
High School DxD: True Longin

Once opening his eyes, the young guy discovered that he had been reborn in the body of a small, recently born child, and on top of everything else, he also got a sister. And the world in which he is now forced to grow up again turned out to be a place where, in addition to people, there are also a myriad of different creatures and species. Gods, angels, fallen angels, demons, vampires, youkai, and even noncomat cat girls. Being an ordinary weak person, he saw only one way how not to become an accidental victim of the showdown of supernatural creatures – to gain his own strength. This is the beginning of the path of a person who refuses to accept his weakness and will do everything possible to climb to the top of the food chain of this new world for him.

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10 Chs

On the way

The ringing of the alarm clock broke in again unceremoniously interrupted the dream. Automatically hitting the button, turning off the annoying sound, Alex rolled over on his back.

"Maybe I'm going crazy after all?"

Lying on his bed, Alex hardly realized that the dream was over. The vision was so vivid that it took a certain amount of time.

"Okay, okay... still, it's better to assume that I don't need a straitjacket yet. But, God! What do you want to tell me?!"

Without waiting for an answer, Alex still got out of bed and wandered towards the bathroom. He needed a hot shower today more than ever before.

"And yet... what the fuck?!" - already standing under the strong pressure of the water, the young man repeatedly involuntarily returned to the things that he saw. "Lucifer and Samael, were they the first ones He created? It's just incredible! So the same Lucifer who would later create the Demon race was the first creation of God?!"

Completely immersed in his thoughts, Alex himself did not notice how he soaped his head with shampoo and his body with gel. Today was the day of the entrance exam and any preparations were not superfluous. Fortunately for him, he did all this almost mechanically.

"Okay, fuck him with Lucifer, let's assume that the first pancake came out lumpy, and even what. But a hybrid of an angel and a dragon Samael? There is definitely no such version in any book that I have read. There is very little information about Samael in general and it seems now I can guess why..."

- Too much information, - having washed off everything superfluous, Alex involuntarily leaned against the wall of the shower. – And the main thing here is that I did not understand. What exactly do they want to show me? And at all…

- Alexander! A sudden knock on the bathroom door made him stop his mumbling. – If we want to be on time, then we need to leave in an hour. Are you all right there?

- It's all right, Father, - quickly dismissing the whole pile of thoughts, Alex broke away from the wall. – I'm on my way out.

After leaving the bathroom a couple of minutes later, Alex returned to his room and collected his few belongings, which mostly consisted of a change of clothes and his notebooks for notes. After changing into a fresh white shirt, he glanced briefly in the mirror. From there, a slightly sleepy green-eyed blond man looked at him, terribly similar to his own sister.

- If it weren't for that, I probably would have thrown up, - Alex smiled sourly, looking at his own horrifyingly childish face. – When will puberty come into its own there, in two years?

Showing his tongue to his own reflection in a very adult way, Alex hung his gym bag with his belongings on his shoulder and left the room. Having descended to the first floor, he read the morning prayer together with the others and, having had a hearty breakfast, was ready to leave. After receiving a parting word and blessing from the main clergyman of the church, he went out into the courtyard and sat down in a car standing there, after a couple of minutes he left the place where he had spent almost nine years.

Father Albo and Father Joseph were in the car with him. Since the journey to the Vatican by car took about eight hours, they planned to take turns driving.

"Worried about something?" – unexpectedly for Alex, Albo's father turned around from the front seat and looked into his eyes carefully. – You're not yourself.

"It's all right, Father," Alex repeated for the second time that day, answering with a polite smile. – Recently, some dreams literally do not give me rest…

- Dreams? The man raised his eyebrows in surprise. – What exactly do you see in them?

- Places where I've never been and events that I couldn't catch, – Alex answered evasively. – They are very bright, it's hard to just forget them…

- And it's better not to do that, - for some reason Father Joseph smiled, continuing to hold the steering wheel with both hands. – I didn't want to tell you because I wasn't sure, but it seems I was right ... Alexander, do you remember anything about such a phenomenon as the souls of heroes?

"Only that nothing is really known about them," Alex shrugged. – You think…

- I only suspect, - Father Joseph shook his head negatively. – You see, Alexander, your intelligence and zeal are very different from those that children have at your age. The more I train you, the more I understand that you are qualitatively bypassing everyone I have ever taught.

- I found the time to load the child, - Albo's father sighed heavily. – Alexander, let me explain. In the history of our world, there are many people who are called heroes. Hercules, Perseus, Joan of Arc, Arthur Pendragon, you've probably heard these names. And among many organizations there is a theory that, becoming heroes, such personalities become something more than ordinary people. And their souls, instead of going to their proper place, begin to be reborn in one of their descendants.

- Just be careful if you suddenly get ready to talk about it, - Father Joseph quickly interjected. – This theory has always been the subject of heated debate and it's not so difficult to hear a loud "heretic!".

"That's why I didn't want to tell him," Father Albo sighed. – But since we started…Alexander, my brother Joseph and I assume that you may have the soul of one of those heroes.

"In me?" Trying to digest the information, Alex raised an eyebrow questioningly. – And how will it help me or threaten me?

"If we only knew," the driver sighed this time. – Usually it just gives you certain predispositions that are somehow connected with the soul contained in you. For example, you can masterfully use a weapon that you have never owned, or quickly figure out a case that you have never done. But, as I said earlier, this issue has not been studied at all. I'm sorry we dumped this on you right now.

- Try not to get hung up, - Albo smiled, turning back to the windshield. – Now you need to be mentally prepared for the upcoming exam.

- Thanks, I'll try…

Absentmindedly throwing, Alex sprawled freely in the back seat of a car flying along the road.

"No, something definitely doesn't add up here..." - his thoughtful gaze slid over the trees of the forest strip that they were passing now. – "If someone's soul is in me, what does it have to do with visions of God and his adventures? No hero could have seen them and somehow passed them on to me... and yet, both of my mentors are of the same opinion. Did you take my soul of a hitman for the soul of a hero? It's quite possible, even more likely... no, I definitely need more data, everything is too confusing!"

Exhaling imperceptibly, Alex tried to switch to thoughts about the upcoming exam, which soon somehow turned out for him. He decided to leave thoughts about dreams, the souls of heroes and other things for the day when he would have a clearer picture. There was no reason to think about it now, everything rested on the lack of the necessary information.