

The peacekeepers along with Alastair charged at the acolytes who were doing the same ,but before they could come in contact Marco and another knight used ice and wind magic to disorient the movement of the beasts while Will fired his arrows at all the flying creatures. Alastair summoned a giant battle axe while running at the beasts and once the ice cause one of the leading ogres to lose his balance Alastair leaped up to match the ogres head and slammed the axe blade into its skull killing it instantly, Alastair then made sure his axe gripped the skull perfectly and slammed it to the ground causing the ogres body to create a shockwave making the creatures nearby lose their balance after barely standing on the ice.

The rest of peacekeepers killed all the creatures around them before they could recover. Alastair saw that another group was approaching them now while breaking the ice to make sure they have footing and yelled to his man

" Everyone move back to Marco ".His men quickly regrouped and moved back to Marco who was trying to expand the ice floor and make the enemies disorient themselves. Alastair how ever still fought on the ice which confused the creature's as he was having no issue running along the ice, it wasn't until one of the creature's was kicked in the face that it was revealed the reason for his balance , his shoes had sharp metal studs attached to them which helped him move across the ice easily. The creatures tried to back away from Alastair to avoid his giant Axe but those that escaped were getting killed by Will and a few Mage peacekeepers.

Azaroth saw this and was amused* so they plan to cut down our numbers* , he then grinned and spoke to himself

" Well even ants have their moments in life". Azaroth's tone then turned serious as he spoke again" Malfus, Draco exterminate the Vermin and his compatriots." Two creatures that looked different from the rest of the monsters stepped forward. One had dragon wings and a long neck like a snake and was carrying two small axes. What was strange was the fact that it had purple eyes glowing , while the other although was the same species had no wings, scales covering its body and carried a spear.

Both of them sprinted to battle the peacekeepers, Malfus soon flew up while Draco sped up charging with his spear. Alastair was focused on the minions that he couldn't see reptile approaching him from the sky, but Will could see the beast raising its two axes diving straight at Alastair, He quickly yelled while pointing at the beast to warn Alastair about the attack "ALASTAIR!". Alastair looked at Will pointing and was able to react just in time to block the two axes Malfus was pressing down on him . Even then both of them were at a stand still while Alastair thought* This guy's strong*. He was confused also as if he felt weaker like he was being pushed back, he then looked at the lizards eyes to see a strange purple symbol glowing . It felt entrapping to Alastair as he could not think straight.

Not until Marco yelled" look out !",Alastair suddenly saw the tip of the spear emerging below Malfus and quickly curved his body trying to dodge it. Although he was able to avoid being impaled by the spear it was still able to cut off parts of his lower right torso's armor. Most blades were never able to cut through his armor and this attack was able to take a decent chunk out of his. He then looked the spear and saw that the armor was still sticking to the tip and slowly losing its shape turning more liquid, soon mixing into the spear as well. Alastair looked at his opponents closely studying them while thinking* ok so one of them uses hypnosis while the other has specialty in magnetic alchemy*. As he thought this he lifted his axe on to his shoulders and smiled a bit with all the excitement in battle" Well then, this is an interesting combination lets see what you got."

Draco ran first charging with his spear at Alastair while Malfus stood there silently. Alastair grabbed the axe handle with both hands, and spun around and threw the axe straight at Draco . Draco dodged the large axe easily by ducking and looked behind to see it also going for Malfus who just moved to the side with ease causing the axe to hit the acolyte minions that were on standby. Draco smiled thinking that Alastair had now lost his weapon and turned back to face him but saw that was Alastair right in front of him, before he could get ready to attack Alastair grabbed his spear, making Draco panic . "nice spear " Alastair said to Draco as he kicked him away while holding onto the spear. Draco fell back landing near Malfus, who grabbed him by the arm while ordering him to get up.

Draco looked at Alastair ,Irritated by that taunt, he sprinted at Alastair and jumped up at him with rage. Alastair just raised the spear at him with a laugh as if indicating that he can use Draco's spear to defeat him" Aha " he said thinking that he got Draco but the spear suddenly started bending by itself and before Alastair could realize what was happening it bent around him trapping him while locking his arms as well " oh crap" he said under his breath.

Although Alastair was bound by the spear he was still quick enough to be able to dodge Draco's claws. When he got some distance from the two salamanders, he tried to free himself from the spear with strength but the more he struggled to get free from it the more it tightened around his chest and arms. Alastair looked back at Marco and the other peacekeepers who were fighting off the rest of the minions and were doing fairly well against them, with range attacks to disorient the creatures while some would be in range with their weapons to finish them off. Alastair yelled at Marco," A little help here", who was giving orders to the soldiers not looking at Alastair's situation. Marco looked back to respond to Alastair but got surprised and tried to warn Alastair" look out" he yelled as Alastair turned around to see Malfus about to swing his axes at Alastair. Alastair knew he wouldn't be able to dodge the attack this time as being bound by the spear was making it already hard for him to move and he couldn't create the momentum quickly enough to dodge ,all he could do was try to lean back and make sure to get the least damage he could, which could also mean the loss of a limb.

But before the axe could land on Alastair and do some damage an arrow flew past him from behind barely missing his ear and landing directly on shoulder of Malfus causing him to miss his attack and falling over ,behind Alastair. Malfus soon got up while holding the wound on his shoulder with arrow still sticking to it, another arrow came flying at him but he was able to grab it with quick reflex and hissed at the person who fired at him as he broke the arrow. Will then stepped forward as he placed another arrow on his bow as he made a snarky remark" hey Alastair you got room for one more dance partner here". Alastair smiled and nodded saying" sure, why not it was getting unfair anyway". Malfus flew back to Draco and pulled out the arrow from his shoulder , and summoned his axes. While Will walked to Alastair who was now from the spear which Draco summoned back as well." you deal with the close quarters stuff while I got your back" Will said to Alastair who nodded in response.

As the battle begin between the two pairs, Azaroth watched from his throne while thinking* Hmm he might be useful after all*.As he signaled one of his general" bring him here" . The general understood and went away to the back of the army.