
Highly Magical

Victoria's world is turned upside down after a car accident. Now she's relearning everything she thought she knew about her life, starting with the fact that she’s magical royalty!

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6 Chs

Chapter 3

I couldn't have expected anything like what I saw once we stepped out. Beautiful tall buildings that seemed to sparkle and shine like the sun. Cars both on the ground like normal but also in the sky along side people also in the sky on varying objects. Some on brooms, carpets, skates, skateboards, the occasional snowboard and much more. I look around in awe at the different beings I see walk past me, things that prior to now only existed in books and imagination to me.

There were your average looking people which I assume are all witches and warlocks, but among them there were those with pointed ears. Some were tall and looked almost like their skin was made of some kind of hard rock or gem. Others were short, very short, but seemed to be the loudest. There even some with wings on their back that fluttered softly with the breeze as the walked.

"Victoria are you ok?" Rodrick asks softly with concern in his eyes. I guess I stopped walking in my shock at this outside world.

"Uh y-yeah I'm ok" I sputter out and continue to walk with them. "It's just very different than what I was expecting. The flying cars and people with wings caught me off guard." My reaction elicited a laugh from them as we approached a long limousine where an older man was waiting with the door open for us.

"Your majesties." he bowed deeply. "Princess Victoria it is but an honor and a privilege to see you once again." he expressed as he closed the door after us.

"I'm sure you have a ton of questions so I figured we'd start with the basics." Vivienne offered while pressing a button that lightened the windows. I was startled to see that we were now apart of the cars that were gliding the air. It didn't even cross my mind that we would be up here once we started moving nor was I aware that we had even left.

"Every witch and warlock with enough magic can imbue any object of their choice to fly." she begins. "Well it's actually a little more complicated than that. So you have to have enough magic to be able to pick up whatever your means of transportation is. The bigger the object, the more magic you need."

"From there you need to feel that item as an extension of your magic and will it to go where you want and viola you're flying. As you can see everyone has their own preference for what they fly with. Some prefer and have enough magic to do whole cars, others stick to the basic broom, and some of younger generation have taken to skates." She finishes up her explanation.

"So everyone here has magic?" I ask tearing my eyes away from the window to look at them. "Well yes and no." Rodrick says causing me to look at him puzzled.

"All witches and warlocks have magic but there are all kinds of beings here. There are also werewolves, vampires, elves, trolls, giants, goblins, dwarfs-"

"Do not confuse the two as it will cause a ruckus, its best to let them identify themselves." Vivienne interrupts and Rodrick nods in agreement.

"Where was I? Oh yes, the mer-people typically prefer to stay closer to large bodies of water, pixies and fairies who take being mixed up a lot better than the goblins and dwarfs." He chuckled slightly.

"We are the king and queen of the Roemtall Kingdom. Roemtall is our, your, name that has been passed down from generation to generation for over three thousand years. My father before me was king and his father before him and someday you will be it's queen." He tells me with a shocking amount of conviction.

My jaw dropped in shock. Me? A queen at some point? "I-I-I'm going to be queen? There's no one else? I thought I had siblings?" I stutter out.

"You do, however you are the oldest and tradition dictates that the oldest child becomes the next ruler of Roemtall. The only time that tradition is strayed from is in the case that the oldest child had been deemed unfit to rule." Rodrick clears his throat and a look of sadness briefly crosses his face before he continues. "We will have to have a coronation for you so that you will be officially be the princess to the throne, but not to worry you have all the time in the world before you take the throne. Whenever you are ready and comfortable, whether that be a year from now or fifty." He said with a confident look on his face and a striking amount of conviction in his voice.

I just found out I'm a princess and now they expect me to be a queen? My head is swimming with all this new information so I lean my head back and close my eyes. I try to let all this sink in as best I can and think about how I'm going to adapt. I guess at some point I dosed off because next thing I know I'm being gently shaken awake by Vivienne.

"Victoria darling wake up, we're home."