
Him and His Assistant

This is a story abt two fictional characters in kinnporche the series. Vegas pete is my fav couple so I wanted to write a fan fiction abt them.The story line have nothing to do with the kinnporche storyline. So the story is abt a innocent boy named pete who lives with his grad mother and a cold, arrogant boss vegas. I don't want to spoil the story here. I hope you'll enjoy this.There will be some rape or sexual abbuse content and curse words so be aware of that.And there will be some 18+ scenes too. And also this is a story about two men falling in love.If you are a homophobic feel free to leave my story.And also If you don't like sexualized stories pleas don't read this. Hope you enjoy.

Chillies_123 · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

part 10

Damn I am so sleepy.

Vegas thought to him self and he can see that pete's temperature is going down.So he just huged pete and fell sleep with him.

Time skip

In the morning

"Uh my head hurts."

Pete woke up with a little headache. But his heart skiped when he saw vegas hugging him. His long black hair, pinkish lips gave him a ethereal look. He looks so innocent when he is in sleep.

Without pete realizing his lips were on vegas's lips. When pete came to his scenes he immediatel look his lips away from vegas's lips and covered his face with his hands.

"What the hell am I doing. Oh my goood"

Pete screamed in his head.

"Come on keep going "

Pete screamed when he heard vegas's voice.

"I I am sorry 😅. I mm ju- just"

"😏 It's okay pete."

That's the time pete suddenly remembered that vegas left him yesterday.

"Why did you leave me yesterday"

Pete's smile faded away and he looked scary . This is the first time vegas seeing pete like this.

"Um.I- I- uhh I'm sorry"

"Okay I forgive you and bye I am going home"

Pete stood up and again he fell on to the bed because he felt dizzy.

"You okay?? Pete!! Pete !! talk to me"

"Yes!! I am!! "

Pete said to vegas.After few minuts pete wore his cloths and went to office without waiting for vegas.His fever haven't gone down but he was feeling okay .


"Hey pete."

"Hey shaani"

"😁 I was wondering If you can join us  with the party tonight. Our whole section will go for a party tonight.Our department head will resign tomorrow So this is a goodbye party"

"Mmm okay.I will come"

Pete was talking with shaani when sammi came.

"Pete !! is vegas inside?"

Sammi looked so bad.She is pale and look like she don't have any life in her.

"Y yes miss sammy.He is inside.But are you okay miss."

"Yes pete I am okay.But can you get me a hot coffee please. Don't add sugar. I want it hot okay.Don't let it cool down.Thanks in advance pete

"Okay I will miss "

Then sammi went inside.

"What happened to sammi she looks horrible. Look like she is going through something. It's okay let me give a her a tasty coffee. And she talked to me very polite today.

Pete thought to him self.

After making the coffee pete was going to vegas's office.But someone blocked his way. Pete froze on the spot after seeing the man.He began to tremble and pured coffee on him self.It was hot and he burned himself but the man infront of him is more scarier than that hot coffee.

"K.. Kom. What are you doing here?"

Pete asked while going backwards because kom was coming closer to him.

"I am here to see you baby"

"Kom can you please leave me you ruined me once.I can't let that happen again"

Pete said he can feel his legs giving up on him.It's not that pete is too weak to fight. But his trauma makes him weaker. He can't help it that disgusting memory appears in front of his eyes. He still can feel the pain he went through. The disgusting white liquid all over his body.The way they hurt him.The way they didn't have mercy. The way they bite and suck him like he was a bone that founded by dogs.

"You did this to me pete. You made me like this.You infected me your gay virus. Because of you I can't think about woman anymore. I will never leave you. I will hunt you down and ruin you again."

Pete looked at him terrified .

"I... I didn't do it.Kom please leave me.I can't look at you.I went through hell because of you."

Kom grabbed his collar.

"I went through hell because of you too.I can't sleep with any woman because of you. I can't look at the way I look at them before.Every time I see them I only can see you.That's why I never deleted that video.Pete you will be mine. You have to pay for what you done to me.You will be under my foot. "

Pete can't speak anymore.His legs suddenly gave up and he was about to fall but Kom catched him.

"N-- no p.. please. Le-- let me go"

"Ooh can you walk .I like it when you are all weak and do nothing and staying obedient like this.You remember 6 years ago you were like this.Did't even have the strength to say no to me."

But suddenly someone grabbed kom's hair and yanked him away .Pete fell on to the ground.

"Try to touch him again kom I will fucking kill you."

It was sammy.

"Oh come on. You also want to save this gay bitch"

"Oooh shu up you bitchy mouth.Then what about you.You are also gay you idiot.You like men right. "

Kom looked at sammy with ranging anger and left.

"Pete pete are you okay"

Sammy huged pete.She can't stop her tears too.Because she saw that video. Kom is sammy's step brother. She doesn't like him at all.But she can't do anything because of her dad.

"I am sorry pete.I am soo sorry. Please don't let him near you.You must have suffered so much.I am really sorry "

Sammy hugged him until he regain fully his consciousness.

"I am okay now miss. Thank you so much"

"Stop calling me miss now pete.Call me sammy okay.We are friends now.Come on get up now. Are you okay now pete."

"Yes miss I mean sammy 😅. Sorry I will make you a coffee again."

"Wait what happened to your hands. Did you burn your hands"

"Yeah a little bit"

"Oh is this little you idiot.Come with me"

Sammy grabbed pete from hand and went in to vegas's office but Kom was already there . Kom gave them a filthy smirk .

Pete looked at floor.Sammy saw it.She looked at pete and grabbed him with his cheeks.

"Look at me pete.I am not on the floor"

Pete look at her.

Then sammy started to talk to him. Her voice is barely audible.But pete can hear her.

"You don't have to be sacred. You here me.you haven't done anything wrong okay. Straighten you head and look at him directly.He is a criminal but you are not. You are strong and better than him.He is just a low life who lives with his fathers money. But you are more than that.You are a fighter. Okay now walk like a man.Don't give him attention."

Pete felt so strong after hearing that.

Pete pov

She is right why do I have to suffer because of him .He is the one who done wrong things.I am not like him

Pete pov enden

They both were confident until they saw vegas.Both of their hearts fell on ground when they saw Vegas's scary look.

"What are you guys playing at huh?"

Vegas asked.

Pete didn't say anything he was still angry with him.

"Nothing I came here to get this."

Sammy took the ointment in the first aid box.

"Why what happened are you okay"

Vegas asked sammy.

"Yeah but pete burned his hand"

"Oh are you okay pete?? Is it bad"

"I am okay sir."

Pete told him with a cold voice"

Sammy can feel the tension between them. She can feel that pete is pissed with vegas.

"Mmm vegas can I barrow pete for few hours.If you don't have any work now."

"Mmm pete how about my schedule do I have anything today"

"Yeah sir You have a meeting with the crew of our new drama. That will begin to shoot in next month. At 2.00 p.m"

"Okay!! Then sammy you can go with him.But he has to be here at 1.30 p.m"

"Okay okay thanks vegas"

Sammy smiled happily and went out with pete.

But sammy suddenly froze in the hallway. So pete checked out what was wrong. Sammy gradually loses her grip on pete's hand.

That moments pete saw sammy and chang hae both staring ant each other.

"Ahhmm sammy... sammy... SAMMY!!"

"Oh um ye yeas.what"

"You like him 🙊"

"Who nourr are you kidding me"

Pete started laughing at sammy.

"Don't lie.I will set him up okay.Want his number "

"You have it"

Sammy looked at pete with the biggest smile on her face.

"I thought you don't like him"

"Uhh I- I don't like him.I have a modeling job for him."

"Oh really then you don't have to contact him.I can give you his manager's number"

"No pete give it to me.pls pls "

"Ha ha 🤣 okay okay"

Time skip

"So why are we here.You dragged me from the office just to have lunce with me"

"No I want to know something. So what is going on between you and vegas.Come on spill the tea"

"Huh nothing. He he what can happen between me and vegas."

"Oh comeon pete I can see that you are pissed with vegas and vegas is trying to make up with you."

"Ofcourse I am mad at him.Don't wanna talk about that"

"You like vegas"

Pete froze and looked at sammy with a shocked face.

"Y- you remember that I am gay"

Pete was scared. He was already scared because what happened in the morning.

"Ofcourse I remember. "

"Please don't tell vegas . I don't want to lose my job because of this"

"Oh comeon pete this is 2022. "

Pete looked sadly at sammy. He can't understand why he feel so close with her. She is his first friend after university .

"Can I be honest with you sammy"

"Hmm ofcourse pete"

"I am traumatized by me being gay.It never done me a good thing.I still can't sleep at nights. I- I uh "

Pete is trying to speak but his bad memories are coming in to his mind.

"They bullied me so much.Specially kom. Uh even the- they"

Sammy can feel pete's breathing gen uneven.

"It's okay pete you don't have to talk anymore okay. I know they bullied you but you have to be strong pete.You can't let them do that again okay. "

"Hmm I know.I will try my best"

"Okay comeon let's eat now"


"So can I work from tomorrow ."

"Yeah you can. But you have to work properly kom or you will get fired "

"Okay I will do my best vegas"

"Hmm you can meet who works under you today.Go and greet them"

"Okay thanks SIR!"