
Hiro Travels Inside the Cursed Game

Hiro Kagami, a 17 year old high school student bought a game known as Soul Knight, popular on mobile phones. But a strange thing happened, there was no promotion about virtual game equipment but it was delivered at his doorstep. He checked the details and it was Soul Knight so he tried it. It was a mini pod, a rectangular shaped virtual pod was there. At first he had no clue what to do with it. He has a friend who has classified information about all games whenever I ask him. But he didn't know about a virtual mini pod. And so Hiro tried this new game equipment, and he is in another reality where there was a lobby full of unique individuals, along with their race and skills to define how interesting they are. While him, he was stuck as the knight of the game. And not just that, there are floor dungeons that await him and his friends. Will Hiro know the mystery of this cursed game? Good thing I have a familiar such as a cat. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo the link is this: https://pin.it/6RGZ3vp

MisterEnd0821 · Fantasi
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1 Chs

A Strange Package

Hiro's POV


After a vacation of the summer, I have at least 5 days before the school days.


I was disappointed about the short break of the summer as more concerned about an upcoming midterm exam on April 19-21.


So I have to avoid wasting time so immediately I played Mobile Legends.


I was still in the Epic ranked class, I am still not good at it but I have a few skills of the hero I have been chosen for.


Chang'e, Cyclops, Cecilion, Edith, Barats, and others, that's my only heroes I usually play.


Sometimes when I play these games, I get the feeling of exhilaration coming into my heart.


I feel like I was triumphantly victorious when I carry my teammates.


At what odds when I face formidable enemies, I feel like I am a legend when I defeat them.


That's why I am so psyched on playing games, that's my passion.


But schools are making it hard for me to enjoy life.


Life is not a game for me.


You wake up every day attending class, eat during short breaks, and somehow pass every quiz I face.


To me, it isn't adventure.


So I gave up on looking forward during school, it isn't a place where fun exists.



At my room, slouching at the bed, planning on what to do in my short break.


I then jotted down what I want to do


Things to do:


1.      Play Mobile Legends


2.      Watch Netflix


3.      Sleep for a day


4.      Play God of War Ragnarok


5.      Watch streamers


6.      House cleaning


7.      Play Soul Knight


That is my list.


I gained a bit of excitement from thinking about what I want to do.


I then started playing Mobile Legends for 5 hours straight.


I played 21 matches so far, my eyes started to irritate.


I took a break and went outside to buy some snacks at the vending machine.


As I put my one hundred yen to the slot, I picked the lemon beverage and a bread bean paste.


I put the bread in my mouth while holding the can at my right hand.


My friend then called if I was ready to play.


She was my teammate from Mobile Legends.


Her player name is "HeroKiller025" and she is a veteran player.


She knows the strategy in every matches he faces.


I never seen her lose once.


I am finally at the doorstep and at the side of the door is a medium sized box containing for god knows whatever it is inside.


It has label saying it is delivered for me.


It is quite heavy but I managed to get it inside at my room.


I opened the box and see a mini pod and a brand name of the Soul Knight I have been playing recently.


"What in the? There is already a virtual game version of Soul Knight?"


From my suspicion, I asked an insider, also my friend about this strange virtual game equipment.


He is a middle aged man from a certain companies, has a lot of peers to be recommended.


He has a lot of achievements in the past but he doesn't talk a lot about it.


His nickname is Fill.


"So you got a mini pod of a virtual game from a brand name of Soul Knight?


No, I haven't heard of such a promotion or even an upcoming project about it.


I'll ask the production staff about it.


In the mean time, explore it if it is interesting."


I have no idea how to put it or where to start.


I can play it without any worries but if it is safe to play I guess I am a lucky gamer.


I found a manual, a guide towards the machine.


It says in the following:


1.      Plug the mini pod towards the nearest socket


2.      Go inside and press on


3.      Press start


I followed it and then it was all set.


Inside the mini pod, lying in dormant phase, a screen is provided at my face, I can manually press however the options I have.


I then hit start, and everything went dark.


I wasn't lying anymore, I am currently standing from the void.


An introduction of the game developer company also known as Chillyroom.


Then, I see a swirling blue portal in front of me.


I have no option to go so I immediately went inside and so I was in a dungeon of some sorts.


There is a sign at the room with a chest ready to be opened.


I opened it and see a weapon known as blaster.


It is weak but has short mana consumption.


The sign says,


"Open the chest and pick up the weapon."


I picked the weapon.


Not quite sure if I can handle this since I have no experience in handling guns.


I pressed the button and so it fired rapidly.


I panicked and so I stopped pressing the button.


"This is too realistic! I should be careful."


I went on towards the other rooms.


I saw another sign says,


"Clear all enemies in this room."


I went inside, and suddenly the room closed.


I think this might be life threatening.


"A player!" One of the ruins guard spotted me and so it attacked.


Luckily I evade the attack as the heavy sword of the ruins guard left a crater in the floor.


This game is dangerous.


I fired the blaster and so it randomly shoots throughout the room.


I should try to at least efficiently aim.


Each bullet is slowly aiming at the enemies and so they were defeated.


I somehow managed to not die.


The doors opened and so I went towards the left passageway.


I see another sign saying,


"When out of energy, you can switch to melee attack by closing up to the enemies."


At this room shows another chest.


I opened it and see a machete.


I picked it up and went towards the next room.


Enemies such as Ruins searcher, Ruins Knight, and Ruin sentry appear at the room and so they chased me and tried to kill me.


I dodge all their attacks and bullets.


While doing so, I was faced by a Ruin Searcher as it bumped and sent me flying through the air and impacted to the wall.


I lose my armour points by 3.


I hid from them towards the boxes and so I regained back my armour points.


I forgot about this hero.


He has a skill that can double the weapons and attacks so I said,


"Super skill activate."


I was on fire and my weapons are doubled.


I fired my blaster and many of them died.


The doors opened once more as I see another sign that says,


"Melee attacks can destroy bullets from monsters."


I then used my melee to destroy the bullets from the enemies.


I used the super skills again called Dual Wield and obliterate all my enemies.


It is only a matter of time before they were defeated by me.


"Save your energy. Most weapons require energy to fire."


As I am almost depleted my mana, I managed to destroy all enemies again.


The last room shows a portal with a sign which says,


"Use this portal to end the tutorial."


I entered the portal and I was sent to a lobby.





At the start, I am having second thoughts on making another book since I barely publish on my main novel.

But don't worry, I'll manage it somehow.

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