
Highschool DxD: Satan of Wrath (Dropped)

Just my luck that I died. But getting reborn into the anime bordering on Hentai DxD as the son of one of the most underappreciated devil clans. Well to that, I say it was my lucky day. Quite lucky indeed.

ArifuretaForever · Komik
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46 Chs

Off To The Familiar Forest

"Young master."

"Young master it's time to wake up."

Opening my eyes I saw Zest standing over me, a smile on her face.

She really has come into her own as a maid of the household.

Not to mention her body is developing quite nicely as well.

But then again three years have passed since she was brought here so of course she would have gotten the hang of it by now.

And if not Diablo would have beat the information into her skull with a smile on his face. As he does with me sometimes.

But anyway, three years have passed and I am now thirteen years old. In that time a number of things have happened.

(A/N: So due to the timeline and certain events time skips will probably take place regularly. I just wanted to let you all know.)

First off the relationship between the Belial household and the Gigantos giant clan is better than it has ever been. Ever since Dagruel and I made our deal there have been no hostilities on either side. The Gigantos clan now even has settlements all over the Belial territory and are officially recognized at citizens on our lands.

But more than that we struck gold, literally and figuratively.

Thanks to the Gigantos clan helping us map the mountain regions in the territory we stumbled upon several veins of rare gemstones and have established several mines in the region. This not only gives the devils who live in our territory work, but selling these gemstones and making jewelry out of them have significantly increased the piggy bank of the Belial clan. However that's not our true money maker.

No our true money maker are the mines we have established for Mithril and Orichalcum.

Both of which are very real here.

Mithril it just like described in most legends. It is a silver-colored metal that is lighter than steel but harder than diamond. It is an essential metal in weapons and armor throughout all the supernatural world. Meaning we are raking in the doe.

But our priceless treasure is the Orichalcum mine we have.

Orichalcum is even more valuable than Mithril. It is a gold-colored metal that conducts magical energy and really any type of supernatural energy with ease. I learned that through my studies that Orichalcum is used in a lot of weapons forged for the gods, and for mortals on Earth. It is said that Excalibur was forged with Orichalcum, so I think that tells you all you need to know.

Anyway, thanks to those two precious materials we of the Belial clan now have the money to go with our Duke ranking. But we are not selfish landlords, oh no. A lot of the money we've earned has gone to improving the lives of the devils living in our territory.

We've put the money towards schools, local housing, and training for our soldiers. Since we needed more of them to defend us after our insane increase in wealth.

But that's not a problem since a number of devils have migrated to our territory over the last three, bringing the toral population of the Belial territory up to 2 million.

There were a few spies, but thanks to Diablo and his elite guards we quickly routed them out and slaughtered them without pause.

They knew the risks of coming into our territory, and they sure paid the consequences.

I had my first kill two years ago.

Strangely it didn't bother me in the slightest. I guess my mentality really has been altered by this new world and body.

Eh, it is what it is.

Moving on, the quality of our soldiers is improving and that's a good thing. When the Civil War starts in about another 50 years we will all of their help in defending our territory.

I am planning to join the Anti-Satan Faction and I will be one of its aces.

That will definitely piss a lot of people off.

And it will only get worse since I will implement a plan for the Belial territory to be a refuge for devils from pillar clans.

I know all devils have the potential to be strong, but the pillar clans I will admit are a league above the rest, and its just sad that over half of them are extinct by the time canon begins. All those clan traits and knowledge lost forever.

At the moment there are 53 pillar clans still left in existence. I plan to keep that number nearly the same over these next few centuries.

That will not only give me allies, but also bolster the fighting forces of the devils even more. That way other factions and mythologies will think twice about fucking with us.

Yes, all of it will come together.

Getting out of my bed I went into my bathroom and washed my face. Right after I came out I saw my clothes for the day laid out on my bed, courtesy of Zest.

"Thank you Zest." I told her.

She slightly bowed. "You are very welcome young master Asterius." She said, lifting her head up. She then started to walk out of the room.

When she passed me I gave her ass a light slap.

"Kyah!" Zest cried. She then turned around and gave me a dirty look, putting both hands on her butt. "Young master, you really are a pervert!"

"Yes I am and proud of it." I said. "By the way, your ass is as toned as usual. Keep up with your training." I told her.

Zest is learning to be a combat maid, straight under the tutelage of Diablo. I wish her luck every single day.

Even I would not want to be trained by Diablo.

From what the soldiers tell me he lives up to his namesake of devil.

"Go die!" Zest told me. She then rushed out of my room and slammed the door shut.

But I paid her no attention.

We do this little dance all the time. She actually likes it when I sexually harass her. She just doesn't want to admit it yet.

But soon I think she will.

Humming a tune to myself I moved to get dressed.

Once I finished up I headed out of my room and straight to the dining hall.

Arriving I found Angelica seated and already eating.

She has become even more beautiful in the last three years. However she still keeps her hair in twin-tails for some reason.

I've told her to change her childish hairstyle but every time I do she just glares at me. So I've decided to give up on it. But disregarding that she is becoming an A-class beauty. Which pops out even more since she still wears the same cold expression on her face that she has since we were kids. Not to mention she is quite tall for a woman.

Angelica's current height is 180 cm (5 feet 9 inches) and she's only thirteen years old.

She's almost as tall as me who is 190 cm (6 feet 2 inches).

Now normally two thirteen year old's should not be this tall, but because of devil biology I don't question it much. I also don't think I'll grow any taller than what I am right now. Which is fine by me.

I don't want to be a giant after all. Otherwise how will I do it with women?

And before you ask no Angelica and I haven't done it yet. The same with me and Ryogun. I want to do it, believe me, but my mind still has lingering thoughts from my last life. That's why despite everything I am going to wait at least three more years before doing it with either of them.

I just hope I last that long.

Angelica's boobs are already D-cups after all. Ryogun is in the same boat.

Ryogun has also come into her teasing personality, and it is not doing me any favors.

I've had the dreaded blue ball syndrome many a time in these last three years.

Just thinking about it sends a shiver down my spine.

Shaking off those thoughts I went to take my seat at the table. I then started to eat my breakfast.

"So Angelica, are you ready for today?" I asked her in between bites.

We are headed to the Familiar Forest. Unlike in canon we don't need to wait for a full moon or for that rip-off adult creeper Ash Ketchum to guide us through it. We can just go there and tame our familiar.

I especially need to do it now.

The debut societal party for the new generation of young devils is happening in a few months. That's where I'll met the future Maous, as well the current children of the former Maou and their relatives.

Which is going to be a treat.

I'm being sarcastic there if you can't tell.

I remember from the wiki why the original Maou descendants hosted these gatherings in the first place. It was a dick show and tell, letting every other devil, even those in the remaining clans know that they ruled and everyone else drooled.

This upcoming party is going to be the greatest challenge of my new life. These original Maou descendant remind me a little too much of the Celestial Dragons from One Piece. And I swear if one of them even thinks of laying a finger on Angelica.

They will vanish without a trace.

Anyway, before attending the party its customary for all debuting devils to have a familiar. It's a rite of passage type thing.

Devil society has quite a few of those.

Angelica nodded her head at my question.

Seeing that I went back to my food. The two of us then finished up in no time at all.

Once we did we headed too one of the rooms of the mansion and entered it.

On the floor was a permanent teleportation matrix.

It is what we will be taking to get to the familiar forest.

But it's not just going to be the two of us.

The teleportation matrix came to life, and in the next second Ryogun was standing in front of us, a smile on her face.

The two of us have only gotten closer over these past three years. That's why we decided to go get our familiars together.

A couples thing.

"Hello Cherry Blossom." I said, using Ryogun's nickname that I came up with two years ago. "You're looking well."

"You as well Aster." Ryogun said. She now uses my nickname.

Ryogun walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips which I accepted. While doing so I also gave her ass a pinch, making her yelp.

She broke the kiss and playfully hit me on the shoulder. "You pervert."

"It doesn't mean anything if you actually don't hate the perverted things I do to you." I retorted.

"Yes, yes." Ryogun mused. She then walked up to Angelica. "Hey Angelica, you can give Aster a kiss to you know. You are his girlfriend after all."

It is the truth.

Earlier this year Ryogun told me it was ok for me to make a harem. She also told me to go for Angelica already since it was obvious the girl had feelings for me. Which I knew. I am not a dense shonen protagonist after all.

So I went for Angelica and she accepted. We've been together for these last few months.

"No, I'm alright." Angelica mused.

"Eh, but that's no fun." Ryogun said. She then pressed her boobs up against Angelica's arm.

Ryogun us only 160 cm (5 feet 2 inches) at the moment by the way. So her boobs are closing in all the way around Angelica's arm.

"If I have to get lovey-dovey with Aster in front of others, then so do you." Ryogun said. "Come on, just give him one kiss."

"Fine." Angelica said.

She knew if she didn't relent Ryogun would be pressuring her until she did.

They are polar opposites in personality, but that's why they are good friends with each other. They really are best friends.

Seeing them makes me realize one thing.

I need to get a guy best friend.

Otherwise I will never be able to do guy things to the fullest. Ah, I hope I meet someone at the young devils gathering.

Getting out of my thoughts I watched as Angelica approached me and then pulled me into a kiss. She even used a little bit of tongue before breaking it.

"There it's done." Angelica said.

Like she was doing a job.

I decided to punish her a bit.

Imbuing my hand with magic I gave her ass a slap.

"Agh!" Angelica moaned sensually.

Turns out she's a masochist under that cold exterior.

A blush coming over her face Angelica turned around to hit me but I dodged her attacks with ease.

"I said stop doing that!" Angelica yelled.

"You can stop lying you perverted masochist I know you enjoy it." I told her, still dodging her attacks.

"I do not. And I'm not a masochist!" Angelica screamed.

But I knew the truth.

As a grade A sadist I know these things.

I continued dodging Angelica's attack. That is until the door to the room opened and a man stepped in.

He has jet-black hair and matching eyes. Along with quite the handsome face.

He is Angelica's father, Darius Ainsworth. The commander of the Belial clan forces throughout our territory.

Now normally he wouldn't be coming to the familiar forest with us, given his position but there have been rumors going around of a powerful being causing problems in the forest as of late.

It has everyone on edge, so my parents insisted that Darius come along as extra insurance. Not that I really need it though.

My powers have grown exponentially over these past three years.

It is not a joke to say I can take on an ultimate-class being and win. I am right on my way to becoming a Super Devil.

Feels good.

Moving on, as soon as Darius entered the room Angelica stopped trying to kill me.

She is a daddy's girl after all.

I wonder if I can get her to call me daddy when we starting having sex?

The moment that thought entered my mind a switched flipped on inside of me. And now I can never turn it back off.

"Father, so good to see you." Angelica said, putting back on her ice queen persona.

"Yes." Darius mused. "Anyway, let's head off you three." He said. He then walked onto the teleportation circle, the three of us joining him.

The moment we were all on Darius infused his demonic power into the matrix and we were off faster than you could blink.


When the light faded we found ourselves in the woods with a blood red moon in the sky.

The Familiar forest.

"Stay on guard." Darius said.

"Yes sir." We three said in unison.

We all then started walking.

I also spread out my senses and started searching, since I already know what familiar I want.

A Dryad.

It's the perfect match for someone like me.

I also want to see if I can get a couple of Dryads to come back to the Belial territory and make it their home.

Only time will tell.