionally looking at the clock. I had lunch with Danny, Jeff and Hal today at noon and it felt like I couldn't sit still. I was excited.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door to the store was pushed open and three people walked in. Two guys and a girl. The girl's hair was pastel colored, one of the guys had bright red hair and the other had a blue streak through his hair.

The girl and the red haired guy walk towards the aisle while the blue streak guy was staring at me intently. Uh. Okay.

"Hi. How may I help you?" I asked him, trying to smile a little.

"My friends are looking around." Blue streak said.

"Chris, come and see this."

I tilted my head a bit. Chris. It sounded familiar. I looked at the guy in front of me and tried to remember if I had seen him somewhere.

Nothing comes to mind though.

Blue streak doesn't go to his friend. He just leans against the counter and waits. Thankfully he doesn't look at me. Jimmy steps out of the employees room and I sagged in relief. At least Jimmy was there. If i was going to get jumped, at least Jimmy would be there.

Blue streak friends came up to the counter holding tubs of ice cream. I quickly ring it up. The faster they leave, the more comfortable I am. Once I had handed them their receipt, they walk away, Blue Streak giving me this weird smile that looked more like a grimace.

"Was it me or did that guy look like he wanted to... maybe punch you?" Jimmy asked as he walked over to the counter. I was just thankful he was there.

"He was weird."

"Have you seen him somewhere?"

"Nope. I havent." I replied honestly. The strange interaction with blue streak made me loose all my excitement for lunch. I took out my phone and shot him a text.

To Hal: a weird guy came into the store

The reply took three minutes.

From Hal: did he touch you? Is something wrong?

To Hal: Nah. He just kept looking at me.

From Hal: can you describe it?

To Hal: like he knows me. Like I offended him.

I looked up from the phone and smiled softly at Jimmy. "You have that relationship glow."

I let out a loud snort at that. My phone buzzed in my hands with a message from Hal.

Hal: I'm sending one of my security detail over. He'll show his credentials and his name is Jax.

I quickly typed out a reply. Knowing Hal, he'd be talking to the guy at the moment.

To Hal: I'm fine. I'm with Jimmy. He's gonna be here till lunch. I'm fine, I promise

I raised the phone up a little and tried to find the right angle. It took a picture and sent it. I then beckoned Jimmy over so we could take a selfie. I sent that to Hal too so he would see that I was okay.

"You two are adorable."

I looked at Jimmy who gives me a soft smile of his own. I reached over and placed my hand on his.

"I like the way he looks at you. Like when he drops you off and that time he came to pick you up for lunch. I- I haven't been on a date in years. Like since high school and most idiots I have met only want one thing. It's... just nice to see you and Hal together. It's like a movie. Like I'm watching my favorite movie. It makes me feel happy, it makes me feel better about myself, it gives me... hope you know. That I won't be alone forever." Jimmy said and I-

I didn't know what to say to that. Jimmy had never spoke about personal stuff like this before. He looked so open. So vulnerable.

I squeezed his hand. "I like the way he treats me too. I like how I feel whenever I'm around. I used to think like you do. I used to think I would be alone for a long time and Hal, Hal was like a drop of sunshine in my life. I don't know how this is going to last but I want it to last for a long long time." I said to Jimmy. "You are gorgeous and smart and wonderful, you'll soon have people trying to get to you."

"There's no one coming my way now."

"What if there has been but you've been studying so much that you hadn't noticed?" I asked, thinking back to the numerous movies I've seen and how the main character was always oblivious to how people felt about him or her.

Jimmy on the other hand looked like he just discovered something.

"Are you okay?"

"Wonderful." Jimmy said. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Thank you."

"Anytime." I replied. My phone had buzzed while i had been talking to Jimmy.

Hal: alright. But I'll be there at 12 sharp

I chuckled as I typed out a reply to Hal.

To Hal: see you soon

Looking at the tiny clock at the top of my screen, I realize I had thirty minutes to break time and my excitement was back. I hummed, fingers tapping on the counter.

I was gonna see Hal, I was gonna kiss Hal, I might squeeze his b-U-tt.

It was like everyone knew I had something to look forward too because people after people came into the store, basket full of stuff to buy. Even Jimmy had to help out at the counter.

I handed the elderly woman her receipt, giving her a friendly smile. She leaves and I quickly check my phone, looking to see if Hal sent me a text.


I looked up so fast. I saw Hal standing there and I got so excited. I swear I was about to squeal. I settle instead for walking out the side of the counter and hugged him. My arms wrapped around his neck.


"I am happy to see you too, baby." Hal chuckled, pressing a kiss to my hair. I pull back a bit so I could look up at me.

"Is it twelve? I didn't know it was. The store was so full." I groaned a little, a small pout on my lips.

"I might be five minutes early."

I let out a little laugh, going up on my tiptoes to press a kiss to Hal's lips. Hal wraps his arms tight around my lips, pulling me even closer as he deepens the kiss. We were snapped out it of it when someone coughed.

I pull back, my cheeks turning bright red when I see Jimmy, Danny and Jeff staring at the two of us. Oh my god.

"I saw tongue." Danny squealed in his little voice. Oh.

"Your inside voice, little one." Jeff said.

"Sorry, daddy."

Jimmy choked. He let out a series of coughs, looking at Danny and the collar on his neck. I bit back a giggle, resting my head on Hal's chest. Jimmy doesn't say a word and just walked away.

"I think you broke my friend."

"What's life without a series of unexpected words?" Jeff asked with a shrug. Hal pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Food?" Danny asked, bouncing on his feet. Danny had on a pastel yellow jumper with cats on it. It was large enough to cover his fingers and a pair of loose jeans that looked really comfortable. His collar wrapped around his neck.

"Food!" I agreed.

We walked out of the store hand in hand. Jeff took Danny over to the car while I and Hal walked over to his car. Like always he opens the door for me and strapped me in.

"The weird guy didn't come in again did he?" Hal asked as he starts the car.


"Good!" Hal said with a smile.

"May I have your phone, H?" I asked him and he gives me the okay. I reach for it and immediately go to his playlist, instantly tapping on We Made It by Louis Tomlinson.

"We're having lunch at Winst. It's one of Jeff's favorite places to eat."

I knew I've been with Hal for weeks. I have dined in a lot of restaurants where a plate of food cost a lot of money. I just haven't gotten used to it.

"Okay! How was your morning? Did you... miss me?" I asked, my cheeks getting hotter by the minute. Hal pulls to a stop at a red light and turns to me. His smile was soft. So soft that it almost made me want to melt into a puddle.

He took my hand in his and squeezed it a bit. "I missed you a lot. I had a lot of meetings today and they kept fumbling and sometimes I feel like they're all idiots."

"Your employees?"

"Yeah. Just sometimes." Hal said. "Texting you, seeing you, holding you are the best part of my day."


It felt like my heart skipped a bit. My knees were weak and I was so glad I was already seated. How did he always have something so sweet to say to me? About me? How can he treat me this way, with so much care while my own parents didn't do shit.

What did he find in me that the others before him didn't? Being with Hal was amazing. I couldn't say this enough. Everyday, my feelings for him seems to grow more and more.

I could...

I could love him.

Hal started the car, driving in the direction for the restaurant.

"I am so happy you are my boyfriend. Thank you for caring so much about me. Thank you so much for the little things. Thank you so much for the big things."

"Don't thank me for that. I'm doing it because you deserve. I'm taking care of you because I want to." Hal said. "You are so special. You mean so much to me and I hope we have many more y- months together."

It warmed me to know that I wasn't the only one who thinks like this. It made me happy to know Hal felt the same way I did.

"You are special to me. You are great and you can cook too!" I said and Hal chuckled.

"I knew you only liked me for my food."

"And your house. Your house is gorgeous."

"You tell me that all the time."

I let out a soft laugh. "That's because I mean it. Gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as you."

"Baby, don't you look in the mirror?" Hal teased, briefly looking at me before turning his attention to the road.

"Flattery will get you -"

"Everywhere, darling. Everywhere."

I stuck my tongue out at him. He was so cheesy, I love it. We talk for a bit, the music changing when it was time. It felt good just talking and laughing with Hal. It felt good talking about my day with Hal listening. All this attention. I felt like a cat with a ball of yarn. We were almost at the restaurant when I finally asked Hal.

"Can I please dye my hair cotton candy blue?"