
Highschool GxG Vol 1 (English Google Translation)

A different kind of Issei, helps the villianesses to get revenge on the occult research club, Rias's peerage. Currently translatin from a chinese fanfiction: Original Author: Sky Devil.

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9 Chs

Chapter 5: "The Red-haired Pork Princess"

Akeno Himejima was defeated, and the time went back to the previous point.

Rias and Akeno witnessing Kiba's tragedy, after that, they were sent to different locations by the enemy's teleportation array.

"Why am I in the church where I fought Raynare?"

Just as Rias was vigilant about the surroundings, a sound came from the passage on the side of the hall, as if the sound of iron chains hitting and something crawling mixed with it.

Rias stared nervously at the direction of the sound, the sound was getting closer and closer, and finally two white figures in the darkness slowly crawled into Rias' field of vision, and Rias' pupils shrank sharply.

"Koneko, Asia!"

Rias let out, in exclamation. The source of the sound was the captured Koneko and Asia. At this time, the two were crawling on the ground naked on all fours like animals. They must have been abused. Their bodies had scars all over the place, and there are black collars all over the neck, and the iron chains are connected to the collars, and the iron chains are not hanging down but hanging in the air. It's obvious that someone behind is pulling the iron chain, leading the two of them to walk like dogs forward.

"Enough, how dare you treat my important servants like this! Unforgivable! Get out! I'm going to kill you!"

Rias didn't have to wait too long, and the person at the other end of the chain appeared soon. Sona Sitri appeared in the darkness with a smile, and said to Rias with a smile.

"Long time no see, Rias, how are you? Your subordinates are of poor quality. But don't be sad I've already trained them well. Don't need to thank me. We're friends after all."


Rias couldn't believe her eyes, the person who took away her peerage was Sona.

"This, this is impossible, Sona, how could it be you! This is not true!"

"Of course it's true."

Before Sona said anything back, another female spoke, and then two silhouettes followed Sona into the hall. The person who spoke was a tall beauty with blue hair, and the other was a petite blonde loli girl that is following her.

Everything in front of her made Rias's mind go blank, and she couldn't figure out the situation in front of her at all. The fact that Sona had become an enemy was difficult for her to believe, but now she actually saw enemies that have died at her own hands in front of her, appear in front of her alive again.

"You! This is impossible, Raynare's subordinates, Kalawaner and Mittelt! How can you still be alive! I killed both of you!"

"Hee hee, we were indeed killed by you, but we were resurrected."

Mittelt jumped out playfully, and said to Rias with a smile.

"Impossible! Even if the body can be restored by some means, the fallen angels that were abandoned by God can neither go to heaven nor go to hell! There will be no soul or anything left after death! Even through cloning, only it's just a new individual, and will not inherit the memory of the dead at all, you can't be resurrected!"

"There is a method of resurrection. Even if there is still a little of tissue left, that tissue can be restored to what it should have been in life. Even a soul that has been turned into nothingness can be restored to its original form, it's simple. In other words, it means returning to the state before the subject died, when you killed us back then, you shouldn't have left any feathers, Rias."

Rias's body froze suddenly, and slowly turned her head to look for the voice who said that just now, and saw Raynare sitting there leisurely on the red bench beside her, watching with a blank expression at her.

"There is such a method? But, you also have been resurrected, I think so, both of them have been resurrected and as their superior, you have no reason not to be resurrected."

But now there is no time for her to think too much about these things, how they were resurrected is not important anymore, the important thing is that they are bad news for her now, and what annoys her even more is that Sona is also with them , although Rias was shocked by the resurrection of the three fallen angels, she was not very worried. With their strength, they could not pose a threat to her, but the problem was Sona. Even with the powerful destructive magic power, Sona can't be taken lightly, and she prefers to believe that Sona is just being controlled.

Rias no longer cares about Raynare and the others, and directly yells at Sona:

"Sona! You are being controlled by them, right?! We are friends, aren't we?! Wake up!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Rias? I'm not being controlled. I just changed my opinion. Do you think what we are doing now is evil? No! There is no good or evil in the world, and I resisted too at the beginning, but master's training made me change! I'm just following my instinct now, I just want to serve master and become master's sow!"

"Sona! Listen to what nonsense you are talking about now! How can you recognize these despicable fallen angels as masters, and how can you be controlled by these guys?!"

Sona looked at Rias like she was a fool.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Rias? I don't think that the fallen angels are the master. Although I respectfully call Raynare and the others, we are all servants in essence."


"Hahaha, well, don't waste your energy, what a hypocritical woman, what friend you are, you are just worried that you will lose the battle if you face the four of us at the same time, you think that only the three of us are not enough for you I'm right? But you are worried about Sona, who is also a high-level demon, so you want to get her out of the fight, isn't it?"

Raynare taunted Rias, and at the same time got up and walked to her companion and continued.

"But I think you've made a mistake. You probably thought that we were going to challenge you head-on because of Sona Sitri, a superior devil, by our side. Maybe you thought your clients were "killed", but couldn't find any clues, probably because of the presence of the superior devil Sona."

Rias was shocked by Raynare, indeed she thinks so, she doesn't think that a few low-ranking fallen angels can cause such a big storm, and she is being played around by the recent events, if she can do this, if it's Sona's strategies, so it's not difficult to understand. This group of fallen angels somehow found a way to control the superior devils, so that Sona became their subordinate.

"Let me tell you, this incident was purely made by the few of us. The only time Sona made a move was after you and Himejima Akeno were lured away by us, and she went to school to capture Asia and little Koneko. If you think that our current strength is the same as before, you are totally wrong. This incident is our revenge on you, but you don't have to worry. I am a benevolent angel. Those two came only to threaten you, all I want is a one-on-one duel with you! As long as you can defeat me, I will let your subordinates go, how about it?"

"Do you think I'll believe you?"

Rias gritted her teeth and said to Raynare.

"Ah, ah, I didn't want to do anything to poor Asia and Koneko, but your master forced me, there is no other way, don't blame me, Sona!"

"Yes, Master Raynare!"

Sona replied excitedly, and then a flashing whip appeared in her hand, and she began to frantically whip towards the bodies of Koneko and Asia. The whip and the electric current made Koneko and Asia scream continuously in pain and pleasure, the voices of the two are intertwined:

"Ahhh! Master Sona is feels so good! Ahhh!"

"Ah! It hurts! But it feels good! Asia is so happy!"


Looking at the abused Koneko and Asia in front of her, Rias cried out in pain.

"Stop! Well, you trust me now? You have no choice."

Raynare said to Rias with a smile.

"Okay, I will fight with you, but remember, if you dare to hurt the Koneko and Asia during this period, I will kill all of you immediately, and if the worst happens, I will let all of you be buried with them!"

Rias' words seemed to be squeezed out of her mouth.

"Oh, it's so scary. It seems that you are very confident, but yes, even if Sona is the same high-level devil as you, but she is closer to the strategy type. Compared with the hard power, she is not your opponent at all. Your chances of winning are very high. Oh, look how much I care for you."

"Less nonsense!"

Rias roared for a while, the red aura burst out from her body, and a huge magic was wrapped around her body.

"Hey, too impatient. By the way, are you really their master? If you fight here, you won't be afraid that the battle will affect Asia and the others."

"You don't need to worry, I will control my power and finish this quickly!"

"So that's it. It seems that I was worried for nothing, but it's better to be on the safe side. If you hurt them, don't blame me again. Let's change the place!"

As soon as those words were finished, Raynare suddenly stretched her hands to Rias. It was as if Rias had been hit by a huge object, flying towards the glass window behind her, directly smashing the glass window and being knocked out of the church. Rias suffered a burst of pain, but quickly stabilized her body, but her feet still drew two deep marks on the ground outside the church before she stopped her body.

Rias looked at Raynare who jumped out of the church in surprise.

What happened just now, she only saw Raynare pushed her hands, and a huge force pushed herself out of the room, it wasn't magic or something like that, but purely because of the airflow caused by Raynare's move into the air, it was purely caused by physical strength. Raynare moved her arms and said with a smile

"Hehe, I have been exercising my body a lot."

"Hmph, it's just a trick! It's nothing in front of my destructive magic power!"

Rias crossed her hands, and the powerful red and black magic power condensed on her arms. As she opened her arms violently, huge irregular destructive magic power hit Raynare.

"What do you think of my little trick?"

Raynare didn't use the power of light to fight, but punched violently towards Rias's destructive magic wave, and with the fist swung, a strong air current rushed towards Rias' destructive magic power, A gust of wind swept through the clouds, and the menacing destructive magic power was instantly shattered by the blow of the fist, turning into scattered magic power and disappearing in all directions.

"Impossible! How can you beat my destructive magic power?"

"Hahaha, look at her stupid look, where is your bravado now?"

Mittelt, who went to the window and saw what happened just now, laughed at the shocked Rias.

"You rely too much on the magic of destruction, Rias Gremory."

Raynare said to Rias with one hand on her hip.

"Destructive magic power is indeed a great power, but at the same time, most of the people with powerful magic power are a group of guys who rely too much on magic power. Of course, I used to be similar, but once the magic power I have relied on for a long time was defeated, I loosed my life. I became powerless, just like you are now!"

As soon as she finished taking, Raynare spread her wings and attacked Rias at a very fast speed. She punched out and hit Rias's abdomen heavily. Because of the sudden heavy blow, Rias spit out saliva mixed with blood, she bent down and clutched her belly in pain, her legs were bent and she staggered back a few steps, suddenly her eyes narrowed, and another big mouthful of blood spit out.

Raynare looked at her fist that she used to hit Rias, and there was a trace of purple aura around her arm.

"Well, even though that's what you said, you can't just rely on physical strength, the combination of the two is the correct approach, just like me, when attacking, attach the power of light to the hands and feet, and you can get better results, especially to you devils!"

Raynare raised her leg fiercely, and her knee hit Rias's chin fiercely, Rias spit out another mouthful of blood and flew into the air. Raynare spread her wings, flew to a higher place than Rias, clenched her fists, and hit Rias fiercely in the air, so Rias flew diagonally downward again, Raynare repeated this, whenever Rias was knocked into the air, she would fly to her front and continue to knock her into the air, so despite being constantly attacked, Rias never fell from the air, just bouncing around in the air like a bouncy ball.

This is not working for Rias, if she continues to be attacked by Raynare like this, no matter it is the power of light, or the fists attacks would kill her. So Rias used all her strength to spread out her devil wings, waved them violently, and finally changed direction in the air, dodging Raynare's attacks.

"Oh, that's amazing, to be able to escape from such a fierce continuous attack, not bad, Rias."

Raynare praised Rias hypocritically, by now Rias is powerless to refute her. Every part of her body was in pain, her clothes became tattered, and her body was covered in cuts and bruises.

If this continues, she will definitely lose, Rias thinks this, she can't imagine why a rebirth after death can make Raynare's strength rise to this point, but it is meaningless to think about it now, the only thing to do now is to defeat her.

Rias took out a small bottle from her clothes pocket, opened it and drank the liquid inside, only to see that the wounds all over Rias' body instantly recovered, and her skin became white and smooth again.

"Oh, is that Phoenix Tears? You still have that?"

Raynare was a little surprised that Rias was actually carrying Phoenix Tears.

Rias, who had fully recovered her strength, took out another small bottle and drank the liquid inside.

"Huh? What is that? It doesn't seem to be Phoenix Tears."

Raynare asked with some doubt.

The red destructive magic power burst out from Rias's body again, but this time the quality of the destructive magic power is completely different from before. It first raged around the body like a burst of madness, and then covered the whole body peacefully. Something like a protective film is formed on the body.

"Hehe, is it the same as when I covered my hands and feet with the power of light, and you covered your whole body with the power of destruction? your learning abilities are very strong! And this magic power is completely different from the one I scattered just now. It's about fifty times as much as before. I see, the second bottle of medicine you drank is a strength-enhancing medicine."

"That's right, this is a drug that can increase one's various abilities by fifty times in a short period of time. Although it is harmful to the body, I have to use it now. To be honest, I never thought that I would use this drug to deal with you! I I must praise you! Don't call me mean, because this is a battle of life and death!"

After finishing speaking, Rias disappeared in an instant. Before Raynare could react, Rias appeared in front of her, and her fist wrapped in destructive magic power attacked Raynare, hurriedly blocked it with both arms, but was still instantly knocked out by Rias, Raynare frowned because of the pain, but before she could make a counterattack, Rias had already appeared behind her, and kicked Raynare in a different direction again. What Raynare did to Rias before, Rias is now repeating to Raynare.

Rias's attacks rained down on Raynare.

"Do you like it, you crazy fallen angel?"

Rias clenched her fists in the air, and punched at Raynare with all her strength, and Raynare smashed to the ground like a meteorite, making a big crater on the ground.

"It's over!"

Rias yelled and turned her hands towards Raynare who was lying in the deep pit on the ground. The huge destructive force gathered, and a beam of light formed by the destructive force was launched towards Raynare in the pit, causing a huge explosion. Make the pits in the ground deeper and bigger. Rias gasped loudly in the air, the magic column just now consumed most of her magic power, and the side effects of the medicine made her very uncomfortable, but it was all worth it, because she won, of course she also doesn't think Raynare's subordinates will keep their promise and release Koneko and the others, but now that the drug effect has not passed yet, her speed is 50 times her usual level, and she is confident that even if the strength of everyone left on the other side have the level of Raynare, she can take them out before they hurt Koneko and Asia.

Rias endured the severe pain in her body, and shouted to the few people watching the battle on the ground.

"How about it! Your master is dead, you should keep your promise and let Asia and the others go. If you don't keep the promise, I don't mind killing you and saving my peerage members!"

Kalawaner snorted after hearing what Rias said.

"What's so ridiculous? Let Asia and Koneko go!"

"Of course we will keep our promise, but the condition is that you have to defeat Lady Raynare!"

"Are you blind? Raynare is dead!"

"Pfft, none of us can't be killed with that level of destruction magic power, let alone Lady Raynare."

Mittelt sneered.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Raynare has already..."

Rias's words stopped abruptly and an ominous premonition struck, followed by a huge coercion from the ground below, and this pressure made Rias breathless. In the smog that hadn't cleared from the ground, eight extremely huge pitch-black wings spread out, and the wings flapped slightly, blowing away all the smoke and dust everywhere as if a tornado passed through, and then the wings slowly shrank. Rias looked at the deep pit that she blasted out below, and Raynare stood there unscathed, the eight wings behind her gave off an ominous aura, Raynare flapped her wings lightly, Rias looked at Raynare in horror.

"Eight wings, have you reached the level of a high-ranking fallen angel?!"

"Although the level of a high-ranking fallen angel has been reached, it's better not to measure the strength of an angel by the number of wings alone, and my wings can be more than eight pieces at most, but it hurts, although my current appearance is enough to defeat you, but since you have shown me such a high level of fighting, I also need to show you my strongest appearance to respond to you."

After saying that, Raynare stretched out her left hand, a green gem appeared on the back of her left hand, and soon the green gem glowed, covering Raynare's entire arm.

"That's SeKiryuuutei's gauntlet!"

Looking at the red gauntlet on Raynare's hand, Rias exclaimed, that is Issei's sacred gear, this means Issei is dead!

"You bastard! You actually killed Issei!"

"Hehehe, such a good thing, of course, needs to be matched with a suitable owner, but this is not what I want you to see."

The precious jade on the gauntlet suddenly emitted a strong light.

"This is the strongest form of the sacred gear, Forbidden Hand!"

After saying that, pieces of red armor appeared on Raynare's body, and soon the armor covered her body, and a helmet with horns appeared on her head, covering the upper half of her face. Red metal-like wings appeared behind the quilt, and two cannons appeared at the waist. Eight black wings protruded from the gaps in the armor on the back, and a pointed thing like a tail hung behind her.

"Forbidden Hands—"SeKiryuuutei's Armor·Fallen Mode", but having said that, the master has such a strange taste, it's obviously armor, but the coverage of the body is really low, the stomach, thighs, and chest are not protected at all!"

Raynare couldn't help talking to herself about her armor.

"Stop talking nonsense, you actually killed Issei, I will never forgive you!"

Without a care about how powerful Raynare's armor is, Rias, who was dazzled by anger, violently burst out all the magic power in her body, and flew towards Raynare, the huge magic power gathered in her hands, and Raynare shook her head and swung her fists. The two fists collided in the air, and huge fluctuations of magic power spread out. Soon Rias couldn't hold her back, and she was thrown backwards.

But Rias turned around in the air, condensed the power of destruction with her hands, and fired a huge destructive magic bullet again. With a light wave of Raynare's hand, Rias's bullet was deflected and flew into the air. Rias didn't get discouraged when she missed a hit, she flapped her wings, retracted the magic power of destruction again, evenly covered her whole body, and flew towards Raynare. It can be seen that every attack of Rias is dodged or defended by Raynare, but most of Raynare's attacks hit Rias's body, excessive consumption, side effects of drugs, and strength. The gap made Rias already unable to do what she wanted. The reason why she can continue to fight now is only because of the anger and momentum aroused by knowing that Issei was killed.

"Enough is enough, you have already lost, why bother with such a painful battle."

"Not yet! I must avenge Issei! I will kill you!!"

Rias continued to yell loudly, but her body was no longer able to control her body, her fists were waving feebly, her eyes became increasingly dim, and the destructive magic shield around her body slowly began to disintegrate.

"You are really stubborn, so I'll be a good person and make you feel better."

As soon as she finished speaking, Raynare hit Rias's lower body and chest, but she didn't use too much force, but Rias didn't notice that on her lower body and chest, something appeared at that moment. A small magic circle appeared, but it disappeared quickly.

Rias attacked Raynare again, but she didn't fight with her this time, she just dodged and flew towards the distance.

"Don't try to escape!"

Seeing Raynare flying far away, Rias immediately flapped her wings and chased after her. Then Raynare suddenly stop in mid-air and turned to Rias, with a smile on her lips.


Rias swung her fist and hit Raynare in the face.

Just when Rias's fist was about to hit Raynare's face, Raynare snapped her fingers with the gauntlet's left hand. Following this movement of Raynare's, Rias's body froze suddenly, and the small magic circle on her lower body reappeared, and Rias's panties were instantly shattered. Rias screamed, and her legs were separated suddenly. Rias fell from the air and fell heavily on the ground. Rias, who was lying on the ground, moaned and twitched slightly.

"Hahahaha, how is it? Feels good? How does it feel to have a sudden orgasm during a battle? Do you want to feel it more now?"

The green gemstones on Raynare's armor shone together, followed by continuous voices of "boost" and "boost". As the voices continued, Rias, who was lying on her back on the ground, tensed instantly, her thighs It split again uncontrollably, the back was still leaning on the ground, but the buttocks were already high off the ground, and the lower body was supported by only two feet. The private parts seemed to be ready for launch, and soon the pussy was like a fountain, a stream of lewd water is also continuously sprayed out in large quantities along with the voice.

"Ah, ah, coming, coming again, stop! Stop! Oh oh oh! Can't stop at all! Coming again! Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Rias tensed her body, screaming loudly continuously, her lewd water continued to spurt out, her eyes rolled up, her tongue hung out, flicking with the twisting of her body.

"Haha, originally I used this forbidden form just to use this trick on you. How can you, someone that is about to become a sow, deserves to be treated seriously? This kind of despicable appearance is in line with your fate! Although the gauntlet can also do it, making your orgasm double, but there is a limit of once in ten seconds, the forbidden hand is different, it can double your pleasure continuously, how about it! I am good enough for you? By the way, it's just the bottom, so you probably aren't satisfied then the top will feel good too."

After finishing speaking, Raynare snapped her fingers again, and two small magic circles appear on Rias's twin peaks.

"Oh oh oh oh, my nipples, my nipples are so swollen, they are bursting! Oh oh oh oh!"

Rias screamed obscenely, and the two spots on her chest were instantly soaked, which was caused by the spurting of milk from the nipples.

"Oh oh oh oh, good, it's so cool! Coming, coming! My nipples are coming together! Oh oh oh oh! I'm not pregnant, but my nipples are spraying milk, oh oh oh!"

"Hahahaha, Nipples? Chest? Where did you learn those shameless names! I thought you were a very noble lady, but I didn't expect you to be a female pervert in essence. I see you haven't seen those pornographic things in private, but in true, you usually need to pretend to be a lady, but in this situation now, your true self in your heart is shown, hahaha!"

Looking at the lewd Rias this time, Raynare laughed loudly. her lower body continuously sprayed lewd water, and her nipples continuously sprayed out milk. The milk soaked Rias's clothes, and the skirt was also soaked in the lewd water.

This made Rias very uncomfortable, so Rias crazily tore up her skirt and blouse so that the lewd water and milk could be sprayed out smoothly.

"Hehehe, the 'Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess' is just a mean sow, why don't we just call her 'Red-haired Pork Princess'."

Kalawaner laughed, and the group of people left the church and came to Raynare, looking at Rias who was masturbating on the ground.

"Oh! That's a good name, Kalawaner, it's rare for you to say something interesting, stinking sow! Aren't you crazy?"

Mittelt stretched out her foot and kicked Rias hard and sending her flying to the wall of the church, crashing into it hard. Rias didn't show any pain at all, because she couldn't care about it anymore, and now she just wants to continue to enjoy the orgasm brought to her by Raynare, she didn't care about being surrounded by people at all, Rias sat up against the wall, her legs were wide open, her breasts were exposed, her face was lewd, and her lewd water and milk continued to spurt.

At this moment, a magic circle appeared next to everyone, and in the magic circle, Viser who was carrying Akeno appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh, Raynare, you are better at playing, and you even used the forbidden form."

Seeing Rias sitting on the ground and climaxing continuously, Viser laughed a lot.

"Looks like you also finished it, how about it, that priestess has been trained?"

Raynare looked at Akeno on Viser's shoulder.

"Hehe, not yet. I'm not as impatient as you guys. It's better to take it easy and play slowly."