
High School in Tokyo

A Royal vampire family gets into car crash on night and no knows who could survive, such horrible tragedy but they will never know because they won't remember a thing. But a young girl who is running towards her father's office until she doesn't see anyone, inside of the father's office. A life of a young girl who has suffered a tragedy, but doesn't know how, why, when, where, and what caused it. But the young girl grew up into the most powerful, CEO of her late father's company but only the workers in the same level as her, knows that she is a vampire. But the young beautiful teenager attends an unusual school in the, city of Tokyo, Japan and she lives there ever since the accident.

Dragon_Princess70 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Episode 1

A car is driving down a freeway and a man, gets a call but answers it through Bluetooth and said "Hello. This is president Sagami." But he didn't receive anything through the phone, other than static and he said to his wife sitting in, the passenger seat "That's weird darling."

Then the woman replies "What is weird, my beloved husband?" But before he could answer the woman shouted "LOOK OUT!" But before he could move out of the way, the car flipped over and started rolling all the way down the hill and somewhere else, three people in dark black clothes disappeared but one of them left their clan symbol necklace behind by accident.

"Honey? You okay? Margaret? Adam?" The man asked as he looked around and called out for help, but before anyone could rescue them the man was stabbed in the chest but not long after the car was set a light, and blew up. Then the people in dark cloaks are standing a few feet from the car, and feels the warm of the fire and the second man asked "What should we do now? The prince is going to be, pissed when he finds out that his baby brother the king of our clan was murdered."

Then the first man replied as he turns around before walking away "It's not the prince, that I am concerned about. It's the princess' anger every time there's bad news." And he starts walking away they look and see the prince, standing in front of them wearing his royal bathrobe.

"What is going on, here? Where is my brother, sister in law and nephew? Answer me!" The prince questioned angrily, and the second man bows and replies "Your highness, the king, the queen and the young prince are gone by the time we got here. We humbly ask for your forgiveness." But the prince didn't say anything except walking towards the, burnt out car and sees the bodies as he begins to become ice cold inside. Then the third man said " If he is trying to become ice cold dead inside, there's one problem that will always melt the ice."

Then the prince disappeared by fog and one of the men said out loud "Before you go to pick her up, you better put some clothes on! Otherwise she's going to have a nightmare! Which I am going to now, Ugh." And the prince stopped and realised that he is in his bathrobe, and so he quickly got dressed in a suit and decided to pick up the princess by limousine instead of flying.

But in Tokyo, Japan students are leaving school and two girls are walking with another young girl, until they see a limousine pulling up and a man approaching. One of the girls asked "Who is that man, he is so good looking." And the young girl looked before walking towards the limousine, and after they got in even drove away. And the prince said calmly "Niece, I have something to tell you." But he was cut off before he could finish his sentence, and the princess said "My parents, were murdered last night. I know." And the prince looked at her surprised, that she knew before he did and the prince looked forward as the limousine continues driving.

To Be Continued...

Please stay tuned for more chapters/episodes yet to come.