

After the uptight billionaire's son, Greg, got intimate with a male stranger, the incident aroused a keen quest on his sexuality which he has been in denial of. After the encounter, he bent to accept his sexuality and sprout to see life in a lighter view. When Autumn bred a new session, he began to fall for the new hottest guy in school. Meanwhile, this hot guy, Nicholas, enrolled in the school in search of someone to whom he must attain his wrongdoings and win his heart. He must not pay attention to anyone's feelings until he finds HIM. It became a challenge for Greg to win Nicholas's heart, but he refuses to give up. Despite the hard times Nicholas put him through, he tries his best to show his intention. When Nicholas couldn't avoid the existence of Greg, he decided to pay a little attention to him, and there, he discovered who he is and was swept by how such a person would want him. It was difficult for Nicholas to make a decision. He did not know if he should continue his search for the one he loves or focus on the one that loves him.

RosyKosy · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


Gladly, I'm not yet dead. When I finally woke and felt the existence of life, my sight was blocked and everything was dark. I tried opening my eyes but couldn't feel them.

I lifted my hands to my eyes, and that is when I realized that I was tied to something and blindfolded. I kicked out my legs, they were free, but what use are they to me in this situation? I can't untie myself with my legs.

I made to scream but my throat was as dry as a rock, so I retired to moving and muffling sounds to attract whoever to rescue me.

I am certain I'm laid on a bed and tied to the bedpost for I can feel the softness of bedsheets on my back. The squeaks as I move and kick the air, tell me this may be a metal bed or a wooden weak one. I kept kicking and muffling until I got tired and decided to do a little thinking about my fate.

I don't know what I have done to deserve this. If it isn't what I have done, Who is doing this to me and why?

As much as I do not care to know my dad's kind of business, I am still sure out of trust in him that he wouldn't be doing anything risky, illegal, or dark that can put his family in danger. Otherwise, he wouldn't let my brother live so carelessly, I, so regardless, and my sister, who knows. We would have been guided daily by dozens of men in suits like I see in movies.

If anyone ever deserves to be kidnapped in my family, the top list should be James. For screaming sake, I have never trespassed in my life, why would anyone be interested in me?

Nobody knows about my relationship with the Waldeen family. I don't even bear that name in school to avoid being traced down to my origin. I made it known to my parents that I would bear my mother's maiden name, Bolt.

How can I bear Greg Waldeen when all I want is a quiet lifestyle??

Waldeen as a name is a bomb in everyone's ear. That name will confirm I am the second son of the mighty Peter Waldeen of the century.

I have been bearing Greg Bolt for all the years of reasoning, now, why am I being tied up like this?

Come to think of it, if this person knew I was Greg Waldeen, there is a chance I could have been treated like a king as they await the trillion of ransom they would impose on my parents.

I am in this situation because they must believe I am just a random schoolboy on the street. Ok, I killed myself.

Or am I being kidnapped for ransom by thugs that don't give a damn about my name?

Thinking back on my life, maybe I should regret living that low for nothing. I have lived most simply even to my death. If I am being kidnapped to be killed, it is a waste of me.

News of scholars being kidnapped and killed with their organs harvested has lately become the most terrific news in the country. Every single headline flashed before my dark sight.

I should have listened to the school management or my sister's chauffeur who always offered to drop me off every morning he saw me leaving our mansion.

I must have thought myself to fear as I felt my body trembling. I changed to a sitting position, crawled my legs up, and clung to my knees and I began to tear down my cheeks.

I moved to sit up as I heard footsteps approaching wherever it was I was being kept. The sound of the opening door was forceful and the footsteps louder. It was obvious they entered this room and I began to shiver uncontrollably.

"I told you Code, you will like him."

Someone spoke after seconds of silence and I know they are talking about me.

Like me? What is there to like?


Another voice tried to speak up but was cut short by the first voice.

"C'mon Code, don't give me that look. We both gonna get what we want."


I am sure I still heard the second voice trying to object to whatever the first voice was trying to mean for I am totally confused. I haven't been this scared in my life before. Whatever it is they are bargaining for, it will not be in my favor. I should be terrified.

"Look at him baby, don't you want him now, you take him and I pay you... You want this money now, don't you?"


Take me to where?

"You want the money! And all I need you is to want him too and we will be happy now," the first voice continued in between mocking laughs that sent more shivers down my body and I began to sob.

"Please, don't kill me." I begged amidst sobs and fear.

My voice was slim and cracked. I may not have been able to scream but I must use my voice to plead for my life at all cost.

"Don't kill me," I spoke again.

I smelt someone closer to me, a hand holding up my chin as he said...

"No no no, nobody wants you dead boy, he will just have a little fun with you, what do you say about that now, Code?"

Fun? What does he mean by that?

Even this fun doesn't sound fun to me. Oh, God! Will I die today?

"Code move on already, we must drop him off before anyone declares him missing now."

Drop me off? Oh! I won't be killed today, thank heavens!! Maybe they are not murderers. Are they thieves? Do they want money? I could tell them my father can provide as much as they want.

Just then, I heard someone's footsteps moving toward what I believe is the door.

"Don't be a pussy now Code!"

The steps halt.

"Ok ok ok...Three thousand!" Continued the only voice that had spoken so far.

Three what?? Am I being sold to slavery here? No, we have passed the era, I believe. And selling me won't guarantee them dropping me off.

I heard the crack of the door indicating it was being opened as the same voice shouted instantly,"Seven thousand, damn you Code!!"

Seven thousand what? Dollars, Euros, Pounds??

My heart is at the point of bursting, save me, God!

"No, please," was all I could mumble as I heard the footstep moving away from the door to me.

"Please, don't hurt me," I said, sobbing loudly as I felt the bed deepen out of extra weight on it minutes later.


The stranger on the bed made to say something when he was cut off again by the voice which was the only thing that filled the room.

"We don't need the pleasantries now, do we?"

Just then, I felt this stranger's hands on me, unbuttoning my school jacket. He moved closer to my face, I know because his breath was an inch away from my nose as he stretched his hands on my wrist to untie me from the bedpost. I am not sure but I think he careless my sore wrist before pulling my jacket off my hands and soon, my shirt.

Are they trying to take a nude picture of me? is this the fun?

No no, it won't be good for my image or that of my family. I can't possibly be exposed this way.

"Please, don't hurt me. I will you give anything, money, more... Please." I said particularly to the person on the person with me.

He stopped. And for a minute, I thought I had won my life.