
Highschool DxD: Sharingan Dragon God

OC Sharingan insert, multiple crossover elements, other anime mentions, future Lemons, Limes planned, all the fun of a DxD OCxHarem, IsseixHarem This is NOT an Issei replacement fic.

PsyChotiX556 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter Seven

In the middle of the Maki Dojo lay a sleeping Kenta, in a small futon, around him were a number of open scrolls and papers, each one blank and marked with a simple black paper fan marking indicating the hidden content of the pages.

To most looking at him they would think he was just sleeping, but if you looked you would see his eyes rapidly moving under his eyelids indicating something completely different was taking place.

Kenta's Mindscape

Kenta knelt in a larger dojo with sliding shōji doors and tatami flooring, wearing an all-black tracksuit with a white and red fan insignia below his collar. Beside him was his family sword still in its sheath as Kenta took in deep calming breaths holding the final one a little longer before releasing it as he lowered his head with his eye's closed.

Suddenly two figures made completely of darkness dropped down from the ceiling above both humanoid shapes wielding, long, blade-like constructions in their hands resembling that of a katana as they raised them above their heads to strike.

The second their feet touch the ground Kenta's eye shoot open, revealing his Sharingan spinning, as he pushed off the ground with his lower legs and reached for his sword as his own feet took the ground and he pushes himself forward just narrowly dodging the two shadow blades as he evade the attack drawing his sword from its sheet and takes it in both hands before turning on his heel as they come at him again.

Raising his sword he parries a strike pushing it up before shifting his body weight and doing the same with a second attack from the second figure as he moves himself between the pair as his eyes continue to spin and he blocks a series of strikes from both opponents keeping up with their movements with very little difficulty as he plot each of their attacks.

With a final fluid movement as both figures move to attack at the same time, Kenta evades one side while parrying the other above his head and pushes up forcing the figure to take a step back before Kenta spins around as the second figure is recovering and with speed makes his attack as his blade is a blur across the shadow figures neck as he turns again just as the first figure is coming back from his stumble only for Kenta's blade to blur again as he spins only this time in an upward vertical slash as the figure stops his blade above his head poised to strike before freezing on the spot as Kenta slashes his sword to the side as the second figure's head fell from its body which collapses on the ground and the body of the first splits in two and fell to the ground bisected cleanly down the middle before both shadow figures dissipated.

Kenta takes a breath before the sound of the doors opening draws his attention as the shōji doors open to reveal four other shadowed figures each armed evenly, a smirk comes across Kenta's face as he falls into a stance as the four rush him.

Time skip- (10 mental days later) Kenta's POV

'This mental training is really something else, I can finally get a real challenge for once, and I can test the limits of my Sharingan, I wonder when the next random attack is going to come, and I wonder how many I will have to kill this time, it was close to a hundred last time' I thought as I let out a breath after I resumed kneeling in my mental dojo.

It had been ten days in here so far, that's only two hundred and forty minutes in the real world… so about four hours, means I have another twenty days' worth of training left tonight alone before my twelve hours of sleep are up for the night, if I could do this every night my skills would improve a lot faster than I thought initially, my Kenjutsu has already improved in leaps and bounds taking on so many opponents at once, my reflexes are so sharp I don't even need my Sharingan when it's less than four opponents.

{I concur} I hear Ciro's voice boom out loud, {your skill with a sword had progressed immensely, perhaps it would be wise to expand your skill set and begin working on your other skills now that you have advanced to this point. Perhaps working on your devil magic would be best for your and then after that you can begin to master the other techniques your scrolls mentioned while we being your sacred gear training, with those three branches of your skills you would be hard pressed to find someone to match you afterwards}

I nodded, "I think you're right," I said as my sword disappeared, "any idea's on what one I should start with?" I ask aloud before blinking as I see everything start to shimmer around me as the Dojo I was in falls away as I suddenly find myself in a large open grass covered plain that seemed to expand out in all directions as far as I could see, "what's this for?" I asked aloud before I heard a familiar voice only a lot closer by.

"I thought a change of scenery would be best for this next piece of training, as the best way to grow is through combat to truly discover one's skills"

I turn to see where the voice came from only to stop on the spot as I blink seeing the source, a man in his early or mid-twenties, wearing a pair of black trousers and shoes and a light blue business shirt with the top two buttons undone, he had light blue hair like the sky and his eyes shown a brilliant bright blue.

"Ciro?" I asked seeing him, to which he gave a small bow.

"In the flesh, so to speak," he grinned, "I thought it'd be better this way, so I can give a demonstration"

I raised an eyebrow, "A demonstration of what?" I asked as he held up his hand as it glowed and the gauntlet of my sacred gear formed, I blinked in confusion before in a burst of speed he thrust his hand towards me and the wind around him blasted forward and I felt it hit me like a brick wall as I felt myself lifted off my feet with the force and thrown bodily backwards through the air for a few seconds.

I tried to right myself mid-air and land back on my feet but the wind was still blowing twisting me so I couldn't get my bearings, the next thing I felt was my leg catching the ground before my hand did and I started to twist and roll as I landed hard on the ground, I must have rolled several times before I finally came to a stop after being thrown like a rag doll.

With a groan, I looked up and around to see Ciro lowering his hand with a smug look on his face as the gauntlet disappeared.

"A demonstration, of just what your sacred gear it truly capable of, and what better way to do so than in a spar" Ciro called to me over the thirty feet distance that he'd thrown me.

I groaned as I got up, even though my body was a mental representation, I still felt like I had been thrown the distance. Back on my feet after a few seconds, I glared at Ciro as I willed my sacred gear to appear, "I am so going to make you pay for that you overgrown lizard."

That may have been the wrong thing to say as my eyes widened as the next thing I knew I was off the ground again this time sideways as the wind caught me harder and I found myself cartwheeling through the air and hitting the ground several seconds later.

Time skip- (10 mental days later)

I stood bent over panting hard, my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath, "Damn you're a… sadistic drill instructor… you know that," I said as I started to get my breath back.

Ciro stood behind me smirking, "Well you can't say my training doesn't get results" he said as I finally looked up to see the damage around us.

Where once was a wide open clear grassland, was now a cratered and scorched area, large craters, slashed trenches, scorched earth and still burning mounds of earth littered the area all around us.

I gave a weak smirk, "no I cannot, and the combination of both the sacred gear and my fire techniques make a rather powerful combination, the wind adding more fuel to the blaze"

Ciro nodded, "Indeed, even your weaker techniques become much more powerful, it's definitely a technique to keep as your ace, have you given any more thought on my suggestion to naming the gear yet"

I shook my head, "I have some idea's but I'll think on it while I'm practising my energy techniques, I've still got another ten days in here before I wake up"

Ciro nodded, "Just as well, you could always hold off on it for as long as you want, but you should think of one before it fully awakens"

I turned raising an eyebrow, "what do you mean "Fully awakens", isn't it already?" I asked.

Ciro shook his head, "No it's not. Much like your Sharingan some sacred gear awaken in different stages, yours is currently at stage one, stage two will come in time, when the sacred gear feels you are emotionally ready for it, when it does your power will increase drastically, you will gain more of my power over the winds, that is something to look forward to"

I smirked, "definitely, so what do you say to one last spar before I move on to my other skills, I almost beat you that last time"

I saw Ciro chuckle as he turned and walked away ten paced before turning to me with a smirk on his face, I had expected him to hold out his hand and for the gear to appear again only for his entire body to glow and start to grow, "oh no partner, you only think you almost beat me," he said as the glowing expanded until out he stepped in his full dragon form as the winds around us grew drastically, "but if it's a final spar you want, I'll give you one to remember," he said before letting out a roar as I gulped before smirking as I dropped into a stance my sacred gear forming on my fist.

With a little chuckle, I grinned, "bring it" I said before charging at the dragon my own winds behind me pushing me forward as our final fight began.

Four hours later real world- 8 AM

The alarm on my phone went off again signalling the time I felt myself wake up with a small groan as I reached over swiping the off switch before sitting up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Reaching back I rubbed my neck, 'note to self: buy a new futon, one with thicker padding,' I thought to myself as I pulled the cover off me and started to get up. 'Ciro you are one tough son of a bitch you know that'

I heard Ciro chuckle in my head in response, 'Well you aren't so bad yourself, a few more nights like this and you might actually put up a decent fight against me,' I heard him laugh in my head.

I sighed as I started to stretch my body and frowned feeling myself move stiffly, "Why do I feel so sluggish. Like my body's moving slower that before?" I asked worriedly.

'That's because your mind is thinking of how your mental self-moved, you just spent a month mentally training your mental body represented that growing stronger like it would in the real world while your physical body remained the same, you've kept all the skills and experience but not the physical discipline and fitness, of course you're going to notice the difference until you've trained your body up to the same level' Ciro explained to me as I stretched out, 'I've been trying to channel your life energy around your limbs to try and strengthen them that way so reduce the difference but you still need to train physically to get your body up to par'

I nodded feeling my body a little bit more loose now, "thanks' for the update, I guess I'll have to schedule some time to get back into my physical training, maybe use the academy's gym and resources, it's better than what I've got here" I said as I started to make my way towards the door.

'Good idea, but you should be careful about using your Sharingan and getting into any life or death situations that could cause serious stress, I'm doing my best to try and slow your Sharingan's maturing rate down as much as I can, but after that final spar we had it took everything I had to keep it from maturing, another situation of that magnitude or serious fight like that again and I might not be able to keep it from doing so next time'

I frowned and nodded, 'got it, I'll try to keep away from anyone that would be looking for a fight like that, but I don't think I'll find anyone close who could give me a fight like you did in that last one, I hardly think there is anyone of your level in this town,' I think as I shut the dojo door behind me.

Walking over and in the back door into the kitchen I instantly stop in the doorway as I hear the sound the kettle whistling that it was done, I instantly tense. I didn't put that on the stove.

Slowly I reach for the Bokutō I left by the door as I move into the kitchen, activating my Sharingan as I did so, looking for any sudden movement. I reach for the dial and turn off the kettle to stop it whistling so I can listen for anyone in my house.

I took a whiff of the air and I raised my eyebrow letting my Sharingan fade as I smelt what was brewing, 'Guricha… but I used the last of it last night,' I frowned as I replaced the lid when I heard a footstep to my left before a voice spoke out.

"Well I was wondering when you were going to come in," I heard as I turned ready to swing my bokutō at whoever it was but stopped when I saw him. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a confident smirk on his face he chuckled, in a pair of black jeans and grey business shirt with his black blazer slung over his right shoulder, with his messy black hair and golden bangs, was a man that I hadn't seen in ages, "you know sleeping out there isn't really the smartest thing to do when you've got a comfy bed upstairs"

I blinked and lowered my stance when I saw him as I felt my lips curl into a smirk and then to a happy smile as I saw who was in the doorway.

"Hey Uncle Z, nice of you to drop by unannounced as usual," I said with a shake of my head.

He stepped into the kitchen still chuckling, "Good to see you to kid" he said as he walked in, "hope you don't mind, I saw you were out when I arrived so I decided to run to the store and get you some more, figured we couldn't have a chat without some something to drink and seeing as it's a little early for any of the hard stuff"

I chuckled as I held out my hand and caught his as we both smirked, "You always did know how to drop in when least expected Azazel"

Time skip

"So what brings you back to town, Uncle Z? Business or pleasure, knowing you it's both," I joked as we sat down at the kitchen table as our tea's cooled.

Azazel chuckled, "You know me too well kid, it was both but I figured while I was here I'd stop by to see how you were doing, haven't seen you in a couple of months"

I shrugged, "Well not much has changed since the last time you visited, I'm still training away as usual," I said as I leant back in the chair.

Azazel smirked, "Oh really, so that wasn't a second stage Sharingan I spotted you sporting as you came in," he said making me blink as he chuckled at my reaction, "congrats on finally unlocking it by the way"

I blinked as I sat forward, "You knew, since when?" I asked as I looked at him in shock.

He chuckled at my question, "kid, I knew your folks since before they had you, do you think that after so many years your parents wouldn't have confided in me about these things, I've known about those eyes of yours before you did,"

"They, they never told me," I said frowning before looking to him again as I started to think, 'does that mean he knows about the other things as well?'

Azazel patted my shoulder, "Don't feel bad about it kid, there was a lot your parents couldn't tell you, not until you were ready, if they were here now they would have I'm sure."

I looked to him, "You know don't you, about it all, the supernatural, about the three sides and the war between them?" I asked openly and I saw him nod.

"Yeah kid I know about them," he said as he lifted his tea and took a sip before setting it down, "I've known about them for a long time" he said making me raise an eyebrow looking at him before my eyes widened as multiple black feathered wings sprouted from his back making me fall back as they extended out from where he was sitting.

I immediately stood up, my eyes wide as I looked at him in shock seeing the six sets of fallen angel wings on his back.

"What?" I said in a low voice not understanding for a minute before I realised what the wings meant and I scowled as my fists clenched, "What the fuck is this Azazel, you mean to tell me you've been a fallen angel all this time!" I growled out as I felt my anger begin to rise realising I've been played for a fool.

Azazel raised his hands to me, "Take it easy kid" he said trying to placate my anger, "Yes, I'm a fallen angel, have been my whole life," he said with a shrug, "but I couldn't tell you until you were ready, it's a whole tradition thing that both your folks wanted for you, until your eyes awoken I couldn't say a word, I just wish it had been under different circumstances that they awoke"

I gritted my teeth, "different circumstance!" I spat out, "Different circumstances my ass, it was one of your kind that killed me, and Issei, that bitch ran me through with one of her spears leaving me to bleed out like a stuck pig while the park burned around me, any kind of circumstances would have been better than that!"

I saw him frown as I yelled at him before he nodded, "I'm aware of how it went down kid, but it was never supposed to happen like that at all, hell it wasn't meant to happen at all." He said as he ran his hand over his forehead and shook his head.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes, "What do you mean wasn't supposed to happen at all?"

Azazel sighed, "I'm the governor of the fallen angel's kid, I'm the one who gives out marching orders like that, but I never gave any order for any kind of attack on you or your buddy. Heck, we specifically don't work in Devil territory for the purpose of avoiding conflicts. I don't know what that lot is thinking pulling a stunt like this, and it's not as if I can just show up now and pull them out it now, cause it would look as if I actually did give the orders and that could send up the whole wrong set of signals and could start the fighting back up again. Hell I'm taking a risk even coming to see you now to explain all of this"

I kept my eyes narrowed on him the whole time he was explaining looking for any of the tell tail signs of deceit, seeing none my let my fist loose as I let out a sigh and shook my head, "You really didn't give any orders?"

"Of course I didn't," he replied with a sigh of his own, "your parents were two of the best people I ever knew, I'd have sooner cut off my own arm than given an order that put you in any form of danger like that," he said shaking his head before running his hand through his hair as I sat back down, "but for what it's worth, I'm sorry that it happened like that, I would have stopped it had I knew," he said with a final sigh.

I frowned as we sat in silence for several minutes as we both just sat looking at our tea cups as I was lost in thought about what to do before finally nodding, "it's alright Uncle Z, I know you would have," I said as I took in a breath and exhaled painfully, before looking at him out of the corner of my eye, "but I hope you don't think this will save your subordinates, I've already killed one of them, and I'll kill any other that had a part in this. Issei and I both died because of them, because of that fallen bitch in the dominatrix get up, I failed to keep two of the three pillars my parents taught me, if I have any chance of redeeming myself, she and the others will die by my hand and blade, there is no escaping that, and anyone who tries to stop me will suffer the same fact, even if that someone is you."

Azazel looked at me with a hard look in his eye, I could see him tense as I spoke but after I finished speaking he sighed heavily and nodded, "I figured as much, "the pillars must be maintained", as your old man always used to say" he said lifting his cup and taking a drink before setting it back down, "I won't stand in your way, those idiots have gone rogue and as such are traitors, if they returned now they would suffer the same fate, if I could I'd go and kill them right now, but as it stands I need to keep my presence here to a minimum to avoid detection and risk starting the war again, in fact, I've likely overstayed my time here as is," he said standing up.

I sighed standing up also, "Yeah, I need to be getting ready for class, I've got a lot to think about now, I trust you can show yourself out," I said as I gestured to the door out.

Azazel nodded as we both walked out the door, as he went to the front door to leave and I went up the stairs to get dressed I stopped on the third step and sighed knowing I can't leave it like that.

"Azazel," I spoke hearing him stop at the door, "You're one of the few people I have left that remind me of them, I can't bring myself to be mad at you for not telling me about the supernatural, and it wasn't your fault that the other fallen attacked Issei and me, so there's nothing for me to hold against you," I said as I looked over my shoulder to see him looking up at me, "Just know you're always welcome in my house, your one of the few that I think of as family, and I could use all of them that I've got."

Azazel nodded to me as I saw a small smile on his face, "Thanks kid," he said as he opened the door, "I'll try and visit you again in a couple of weeks when I can, I'll give you a call before then. He said as he stepped out the door, "Cya around kid" before he disappeared into a magic circle as he pulled the door closed behind him.

I gave a final nod to no one as I turned back and continued up the stairs to get ready for the academy.

Azazel's office

Azazel appeared back in his office as he stepped through his magic circle before falling back into his office chair behind his large desk as he put his right hand to his forehead shaking his head before sitting back and looking up at the ceiling.

"I swear, that kid is one of the most difficult people to read with those eyes of his," Azazel said as he looked down at his desk to the photo frame on it, in the picture was an image of a younger Azazel with Kenta's father on his right and mother on his left all three of them with happy smiles on their faces arm in arm.

Picking up the frame and looking at the image he sighed after a few moments and placed it back, "I just hope he'll be as understanding when the time comes that he learns the truth of what really happened," he said as shook his head, 'if only there had only been another way'. He thought before reaching into his desk drawer taking out a crystal bottle of amber liquid and two tumblers.

Scene break- Kouh Academy ground- midday- Kenta- POV

I let out a relaxed sigh as I leaned back under the shade of one of the academies trees, after spending one of my two last free periods today training on the school track, I was taking a well-needed rest as I saw some of the other academy students hanging around various areas and going about their own business.

The free periods were meant for club activities for the students, most used them for free study time, but most of the clubs had regular meetings scheduled at different times in the week, I was grateful for them because they gave me time to get some training in even while on Academy grounds, then again now I can just slip in and do some mental training while in class so there's really no drawback there, except I need to work on my body in order to keep up.

Looking up at the sky I could see some light clouds pass by and let out a little sigh as I reached for my bag and took out my sketchbook and pencil set as I flipped through the pages coming to a blank one as I looked around for a subject to draw, and settled on drawing the school itself.

As I lowered the pencil to the page to start, I stopped as felt something, a cold wind blew through the air and my eyes widened before a caw from above made me tense as my neck twisted and I looked up to the noise.

In the branch above was that of a large black crow, I let out a breath as I shook my head at myself for being startled as easily as I looked up at the bird and blinked as it looked down at me. My eyes meeting its beady eyes as the large crow let out another caw and took to wing and flew off, my eyes followed it until it passed the boundaries of the school trees.

'What was that… that feeling' I thought to myself as I tried to place it, it was familiar, shaking my head I moved back to my sketch pad and let out a sigh to calm my nerves as I was about to start sketching when a small monotone voice spoke.

"…Kenta-sempai", I looked up to see Koneko standing in front of me and I blinked, 'how the hell did she sneak up on me?' I though in shock, before snapping out of it.

"Yeah, Koneko-chan" I replied as she walked over and knelt down at my feet before leaning down and laying her head on my lap, closing her eyes.

I blinked not sure what to make of this and swallowed nervously before speaking, "um Koneko-chan, what are you doing?" I asked warily.

One of Koneko's eyes opened before she spoke, "… free period too…" was all the answer I got before she closed her eye again.

I blinked at the strangeness but mentally shrugged it off, she wasn't doing any harm and it was kind of nice in a way. With another sigh, I lowered my sketch pad and pencil to start again when she spoke again. "…Kenta-sempai…"

I looked over the top of my sketchpad to see she had an eye open again, "yes Koneko-chan?" I asked in reply.

"…. Why do you… train so much?" she asked looking at me with a small amount of sadness in her eyes.

I raised an eyebrow before smirking, "well I suppose I could as you why you've been watching me so much as of late, I doubt Rias still has me under surveillance like last week"

Both of Koneko's eyes were now open and looking at me in shock, "… how did…" she started to say before I smirked and tapped my nose.

"It's part of my life energy manipulation training," I explained, "by channelling my energy into different parts of my body I'm able to heighten my senses to the point where even the faintest sound or scent or sound can be detected, such as the heartbeat of a small girl in a tree three doors down who likes cookies and uses lavender shampoo," I smirked.

Koneko instantly blushed at my calling out her shampoo scene making me chuckle to myself seeing her blush, it was rather cute, before she looked back at me and frowned slightly, "… you didn't answer my question,"

I raised an eyebrow again but mentally shrugged, "I would have thought I'd have made my reasons clear the other day in the meeting," I said plainly as I raised my sketch pad again, "I'm training so I will have be able to kill my brother when I finally face him." I said as I started my sketching

"…Do you really mean that...? That you want to kill him…" she replied making me stop mid stroke for a second before I continued.

"Why would I say it if I didn't mean it?" I said as I focus solely on my sketch trying to keep my emotions from showing in my tone, even now talking about him was hard, "Arashi has to be made pay for what he has done, and I'm the only one who can do it", I said, spitting his name out in disgust.

"…but why does it have to be you…" Koneko asked as I felt some concern in her voice.

I sighed, "Because only a Sharingan user can defeat another Sharingan user, anyone else that would try would only fail" I explained as I finished the light outlining of the academy structure and started working on some of the greenery around the sides.

Koneko remained silent for a few minutes while I continued sketching before I felt her tense and then speak, "…Then I'll help you then…"

As she spoke I felt myself stop for a second as her words and her tone caught me off guard, lowering my sketch pad I could see her leaning up now looking me directly in the eyes, there was a determination of sorts behind them, from where it had come from I didn't know, but I shook off the partial shock from the look as I steeled my own eyes before replying.

"No, you won't," I replied my tone hard, "I told Rias yesterday and I'm telling you now, when my Sharingan matures and Arashi comes for me, you and everyone else will be as far away from me as possible within twenty-four hours of it happening. Arashi is mine and mine alone, none of you would stand a chance against him".

Koneko's eyes narrowed on me, "… you're underestimating us… you���ve never even seen any of us fight…"

I narrowed my eyes right back, "I was able to put everyone in that little meeting of ours under an illusion with a single glance, and my eyes aren't even matured yet, and on top of that the illusion I put you all through was only a drop in the bucket of what I could have used and a drop in the ocean Arashi could put you in, my illusion had I left it going would have only made you faint with fear, if he did it, the illusions would have gone so deep your suffer the rest of your lives with the mentally induced pain that his illusion tricks your brain into thinking is real, people have been put into comas after a Tsukuyomi illusion after three days of endless torture in seconds inside their own minds never to wake up, that is the power that he has to end your life with a single glance and he will not show any mercy" I explained as steadily as I could.

I could see her waver slightly, I could tell what I was saying was frightening her, I would have been worried if it didn't, but her eyes hardened again as she kept her gaze on me, "…we can take care of ourselves… we can help…"

I sighed shaking my head knowing her resolve was stubborn I just didn't know why it was so, lift up my sketch pad I continued my piece, "it doesn't matter if you can or not, anyone who is my friend I will protect, even if that means sending you a way to do so, better you live away from me than die"

"…And what if we don't want your protections�� what if we want to fight alongside you..." she said as I started on the shading.

With a sigh I shook my head, "it's not a matter of what you all want. If you stay you die. If you go you live. There will be no fighting alongside me because this is something I have to do on my own, Arashi is my past, my blood. I will be the one to handle it once and for all. This fact is not up for debate" I said with a tone of finality as I continued with the last of my sketch.

I could tell she didn't like my answer even without looking at her but she didn't say another word as she closed her eyes again and we both lay in silence as we enjoyed the warm weather and the shade of the tree.

As I finished my sketch I peered over my sketch book to see that she was still lying on my legs, her breath shallow, she had fallen asleep, I smirked looking at her, she really was small, even for her age.

With a final sigh, I closed up my sketch pad and placed it back into my side bag and put my arm behind my head as I leant back against the tree using my arms as a pillow as I gave a content sigh as I tried to drift off for a quick nap.

My time to face Arashi would eventually come, but for now, it's best to enjoy the little things, I will never know when I might get another chance to do so. If they don't leave when Arashi comes, I might just have to leave them to keep them safe. The question is will I be able to return once it's done: if I return at all.

This is all I have managed to write so far, more coming soon, be patient

PsyChotiX556creators' thoughts