
Chapter 3, Part 1 - An Encounter

This chapter is quite a bit longer than I intended, so I decided to divide it up into two parts.


Kuoh town –

POV: Hiyama –

The following day after awakening Logos Reverie I made plans to test the limits of my power. I gathered various objects from around the house and arrayed them in front of me in my room. From a box of tissues to food, to old pairs of shoes. I began to use my power on each, commanding one to float and another to dissolve. Also, trying to maintain multiple effects at once which was rather simple.

It seems that my power effects reality to the point where once I have relayed a command to the world it becomes reality, at least till I willingly let it revert. It doesn't seem to require that I give constant energy into the effect. Most importantly, it doesn't appear to require exact language. Though longer more complex sentences that lay out the process make the energy burden less, my intent can mostly handle any unforeseen effects. Which makes sense with language being not just about words, but context and intent.

Continuing with my experiments I place a tissue in front of me and I say, "Turn to gold." Then immediately I feel my energy drain a bit more than before. I feel a greater sense of tiredness before righting myself. That confirms my suspicion that making more permanent changes like changing the composition of a material requires more than simply making an object float. I can also imagine this translates to affecting other people as well.

Regardless, the tissue changes into a thin sheet of gold. Well, money concerns are void so long as I increase my energy reserves, I can simply make money out of thin air. Not that it was a concern in the first place, but now I'll be able to act independently of my parents' permission.

"Now I need to find a way to train…" I whispered to myself. I can continue just using my ability at random, but a more consistent training method would be better.

I'll have to think about it but for now, what am I going to do about my sis? If I want to keep her around, I'll have to tell her about the supernatural. But even if I did, I don't know how to teach her to use magic and I don't feel comfortable using my ability to try and give her powers yet. That being said she had her own talents but failed to explain what that is. Maybe she has a sacred gear as well or she may just have a talent with magic.

I wonder… "My eyes have the ability to see sacred gears within others." In the instant I said that I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of tiredness. Darkness consumed me as I collapsed on the floor.


Heaven –

POV: Sariel –

I stood before five legions of angels, 5,000 angels per legion making a total of 25,000. It is the largest host to be gathered since the end of the great war. Amongst the legions the angels had many appearances, most remained mostly human with perhaps an extra set of eyes or arms. However, there were amongst them Principalities and Powers who had forms of pure light and of hazy fumes respectively. All angels had a human form that had wings, but in heaven there was little need to hide who we truly were.

Stepping out in front of the organized legions I took my human form; over the years I had grown to prefer it to my corporeal form that consists only of a massive form of white hazy fume which matches my subordinates of the Powers.

 Instead, I donned a chiseled face with snow white hair and the clouded eyes of a dead man. Perhaps not the most appealing form but I was Sariel, though some call me Azriel, the angel of death. I am not meant to be appealing to man.

Feeling like I have properly taken in the host I speak in an authoritative tone, "Brothers and sisters, we all know why we gather! Our father, whose voice you heard not long ago, has chosen an heir to his throne! Somewhere on Earth lies a mortal man with our father's voice. The exact nature of what that means remains unknown to us, but any man who holds God's voice on his tongue will have great power. We must find him before any nefarious forces can. Take on your human forms and scour the Earth to find him. Stick to your assigned teams of five and remain covert. If you believe you have located the heir immediately inform your assigned sector principality!"

I take a moment to pause as the legions take in my orders. Before speaking up again, "We must find him, failure is not an option! Now, Go!" I say with a note of finality before I head to the situation room to communicate with the principalities. I will find the heir no matter where they may be.


Kouh town, Abandoned Church –

POV: Raynare –

Sitting on one of the few church pews that were unbroken I look at the large cross towering over the pulpit. The pale moonlight shining upon the icon. I had fallen so many thousands of years ago, due to lust of course if my clothing didn't give enough clues, but I had not fallen for some human as so many of my brethren did.

"No, I only have a heart for my lord Azazel!!~" I exclaimed suddenly nearly standing up in my conviction. With Kalawarner giving me the sink eye for my outburst. A guy like him… With such power and vigor~ Ooh if only he would see that I fell merely to pursue him.

Yet, he has never even cared to look at me. But when I finish this new project, he will finally see me and I shall join him in eternal union!!!

"Raynare!!! Shut the fuck up!!!" I heard Mittelt yell from high up in the rafters. It seems I said that last part aloud… Not that it matters she would never understand my love. Dohnaseek who was skulking in the corner, like the creep he is, seemed to have enough and left the church silently to no doubt pretend like he was some badass while brooding in the night.

With this new device I created in the basement I will be able to give lord Azazel any sacred gear he wants. A device that detangles a sacred gear from the soul… Surely that will catch his attention, but he wouldn't understand if he knew what I was doing. So, I must show him the device's value first. I have every set up with that work of an exorcist. The pretty nun Asia will be prepared in just a few short weeks, and I will have her sacred gear!

But for now, I need to continue the mission I've been given. Within Kuoh somewhere lies a powerful wielder of sacred gear. Lord Azazel hasn't told me what sacred gear it is, only that it is dangerous and has been marked for elimination.

"Mittelt!" I shout. She raises her head from leaning on one of the rafters. "Since you have nothing else to do, continue our observation of Hyoudou." I ordered. With some reluctance Mittelt gets up and flies out of one of the upper windows to do as she was told.

"Must you be so obsessed, Ray?" Kalawarner spoke up now that they were alone. She was the only one Raynare liked. Kala, as she called her, was one of her only friends.

"I don't know what you mean…" I responded a bit insulted.

Kala walked closer "Yes, you do. The Governor-General will never look at you the way you want. Besides, you only want him for his power…"

"Is that not a good enough reason?" I responded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Kala in her infinite wisdom simply said, "No."

Before I got a chance to continue, she pressed on, "You are so smart Raynare, if you just put your effort into yourself, or at least at a more attainable goal then you would be so much stronger." Part of me was touched by Kala's belief in me but also Lord Azazel has always been Raynare's desire. What good was it falling from heaven if she couldn't get what she wanted? No, she needed to have Azazel.

Before anymore could be said I spoke up, "I'm gonna go work some more on the device." As I immediately headed down to the basement.


POV: Hiyama –

Waking up in the early hours of the next morning I find myself in my bed with the blanket over me. Shiori must have found me and dragged me into bed. It appears making changes to my body is a no go for now. It requires too much energy, causing me to go unconscious when I overexert myself. Putting on some fresh clothes I walk out of my room and peek into Shiori's room to see her asleep. Seeing that the moon is still out I plan to go on a stroll around some of the neighborhoods.

Heading out I began to walk relatively aimlessly, thinking on random concerns and things I would have to do in the future. More specifically I think about how I will handle the fallen angels. They should be relatively weak in the grand scheme of things, but I have no idea how powerful I am in comparison to the rest of the world. Logos Reverie certainly has the potential to be Longinus material not unlike Aeon Balor, but I will have to train and evolve my gear to get there.

Coming across a section of houses that I remembered should be around where Issei lives from my memories, since I have to walk past his house to get to my own from school. As I intended to keep walking, I heard an annoying voice seemingly complaining about someone. Looking towards the originator of the sound I see a small girl with blonde hair in a maid's outfit, with just my luck when I look at her, she looks right back me. Locking eyes for the briefest moment I immediately looked away and tried to keep walking as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Hey, mister."

I keep walking

"Hey, mister!!!"

NO!! I start walking away faster.

"Okay! Now you've done it!" In that brief instant I hear something cutting through the air and I immediately dodge to the side as a pinkish red spear of light passes me slamming into the sidewalk. At that point I start hightailing it out of the area trying to head closer to the academy hoping the proximity will deter the fallen angel.

Seemingly sensing my intentions, the fallen angel flies over my head and lands in front of me with a smile I swore was as sweet as death. "I'm gonna have lots of fun with you cutie~" she said.

I feel sick…


A/N: So what do you guys think? In the next part that will be coming out in a little while we get into my first fight scene. Any constructive criticism is welcome. Also, be sure to leave a review and power stones as that is my motivation.