
highschool of the dead (HOTD) Oc

FYI this is not mine this is just a translation go to (DEC_Ren) on wattpad "What is this I feel?" I murmured in my mind as I tried to open my eyes. Without knowing for sure how he had come to this new world after I died a few moments ago, I had to face the reality of my situation. Not only had he reincarnated in a new world, but it was also a completely terrifying world. Highschool Of The Dead. Now, reincarnated as a boy named Kei Takishima, I will do my best to survive in this world that awaits a terrifying future and a sad end. I hope you like it, vote and comment positively: 3 In case it is not clear, this is a reincarnation story, especially in the world of HOTD,

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chapter 2 Chaos

(Damn that was long i spent 30 minutes just to translate and another 30 cuz i messed up...by the way go to DEC_Ren on on wattpad if you want to read the original....tell me where the wrong grammar is so i can correct it...)

We both watched with serious looks as three teachers approached to solve the problem, they were two men and one woman.

-Omniscient narrator

The three teachers were approaching the entrance to the school.

A few minutes ago they heard the scandal and decided to see what caused it and solve the problem, because the sound was very high and within the facilities there were students taking classes.

As they approached the entrance, they could observe a young and pale-looking man, who apparently tried to enter the premises in an unintelligent way, because even if he continued to hit the entrance in such a way, he would never get inside.

"Ah?" The only teacher in the group said with disgust. It was Professor Hayashi Kyoko, her hair was reddish brown, her eyes were light brown and she was wearing glasses. -I shouldn't make so much noise, this is a school, she said annoyed and reproaching the subject, who seemed to ignore her words.

`` Don't worry Kyoko-sensel, I'll take care of it, '' said another teacher as he folded his shirt sleeves and put a hand through the bars of the gate and grabbed the subject by the collar of the shirt, then slammed him hard against it. gate.

"Wait Teshima-sensel, we don't need to resort to violence," said the teacher trying to calm her colleague and perhaps love interest, while the remaining teacher watched everything very nervous.

-It's just for ...-, the teacher did not finish, because in that moment of deconcentration, the man outside took the opportunity to tilt his head to the side and bite the teacher's arm, tearing a piece of meat from his arm, and making he screamed in pain and began to convulse on the ground. In his carelessness and desperation to be bitten, he did not realize how he had half-opened the entrance, the padlock fell to the floor with a dry sound.

Teshima-senseil- yelled the remaining teacher as he approached the aforementioned to see what he could do. -Are you okay ...? - He decided to ask once the professor on the ground stopped convulsing, but he did not finish the question when he was bitten by this same professor, directly in the jugular, causing him to also fall to the ground convulsing and with a great stream of blood coming out of his neck.

The remaining teacher upon seeing all this, put on a look of complete terror, but quickly her instincts reacted and she tried to run away, but unfortunately she stumbled from wearing heels and just watched in terror as both teachers got up from the ground with horrible expressions on their faces and the wild eyes.

A ... HELP! - She shouted in fear and despair, but no one seemed to come to her, she just closed her eyes with some resignation, in her eyes there were a few tears.

Fortunately for her, a light blonde haired boy arrived on time sending a kick directly to Professor Teshima's head and knocking him to the ground with a broken neck. Everything passed too slowly in his eyes.

He shouted when he saw how a pair of hands protruded on the back of the boy who had just saved his life, he seemed to notice it and turned around.

The other teacher tried to pounce on the boy, but he hit him on the jaw, with such force that he threw him to the ground and finishing with a kick he did the same thing as the first teacher.

Despite everything, the boy's clothes did not seem to be stained by anything.

"Kyoko-sensel, are you okay?", Asked the young man offering a hand to get up, while giving him a smile. The teacher looked at him with a glint of longing in her eyes and nodded slowly, as she accepted his hand and got up from the floor.

"Thank you Takishima-kun," he said with a relieved voice and a smile, accompanied by a slight blush. Something a bit strange considering the state of utter despair he was in previously.

-Moments before- Narrator I

We watched as three teachers approached, I saw the brief interaction between them and how Teshima-sensei held the guy outside with one arm.

He knew what would happen next and it wasn't long, the guy outside bit Tejima-sensei and he fell to the ground convulsing. I quickly looked at Takashi, who was stunned by what he saw, but it was not time for this, he shook him abruptly waiting for an answer and fortunately he reacted quickly.

Takashi listen to me carefully! - I said loudly so that he could hear me, but without taking my eyes off the gate. Well, I want you to go get Saya and Hirano and take them to the staff room that they hardly use ...! - I started to explain and paused. Once you are there close with everything you have, I chose that place because it is only one door and if it is closed no one will enter, when I arrive I will give a shout and so we can leave! - I finished saying, while at the gate , a teacher was trying to help Teshima-sensei.

Time was running out .... Although ironically a thought came to my head, well, could I save those teachers?

No, they needed to die, otherwise everything would have ended the same, no matter what I did, the deaths of those two were destined to happen, although Kyoko-sensei's not.

"B ... But what about Rei?" I heard Takashi ask something nervous, I gritted my teeth, there was no time and he was worrying about a girl who ignores him.

-She will be fine with Hisashi, he is good at fighting hand to hand and he will not leave her unprotected, so do not worry about her and HURRY WITH WHAT I TOLD YOU! - I yelled at him and I saw how he ran towards the room, I just sighed a little quiet.

I did not stay still and I also started to move, I went directly to the gate, where I had seen Kyoko-sensei try to flee, I hope to arrive in time to help her.

I finished going down the stairs and ran quickly.

Upon arrival, I noticed that Teshima was about to bite Kyoko-sensei, to which I quickly launched a kick at her head. Tae Kwon Do made my kicks much more powerful.

The force I applied was enough to break his neck, thus dying instantly.

I was going to go with Kyoko-sensei, to help her up, but then Kyoko-sensei screamed with some terror and I heard a noise behind me, I tilted my head a little and out of the corner of my eye I watched as the remaining teacher tried to pounce on me.

I reacted quickly and dodged him, and taking advantage of that moment I hit him right in the jaw, which sent him to the ground, I quickly ran towards him before he got up and crushed his head with my feet, breaking his neck as well.

Although I must get myself a quick weapon, hitting them with a bare fist was not very convenient.

I turned to see Kyoko-sensel, who was just looking at me, I approached her little by little, and helped her get up and tell her to go to the same place, where I sent Takashi.

-Kyoko-sensei, are you okay? - I asked once near her, while I offered her my hand to help her up and gave her a smile, the best reassuring smile I have, because if I want my plan to work for the most part , I needed everyone who accompanied me to be as calm as possible and to fully trust me.

I saw that it worked, as the teacher calmed her breathing and answered the question with a nod, while she took my hand to get up.

-Thank you Takishima-kun-, I heard her say to me with a relieved voice, I turned her to very also I saw that she had a smile accompanied by a blush. I blushed too, I didn't notice it much in the anime, because she didn't come out too much in it, but now that I see her well, Kyoko-sensei is very beautiful just like Marikawa-sensei.

Speaking of Marikawa-sensei, the next one I plan to rescue is her, as she will be someone important to the group.

Look seriously at the gate, dozens of those zombies were already there, so it was useless trying to stop them by myself, it would be suicide. I clenched my teeth turning my gaze to the teacher.

I took her by the hand and led her to the interior of the school.

We were already inside the school, the school still

She was calm, something that relieved me somewhat. But

all those zombies started heading towards other

parts of the Academy, there was no salvation for this one.

"Where are we going?" I wonder as we walked, at no time did I let go of his hand.

-Any place that is not here, I said and kept walking faster until I reached a corner.

I stopped and looked at her.

"Well Kyoko-sensei, we have to separate," I said, I had to go elsewhere urgently.

First for Dr. Marikawa, then for my sister Mio, then for the gym and maybe for Rei, I know that Takashi's stupid went for her, I sensed it when I said those words to him and he looked at me that way.

What ?! - Kyoko-sensei exclaimed, well, I expected that too. But ... But ..., he tried to say, his face reflected fear.

I took her by the shoulders and made her look at me.

-Listen Kyoko-sensei. I will not leave her alone, I want her to go to the staff room that they hardly occupy; If it is closed it means that my friends and my girlfriend are there, cry out and say that it comes from me, on the other hand if you are alone, enter and close with everything there is, if someone says that it is my part, let it pass and wait for me there until I arrive and so we can leave here-, I said calmly, making sure that he listened well.

He put on a serious face and nodded, I'm surprised he understands so quickly.

-Well, I'll wait for you, he said smiling, I also smiled, without a doubt I needed people like that.

I said goodbye to her and went the other way.

I did not say anything to warn the students, because I know that stupid people will not believe in anything, this was too unreal.

I was walking somewhat quickly, but the sound of

the school speakers stopped me.

- {This is an emergency announcement. The entire campus is under attack, we are surrounded and we need to flee as soon as possible. I repeat, the campus is being attacked -... No, get away from me! Nerd! jarrrggh! Please help me, I don't want to die! No who -...-, the director of the Institute was speaking nervously on the communicator, but suddenly he began to scream for help, and they began to hear bites, tears and terrifying sounds.

Absolutely everything inside the school seemed to have stopped, no sound was heard.

- "No ..." - I said to myself in my mind and began to count. - "3 ... 2 ... 1 ...-, and when I finished, all the commotion came to life without further mishap. -" Damn! ", I mentally cursed.

I started running quickly through the corridors, I was going to go with Marikawa-sensei first, but I couldn't be calm without hearing from Saya, so I'll make sure she left the room.

She was almost to the living room, but just before I could see her, she was with Kohta running in the opposite direction.

Saya! - I called him, I saw that he immediately turned and ran back to me.

-Kei-kun, what's wrong? He asked me once we were close, his gaze was scared, he came hugging me, I responded. -Komuro came in shouting something about people murdering other people, and I worried, after that he left with Reí and Hisashi, I don't know where, I also left, and on the way I met ... Ah? I forget his name-, he explained quickly and at the end he made a cute face, I thought it was funny and I am pleased that his personality has not changed much with that of the canon.

-Kohta, it's Hirano Kohta, love- I said laughing while stroking her hair, I was very relieved to find her safe.

I was also a little annoyed with Rei's simp, although I think he would do the same as Takashi, if he were in his place, but what bothers me is that the stupid did not do anything I asked, it was just for her, when I find him again I will break his face and make him understand that this is not a game.

-Yes, that ..., he said with disdain, I sighed and saw Kohta approaching a little nervous.

"Takishima-san," he said once he arrived, I just smiled at him while Saya was still on my chest.

"Hi Hirano," I said hello. Will you also go? - I asked him and he

he seemed a bit confused.

-Hey? Go where? - He asked me and I just sighed in annoyance.

Didn't Takashi tell you anything? - I asked them both, I couldn't believe that that idiot didn't inform them of anything.

-No, just what I told you, Saya told me, now I'll kill Takashi when I see him.

I just sighed a little.

-It doesn't matter, I'll be brief. What Takashi said is true, there are people killing each other, and what they heard through the communicator too, so I need your love to go to a safe place ... - I said caressing his cheek, I turned to see Kohta. -Kohta what I will ask you is a very important favor and I will be very grateful to you if you accept and manage to do it, I will be grateful for life, he looked at me curiously, he continued. -I need you to take care of Saya for me and go with her to the teachers' room that they hardly use, maybe there this Kyoko-sensei, so just tell her that they are on my side. It is you who I can entrust with Saya's safety- I said bowing my head,

I can't see the faces of both of them, but I guess they must be dumbfounded, it's not very common for me to ask for favors and do this kind of thing, but by Saya ... I don't care, I'd kneel if it's for her.

"E ... okay," I heard Kohta say, I just straightened up and smiled again.

"Thank you," I said looking at him with great gratitude.

I turned to see Saya, I saw something that broke my heart, she was almost crying.

-Are you going to abandon me? She asked me in a brittle voice and I just rushed to hug her tighter, to which she immediately clung to me.

"I won't, I would never leave you, I just have to attend to some business and I'll come back to you, just wait for me a little longer ..." I whispered in her ear while stroking her beautiful hair.

"B ... But," I try to say, I pulled away from her a bit and captured her lips.

-Nothing will happen, I'll be fine and I just want to make sure that you will be too, so please, go where I told them, I know you will achieve it, plus you will have Kohta who will help you too, I said once we parted While we had our foreheads united "I'll see you soon okay?" She nodded and I gave her another kiss before pulling away from her and seeing Kohta again.

"I'll order it," I said seriously and he nodded in the same way. I turned to see my pink hair again. -Love, if you see my sister Mio, please have me go with you, I can't contact her, it seems that there is no signal- I said worried, she is also one of my priorities.

While I was relieved that Saya was okay, my sister Mio was still missing, who I still don't know about.

She also nodded concerned.

"Okay, now,!" I told them and watched as they got ready.

Saya looked at me a bit for the last time and then she nodded, and I smiled at her and did too.

"Come on Takagi-san," Kohta said starting to walk.

"Fat hush," I heard Saya reply, I just laughed amused.

In spite of everything, Saya did not change at all and this checked.

- "Well, now I have to go get Marikawa-sensei" - I thought as I started to run straight to the infirmary. "I hope you're okay, Mio-, no, I knew, she's like me in certain things, so if she does what I teach her, she'll be fine.

-Omniscient narrator

Meanwhile, in another corridor, three people were running, two men and a woman, all heading to the roof of the Institute.

"What is all this?", The girl asked as she ran and watched with fear the massacre that occurred around her.

-I don't know Rei, but I'll protect you while I can, said a gray haired boy taking the hand of the girl identified as Rei.

"Hisashi," Rei said longingly. "Thank you," he said smiling. -Don't worry love, I'm here for you, he said smiling.

To one side of the couple was a black-haired man watching all this with a face of displeasure and annoyance.

- "Rei" - he said in his thoughts.

After a few minutes of running, the three boys finally reached the roof of the building, but an infected teacher got in their way. Rei stabbed the teacher in the heart, who apparently resisted, for which Hisashi finished him with a karate kick to the head, which twisted his neck and killed him.

The black-haired man just stared at everything in amazement.

Takashi, let's go, we have to get to the Observatory! - Said the gray haired man pointing to an observatory that was a few meters from them, only to get to it, you had to go through a courtyard full of them.

The black-haired man snapped out of his astonishment and nodded.

The girl did not look at him at any time, in fact, she even seemed annoyed by his presence.

The boys ran through the courtyard and arrived at the Observatory where Hisashi, with the help of Takashi, put up a barricade to stop the infected who wanted to enter their area.

It seems that here we will be safe for now- said hisahi

Gray sighing in relief and hugging his girlfriend.

"If I'm with you I'll be safe wherever," said orange haired as she approached her boyfriend to kiss him on the lips.

Takashi was next to them, trying to ignore the intimate moment between the couple.

-Narrator I

I kept running and making my way through the crowd of students trying to leave the Institute.

I did not know the Institute completely and I did not know where the nursing room was, since I never needed to go there, so now I am running blindly through the corridors.

I thought I had everything well planned, but apparently my plan had some flaws, I regretted that and I hope there are no more glitches or everything may go to shit.

As a weapon, I currently only carried a baseball bat that I found lying in the hallways, I suppose it was someone from that team.

Well now I'm upstairs and I think the infirmary is downstairs.

I ran a little more until I hit some stairs, go down

through them with difficulty, as there were students who tried

to do it, in fact, I don't even know how I got down between all that


That was the bad thing about scared people, even though Japan was supposed to be a highly orderly country.

"Damn," I said frustrated to see that the ground floor was worse than the stairs, because I couldn't even walk.

There were people pushing or even hitting each other to leave the Institute, I didn't see anything, so I went out to the window where I could see that the situation was a bit worse than inside.

On the one hand I could see gymnastics girls being killed by them ", while others of" them "were walking in search of more victims within the Academy.

In the distance, through a window, I could see blonde hair, I knew who it was, because apart from me, there is no one at school with blonde hair, perhaps Hisashi, but hers was grayish.

But to get there, he had to go through all the chaos in the courtyard.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, I had to gather my courage and be quick, I am not seeing this through a screen, now I am living this and I can die at any moment.

I opened my eyes again and got ready.

He shot out at high speed. With the training that I have been doing, my stamina and speed increased a lot.

While running quickly, I also dodged the others of "them that I was in front of me and wanted to hunt me."

It didn't take long to get to the other side of the building.

I quickly went to the window and saw what was happening inside the infirmary.

I saw how a boy was bitten by several of "them", while trying to protect the doctor. Which recoiled in fear to see how the boy was eaten and they "got closer and closer.

- "It's time ..." - I said in my thoughts while hitting the glass of the window with the bat, hoping to break it and thus be able to enter, it was not a very stealthy way, but there was no time.

With the first blow it broke and quickly entered and began to hit all "them", while watching as they fell one by one to the ground.

I quickly finished with them and, before going to the doctor,

I approached the boy lying on the ground.

-What's your name? I asked him, I didn't remember his name well.

I saw how he breathed with difficulty, while trying to tell me something.

-Ka ... Kazu ... Ishi-, he pronounced between cut off, his life must be passing in front of his eyes right now.

I put a serious look.

-Kazu ...., call. -You know what happens once they bite you, don't you? I guess you don't want to become "them" ..., I said while pointing to the corpses on the ground, I saw how he denied, as a sign of not wanting to be like them. -Well, I must tell you that you have been a brave man to protect Dr. Marikawa with your life, your sacrifice will not be in vain, and I think it will be a great fault for your pride to become those things, so ... Do you want me to? - I asked him seriously as I showed him my bat stained with blood, I don't like this, but this man's pride is at stake and pride is the most important thing of all being.

-Please do it, she told me, shedding tears.

I just nodded my head.

-Well, Kazu ... you will die a great man, I said as I raised the bat over my head and quickly lowered it.

The crystals were soaked in blood and the sound of something

breaking was heard in the place.

Kazu's body fell to the ground with a dry sound, he was dead.

Look at it, I had killed a person, not a zombie, but still I didn't feel sorry, I felt like I had done a good deed.

-That was very honorable of you, I heard a voice

feminine behind me, I just smiled, I already knew who it was.

"Do you think?" I asked while turning around to face the person.

There was a beautiful girl, her hair was purple and straight, an aristocratic face and a well-proportioned body. She was wearing the uniform for girls from Fujimi High School, only the skirt was longer than normal, and with her right hand she held her typical bokken,

Nice to see you again, Bujushima-sempai-, I said with a half smile.

The pleasure is also mine Takishima-kun-, he told me in the same way.

She and I have a kind of rivalry, from past nationals, sometimes we have duels and they are very even, sometimes she winning, sometimes me.

Please, just tell me Kei-, I said while taking more


It was true about the rivalry, but even so, we became friends and I saw that we do a great teamwork.

"Okay Kei-kun, then you can just tell me Saeko," he said smiling seductively and I just got nervous.

Bujushima Saeko for me and I think for most, she is extremely beautiful, and makes her nervous when she smiles like that, it seems that she wants to rape you, which would not be bad either.

Suddenly I felt two arms crossing my chest and a couple of

soft, round and very big things on my back.


-Takishima-kun, thanks for saving me, you were very brave, I heard a voice near my ear, now I'm more nervous because of that soft touch.

-Don't worry Marikawa-sensei, it's actually you who I came for-, I said smiling, this was already becoming a habit for me, and that before him that I smiled was something strange, because I didn't like it very much, I preferred to be I laughed.

-By me? - Asked the doctor, blushing,

I turned to her to face her.

-Yes-, I answered bluntly and with a slight blush, because I can't help it. "I must protect her and take her with me at all costs," I said seriously.

"For me?" The doctor asked, blushing.

I turned to her to face her.

-Yes-, I answered bluntly and with a slight blush, because I can't help it. "I must protect her and take her with me at all costs," I said seriously.

She is an important part of my plan and my team, because despite the childish attitude that she usually shows, she is a very capable doctor.

"To what end?" I heard Saeko ask behind me.

"Survive," I replied as I turned to look at her seriously. "If you like, you can come too," he offered with a smile.

Anyway, I was already thinking of offering it to her when you find her, so why not take advantage of her being here?

Saeko would also be an important member of my team, besides that I get along very well with her and we make a very good team, although I don't know how I took it Saya, because the way Saeko behaves with me is a bit ... Intimate, but do not think badly, we are only good friends and colleagues, at least on my part, because I only have eyes for my girlfriend and that is Saya.

I saw how she smiled.

I appreciate your offer and I accept, after all, I know what you are capable of and I think it would not be better anywhere else-, she said happily, something strange about her, because she was very serious.

I was very flattered by her words.

"Wow, you flatter me Saeko-san," I said blushing and smiling. Why? - she asked looking at me without erasing her smile.

I have an idea, let's see how it turns out.

-Well, for someone like you, the champion of past nationals, who is also the captain of the Women's Kendo Club, say those words, because they mean a lot ... of course, not counting how extremely beautiful you are, "I said. smiling slyly.

I saw how she blushed heavily.

-Bu ... well ... me, I tried to say something, but couldn't, apparently that took her by surprise.

I giggled, I had managed to embarrass her, at least

If I die again, I will be able to die happy and in peace, because not just anyone achieves this feat. -I don't worry, it was just a joke, I said before I

start hitting. -Well ... not everything, I said smiling at him.

"Bu ... well now where do we go?" She asked trying to change the subject.

I smiled and then made a serious face.

"Now our priority is to get to the Teachers' Room," I said and saw how she gave me a strange look.

-Don't you tell me that you think they can do something-,

he said seriously, I know why he saw me that way.

-Of course not-, I rushed to answer, while I rolled

the eyes.

Do you think I'm stupid? Of course I know they won't be able to do anything, in fact, maybe most of them are already dead or turned into "them".

"And then?" I ask confused.

Some of the ones I was able to rescue are there, including my girlfriend, I said smiling.

She seemed to understand, but had a strange reaction to mention that he had a girlfriend.

she just nodded.

"Really? Who are they?" I heard the doctor's voice ask.

-Well ... they are Kyoko-sensei, Hirano-kun from 2-B and Saya-chan also from 2-B-, I mentioned to them only, because I'm not sure if Takashi, Rei and Hisashi, have gone where indicate.

"I know them all," I mention.

"Well let's go now," Saeko said and I just nodded in confirmation.

-Okay, follow me, I said starting to walk towards the

exit from the infirmary.

We should have started moving a long time ago, but I got distracted by talking, I must not do that again in a place surrounded by "them".

Once we left the room, we began to walk cautiously through the corridors, but there were many of "them".

"Doctor, stay back," I said, there were too many and we had to fight our way through them, so for her to be safe, I sent her behind Saeko and me.

She obeyed without question, I saw that she was a little


-Don't worry, I said smiling and waiting

reassure her. "What are you planning to do?" I heard Saeko ask me.

"We'll make our way, but I need your help," I told her and saw how she quickly understood and nodded. "Well ... let's go!" I said and charged head-on with my bat.

She accompanied me with her Bokken.

At times I was captivated by seeing her use the Bokken with that skill and elegance that characterized her, I am not surprised to have asked against her.

I was not left behind and even though I was holding a baseball bat, I also started to fight in the best way I could.

Now that I think about it, I need a Bokken, fighting with one I feel more comfortable, after this I will go for one.

-Just to confirm ..., I heard Saeko speak as she pushed some of "them", causing them to collide with others and fall to the ground. -Kei-kun, avoid killing everyone you attack, and try to do it only if necessary, because that ..., one was going to keep talking, but I interrupted her.

"That will prevent them from coming together in one place," I reflected as I hit one and turned to look at her, I saw how she was surprised.

-Co ... Right, she said surprised.

I do not know what he is surprised about, because that is obvious. If we do not kill them all, we will prevent their bodies from gathering in one place and thus not prevent our escape in case they surround us. It is only logical.

"Well, we have to continue," I said, going ahead and hitting the first ones I met.

She followed me immediately and so we began to

make our way with the doctor behind us alright

protected, if something were to happen to him, none of this would have sense.

-Omniscient narrator

A pink haired girl and a big black-haired man were walking through the corridors of the Institute. The pink haired one was Saya Takagi and she was known to be a very intelligent girl, the black-haired one was Kohta Hirano, who was secretly a gun freak and a big admirer of girls with glasses.

The pink haired woman, before going to the place where her boyfriend indicated, decided to carry out some experiments with "them", throwing them different objects and until now she could elucidate that "they" did not react to pain, but to sound.

After walking cautiously through the corridors, both young men decided to enter a room, which appeared to be the carpentry room, in order to think about what to do and prepare.

Peering around, the fat boy found a nail gun and thought he could use it as a weapon, so he began to give it stability with some boards that he found.

The girl did not stay still and also began to look for useful things, and it must be said that there were several things that they could use in the future, so in a bag she began to store things such as a drill, some screwdrivers and screws, and hung it on arm.

Suddenly "they" started banging on the door from the outside, in an attempt to get inside. The pink haired woman panicked, because there was no other way out.

It did not take long for them to throw the door and begin to enter, Saya gave a scared cry, but calmed down when she saw how "they" fell little by little, so she turned to see her partner and saw how this one, with the screw gun that he had found earlier, was firing left and right with all "them", killing them.

"We are getting along, chubby," said the girl smiling. The boy didn't turn to look at her and just started walking.

"We have to go," he said seriously.

-Ha? Now you're in front, said the pink haired girl looking at him angrily. "A moment ago you didn't even realize it," it was true, the boy a few moments ago was very scary.

He just turned to see her with a creepy smile, but that showed some superiority.

"Thank you for making me see reason, this is reality and we must face it," he said in a grave voice.

-Well said fatass, it's time to go, said Saya as they started to go to the place that her boyfriend mentioned to them.

-Narrator I

We were walking at a moderate pace through some corridors, we were halfway to reach the Teachers' Room, where surely Kyoko-sensei was already waiting for us, I hope that Saya, Hirano and my sister are also there.

But I stopped, because I remembered that I had to go to the gym for a Bokken.

-Saeko-san, Marikawa-sensei-, I called them to pay attention to me.

I saw how they stopped and turned to see me.

"What's wrong?" The purple movie asked me.

"We are already halfway there, I would like you to go together to the place I indicate, they will be waiting for you there," I told them and saw how some panic seized the doctor.

"Will you ... will you leave us?" She asked fearfully and I shook my head.

Of course I would not leave them, not them or anyone else.

"So, what are you going to do Kei-kun?" Saeko asked me and I asked her.


"I just need to go for one of those to better defend myself," I told him pointing to the Bokken that she wore at her waist.

"I understand," she told me simply nodding.

I just smiled a little, Saeko is not someone who talks a lot, I love that serious and reserved attitude that she has, it makes her look more mysterious and sexy in my opinion.

If Saya's thing hadn't worked, maybe I would have gone for Saeko and would be just as satisfied, because I share many of my tastes with both of them.

I have always liked beautiful girls with a good body, but I also want them to be intelligent, strong and independent, as well as tender and romantic, something that both girls have, that is why I say that if one did not work, it could well have gone with the other.

Still, for now I'm happy with Saya and I hope it lasts forever, or at least while we're alive.

My thoughts went out, maybe in another moment I will put possibilities in my head.

I looked at them and started walking.

"Well, please keep moving forward, I'll catch up with you later," I said starting to walk towards the gym.

"Come back alive," I heard Saeko say.

"Of course, I'm not that easy to kill," I said, smiling amusedly, trying to brighten up the atmosphere.

After this brief exchange of words, I began to run with speed.

-Omniscient narrator

Once the blonde was gone, Saeko turned to see the doctor.

"Come on," was all she said, as she began to walk.

But she stopped and saw the doctor again, from top to bottom.

"What's wrong?", The blonde asked with a small blush at the look of the purple hair on her body.

-Nothing, only that before I have to ..., the Kendoka approached the doctor and took her skirt with her hands, and then began to rip it.

HEY! '' The huge-breasted blonde yelled for her to stop, but the purple haired girl just ignored her as she continued.

"Ready, that's better, now if we're going," she said when she had finished tearing the doctor's skirt, who sat on the floor and began to cry comically.

Hey! I loved this skirt! "She complained childishly as she rubbed her eyes.

-What do you prefer? your Life or clothes? - Asked the purple girl seriously.

"Mooo ~~" both, "said the blonde with a slight tone of anger as she pouted, making her look adorable and violated by many.

"Let's go now," said the purple hair, starting to walk, ignoring the doctor's tantrums.

"Yeah what," said the blonde getting up and following the girl. -On the rooftop

Rei, Hisashi and Takashi had been on the roof for a while.

The black-haired man was separated from the other two, because he could not bear to see the displays of affection that were given.

Hisashi was leaning against the railing, resting.

While Rei had gone to check the small room there, which apparently belonged to the astronomy club and was equipped with a little food, water, bathroom and some other things.

-Hisashi- called the orange haired to her boyfriend as she left the room with a hose in her hands.

-What's going on honey? - Asked the gray-haired man, without noticing how

Takashi gave an angry snort.

"Maybe we can use this hose to go out," said the girl, pointing to the water hose she was carrying.

The gray haired man thought a bit and deduced what his girlfriend wanted to say.

"It's true Rei," he said. "Good idea," he congratulated her smiling as he approached her to kiss her. "Well, we have to start," said the boy.

They began to unroll the hose and Hisashi took it, pointing at the makeshift shed they had made.

Suddenly they began to hear sounds of something in the air and they turned to look at the sky, only to see how two helicopters passed with soldiers boarded.

"Black Hawk?" Hisashi asked no one, looking closely at both helicopters. "It must be the Self-Defense Force," he said as they walked away and headed towards the city in chaos. That means the situation is truly serious, 'he said.

> Why didn't they help us? - Rei asked.

"They must have something much more important to come help some high school kids," he said seriously.

"It's true," Rel said with some disappointment.

-Yes, if they send the Self-Defense Force, this must be very serious and they would not risk their mission just to help us, said the gray haired man.

Although, those helicopters had a strange symbol

Etched on its sides, it was white and red.

"At least we're alive," she said, shedding some tears.

The boy put the hose on the ground and went to hug his girlfriend who clung to him.

-Shhh, nothing happens, everything will be fine-, he murmured to her hearing.

- "Rei" - Takashi muttered, feeling ignored.

The girl, after a few minutes of being hugged, slowly separated from her boyfriend's arms and went to the faucet.

-Hisashi-, she called and the gray haired man understood.

Okay, he said with a nod, already with the hose pointing toward the entrance. "Takashi, help me," he said to see how the black-haired man reluctantly approached and helped him hold the hose. "Well, you can open it now Rei," he said.

The orange haired girl nodded and opened the tap fully. The boys almost lost control of the hose, but thanks to their combined strength they managed to regain control and point the powerful jet of water that came out of the hose towards the barricade, collapsing it and in the process a few of "them. "they were behind.

"Come on!" Hisashi yelled as he started down the stairs.

-Yes-, Rei said closing the key, going to where her boyfriend with Takashi following her from behind.

They ran and made it to the other side of the roof.

"I can't believe all this is happening," the girl said looking at the corpses behind them. -Hey Hisashi-, I call boyfriend who turned to see her.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

-Tell me that this is happening is only close here, tell me that there are safe places we can go, maybe this was just a failed experiment or something like that, right? Everything will be fine afterwards, right? - I ask desperately she.

Hisashi looked at her with a bit of pity and understanding, he knew how she felt, because he was the same, but he had to be strong for her.

"I'm sorry Rei," he said, seeing how her hopes were gradually lost. -But, the way things are, this seems to go beyond a simple "accident," he said sadly.

Takashi who looked and listened to everything, could only lower his gaze, because he also knew the situation in which the country and perhaps the world was.

"No ... It can't be, it can't be true!" She exclaimed, beginning to sob.

It hurt Hisashi to see her like this.

"Don't worry," he said taking her hand. -Here you have someone who will always protect you, the gray haired man smiled at him.

Thank you Hisashi-, she said wiping her tears and

smiling at her boyfriend. If they are done ..., Takashi interrupted annoyed. -I think we should continue, Kei told me a place to

we can go, he said, starting to walk. Rei just glared at him for interrupting her intimate moment with Hisashi.

"Come on," Hisashi said smiling at her, she smiled back and nodded.

They followed Takashi up the stairs and began

download them to enter the Institute.

They made their way through the corridors, with Hisashi hitting some by kicking them, with Rei smashing their heads through with his makeshift spear, and with Takashi hitting them with a bat that he found on the roof.

They continued to advance that way, until a scream

caught their attention and they hurried over to him

origin of that scream.

-Other part

A purple girl and a blonde were already near the place they should go, they only had to climb some stairs to get there, they were about to go up, but they heard a scream near their position.

Both girls looked at each other and attended seriously, whoever it is, they would help him, so they ran to where they heard the screams.

Upon arrival they found two boys being surrounded by several of "them" and a pink hair drilling the head of one of them ", thus taking him away from her, while she fell on the ground with a lost look.

Saeko did not hesitate and quickly approached to start finishing them all, but even though she was very skilled, there were still too many for her alone.

He watched as some of them went elsewhere, so he turned to find an orange hair, a gray hair and a black-haired man fighting as well.

Saeko smiled a little and kept fighting with her Bokken.

While with the boys who were surrounded, the chubby man tried to make his partner react, while thanking God for the help they received, if the other boys had not arrived, maybe now they would be dead

Come on Takagi-san, the teachers' room is close! Kohta yelled, moving the pink haired girl to react, but she did not answer and only kept her gaze lost in shock.

He was about to speak again, but suddenly one of "them" lunged on top of him, causing him to launch the nail gun elsewhere as he tried to shake him off.

Saeko saw the situation he was in and went to help him, managing to get rid of him, but that caused her to fall herself and one of them to climb on top of her.

-Narrator I

I was returning from the gym, already prepared with my Bokken and with some protections under my shirt.

I'm running hurriedly, well I heard Saya screaming, this is bad, she is supposed to be in the teachers room by now, but apparently she completely ignored me, although I didn't expect her to, my pretty girlfriend is a bit stubborn.

I heard her scream again, my heart clenches every time I hear her scream. I have to hasten my pace, or it will be too late.

I got to some corridors and there I saw the fight, yes they are in trouble.

- "Shit", I thought when I saw that Kohta tried to do

react to Saya.

It hurts me to see her like this, so fragile, that's why I didn't want her to see how all this began.

- "No" - I thought when I saw how Saeko helped Kohta, but now it was her that she was in trouble.

It hurts me to see her like this, so fragile, that's why I didn't want her to see how all this began.

I saw how he struggled to get rid of the monster he had

Above, but apparently the one with the strong and could not. I turned to see the others, I can't believe they won't help you.

Hisashi, Rei, and Takashi were only fighting to defend themselves and Kohta apparently ran out of ammunition.

Well it's time to fight

I approached quickly.

-Here I will die, I heard Saeko murmur sadly, of course she will not die here, no one will die here.

-Come on Saeko-san, this is just beginning- I said smiling

once I get to her. -to have you unhappy, take off-, win

the zombie that was on top of him.

I saw how she only looked at me, she also looked so fragile, as a tear fell from her beautiful face.

"Come on, upstairs," I said smiling and holding out my hand.

She smiled and accepted it.

"Thank you," he said to me once on his feet.

It's nothing, I couldn't leave a beautiful lady abandoned-, I said amused and she laughed a little, but I saw how she had a slight blush. -Come on, let's finish with them, I said taking my Bokken, this feeling is extraordinary, I feel like the adrenaline takes over me.

She nodded and also prepared.

-Come on! - I said throwing myself at a group of "them" starting to crush their skulls with the sword.

Saeko did the same and I saw how she finished them with that elegance that characterized her, I do like this.

After a few minutes, we finally managed to finish them all, there were a lot of them and the truth is that everyone we were stripping helped too much, Kohta was a great help with his nail gun.

The room was silent for a few minutes, until

they all started to get closer. For my part, I went to verify that there were no more of "them"

to search for.

I listened as someone approached me and I was reassured when I saw that it was Saeko.

-Kel-kun, thanks for your help- she said leaning a


I just smiled.

-It was nothing Saeko-san, I already told you, right? I couldn't let a beautiful lady die- I said smiling and I saw how she blushed.

"Huh?" Was the only thing that escaped his lips.

I just started laughing out loud, it's funny to see her embarrassed.

What do you think if we go with the others?

finishing laughing.

She just nodded and we started walking towards each other.

I hope Saya is okay now.

When we arrived we saw that everyone was in an awkward silence.

"Well, it seems that everything went well," I said smiling with relief.

"Yes, yes," King murmured.

-Well, my name is Takishima Kei and I'm from 2 "B" - I said introducing myself, I pointed to the doctor. "And I think you already know Dr. Marikawa," I said and saw how everyone nodded.

-I'm Busujima Saeko from 3 "A", Saeko introduced herself.

-Igou Hisashi from 2 "B", Hisashi introduce himself.

-Miyamoto Rei from 2 "B", Rei introduced herself approaching us. -I know you, you are the Captain of the Female Kendo Club, Busujima-senpa- she said looking at Saeko.

"Yes," she said simply.

Hirano Kohta, also from 2 "B", said Kohta approaching.

--Komuro Takashi from 2 "B" - Takashi also introduced himself. I turned to look at him and gave him a cold look,I saw how he trembled slightly.

-It seems that they are all from 2 "B", Hisashi said and we all nodded.

But then, a voice interrupted on the spot.

Why are they getting so friendly? - I heard Saya ask, I already knew what was coming so I slowly approached her. Why do you call her senpai? You failed one year so they are the same age- she said again, more and more desperate.

"What are you saying Takagi?" Takashi asked.

DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME, Saya yelled. I AM A GENIUS! When I make an effort in something I will not lose against anyone, I am ... I am ...-, she was going to continue talking, but I stopped her and hugged her, she struggled a little, it seemed that the situation affected her, so much that she didn't recognize me.

"Shhh .... Calm down, calm down," I murmured in his ear. -I am love-, you

I said affectionately and felt him clinging to me.

I don't care if they are watching us, my girlfriend needs me.

-Kei-kun .... murmur.

"No one will make fun of you, you are a wonderful girl," I said, kissing her hair.

-Yes ..., she said calmly.

He separated a bit from me and looked at himself in a mirror there.

-My ... My clothes are dirty, I'll have to tell my mom to take them to the dry cleaner- I heard her say with a broken voice, I just looked at her sadly, I don't like to see her like that.

I leaned closer once more and hugged her against my chest.

I will always be with you darling ..., I whispered to her and I heard how she began to cry loudly, I just hugged her harder, without the intention of separating me, she needed to vent.

This was only the beginning, and I promise myself that I will protect Saya no matter what, even if I have to give my life for her safety.

Uff, I can finally rest.

Well guys, here is the first chapter, I hope you like it.

Not if you have noticed, but I have hardly put Takashi, why? No idea, I do not know how to put him in the story, technically I am now the protagonist v.

Well, it doesn't matter