
Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

"It was never meant to be a simple game. After all, Gods don't play games. They play with the lives of people." Hikari, the VRMMORPG created by the leading tech companies of the world was launched in 2069. The game soon grew big and started controlling major sections of the world. It became something more than just a game. Zack was someone who was stuck with an unfortunate artifact that only allowed him to heal himself. But when he died inside the game, the same artifact lead to him being able to move back in time. Armed with the knowledge and experience, Zack will rise again and get the title of the weapons master. The one who wields the strongest weapons in both the game and real life. ------ Server: https://discord.gg/TXwtUHQfnf my discord id: blackflamer dm for cover removal Disclaimer: The Earth in the novel is different from our earth.

BlackFlamer · Game
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236 Chs

On A Date With The CEO Of Doogle

"So we are going in this?" Zack asked with wide eyes as he saw a black Lamborghini X690 standing right in front of their house.

There were only five of such models in the entire world, and four of them were owned by the owners of the four big companies.

The fifth model however was a mystery and no one knew who owned it. There was a rumor going around that the model was being auctioned to the car collectors.

If Zack had thought that the woman was lying, he no longer doubted her.

"Of course, we are going in this since I didn't see any car in your house. Anyways, I think you already know that this is a business dinner rather than a date." Eva said as she sat in the driving seat while Zack sat beside her.

"Aw, you could have let me believe it for some more time that I was going on a date with a beautiful woman who is the youngest billionaire in the world," Zack said with a small smile as the woman snorted.

"I am currently under disguise kid. You can however see my face during our date."

"Now you are calling it a date."

"Didn't you want it to be a date?"

"Forget I said anything."

Eva smiled at Zack's behavior since the teenager was being more casual around her than she had expected. Whosoever met her would always act as though she was a goddess and would barely open his or her mouth in front of her.

Ever since her dad died, Rachel had been guiding her through the company. She was the only person who talked to Eva casually and was someone the latter knew well.

After all, people were cutthroat in the world of business, and without having someone to guide you, you would be eaten by those at the top.

"So Miss Evangeline, can I ask you one question?" Zack suddenly asked as Eva started driving.

"Go ahead."

"How did you find my house?"

"You entered the address of your house in the form while buying the VR glasses. The data is shared with all four of the companies so finding the data was easy."

"I should have expected this." Zack sighed though, on the inside, he already knew that this was true.

There was nothing that stated that the buyer's personal information won't be shared with the companies.

However, Zack was happy that Evangeline had been the first woman to arrive at his house. He knew that the others would also come so before they did, he had to make sure that he was long gone.

"Than miss Evangeline, can you tell me the reason behind your success in making Doogle rise from a hundred million business to a billion one?"

"I just did what the market likes. It's like with products, novels, etc. You need to figure out what the audience likes and create something on that while using your own creativity. All four of the companies gave an idea to the game developers while investing and because of that, we will soon become a trillion-dollar company."

"Because of the currency exchange?"


Eva already knew that many of the things that would come in the future had already been leaked on the forums.

This had been a strategic move that made the player base of the game increase. Only fifteen days remained till the money exchange would go online and the rewards would be shared with the top players.

And Eva knew that Zack would win the rewards for sure.

"Let's get out." The CEO said as the car suddenly came to a halt.

Zack stared out of the window to see a huge seven-star hotel in front of him. His mouth was left hanging open as he stepped out of the car and saw how huge the hotel was.

He then turned around to see Evangeline standing beside him. The car had auto driven itself to the parking and now the two of them had to enter the hotel.

"Wait for a second," Eva said as she quickly removed her disguise. Her red hair were made visible to Zack as she removed the wig she was wearing.

She then took off her glasses and took out a wipe from the pocket of her jacket. She wiped her face clean of any makeup before putting the wipe back inside her pocket.

"Let's go now." Eva's bright green eyes looked into Zack's purple ones as the two of them entered the hotel.

Zack was wearing black jeans with a shirt and a blue leather jacket on top of it. Eva on other hand was wearing black jeans with a top and a flaming red jacket on top of it.

She didn't look like a CEO and Zack didn't look like a soon-to-be millionaire. The two of them instead looked like a college couple out on a date.

"I don't like dresses and suits. They look weird on me." As though sensing what Zack was thinking about, Eva spoke and the two of them moved towards the only lift in the lobby which was right beside the reception.

They entered it and Zack saw that the hotel had 7 floors in total. Eva pressed the button for the 7th floor and a minute later, the doors of the lift opened up.

Zack was once again shocked at how big and grand the place looked like. A pianist was playing the piano in the background and he could tell that the pianist was playing an anime song.

Either Eva had a really good taste or she had found out that Zack liked anime music.

"Then shall we sit?" Evangeline asked as the two of them sat down on the only table present in the entire place.

The starter and main course went without any talk but Eva finally spoke when the dessert arrived.

"So tell me, would you like to sign a contract with our company?"

"Yes, I would."

Eva seemed to be taken back by Zack's reply but she maintained a poker face. Instead, she raised an eyebrow in response.

"What are the terms that you would like?"

"I will not share any of my income with your company. Instead, I will open my own company which will be backed up by Doogle and you will hold it at 10% equity. Second, you will not be allowed to monitor me and I would instead give you a report every week.

You will have no right on me or my avatar and will not be able to make me do anything against my will. I will, however, co-operate with any of the players you might hire but, you will have to ask me before hiring any other player, and if I say no, you will not hire that player.

Don't worry, I will provide you with a very good reason for it. Next, this partnership will be made public so that other companies know that they can do nothing against me. And since this is a two-way thing, you can ask me to do a few things and if I think that I can do them, I will say yes." Zack shared all of his terms as the woman burst out laughing.

"Haha, you are much smarter than I thought and you have good business skills. Those terms are more or less perfect but as you said, I have some terms too. First, tell me what company you will open." A plan was already forming inside the businesswoman's mind.

"I will open a company focused on curing diseases using technology and the CEO will be my sister."

"If your sister can qualify for that thing, I will agree. But you will have to add Doogle's name in your machines."

"I have no problem with that."

"My second term is that you sign a legal contract in front of the public since you want to make this a public thing. I will provide you with the contract beforehand."

"That's fair I guess," Zack replied as he knew that this was a good way to ensure that both parties held up their side of the terms.

"And the last thing is that Doogle can openly tell that you are Lin Fan while telling your real name." Zack nodded as Eva smiled and extended her right hand forward. "Then we have a deal."

"Wait, I need a good secured house too." Zack had almost forgotten that once the world knew who he was, there would be many people coming after him and Mia.

And to make sure that they remained safe, he would need to have a good house in a secured place.

"I can give you the house beside mine if you want," Eva suggested as Zack was stunned by her offer.

Evangeline lived at the center of a place called Doogle Mansions. That place had the wealthiest people living there and was situated on the western continent AKA North America.

Doogle homes was listed in the top 3 of the world's most secure places.

"Then when can I move in?" He then asked as Eva shrugged.

"You can move in now if you want."

"Then can I get a helicopter and some expert packers that would help me move everything in an hour?"

"You are thinking that someone might attack your place because they saw you at the store or because of my car. You shouldn't worry about the latter since my car had automatically disguised itself as a lower version. I can't say anything about the first reason though."

"So what's your answer?" Zack asked again as Eva opened the phone watch on her wrist and called someone.

"Rachel, can you please send a chopper and some tough guys to help the number one player in moving?"

150 power stones bonus chapter. I made it an extra long one for you guys. Have fun reading

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