
High School DxD: Reincarnator's Wishes

After dying from a severely unhealthy lifestyle, Jacob Walker meets face to face with a bored reincarnation god looking for a new form of entertainment. After revealing that he wants to live a fun interesting life in High School DxD, God gives him the chance to get any 3 anime abilities to help him in his new life. Will he be able to conquer the hearts of the girls around him and eventually the world or will he be a failure like in his past life.

Psycho_Whale · Komik
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2 Chs

Awakening His True Nature

When Helvana said that she had something in mind to fix Raidon's problem with Issei, he didn't think that she would turn him into a girl. That's right Issei became Ise. Raidon now had a little sister. A very attached little sister who never wanted to leave his side no m matter what. This became somewhat problematic when his parents tried potty training her but they somehow got through it albeit with lots of snot and tears.

Raidon was currently 6 years old. the first few years of his life were quite boring. The only thing that kept him from going insane was the frequent conversations that he had with Helvana in his mind. He had become quite attached to the goddess as they interacted throughout the years. They would speak often since she was very bored and he was o be of the only mortals who knew of her existence. The only problem they had was that her sense of time was skewed leading her to pick up and continue conversations that had happened months ago and expect him to know what was happening.

Things got better when he turned 5 though. He was finally able to be more independent from the Hyodou family. He was able to self and do whatever he wanted for the most part. Well, that was only if Ise didn't follow him. If she did follow him then he would have to play with her or she would get sad which would absolutely hurt his soul whenever he saw her cry. After the first time that it happened, he promised to be the best brother he could even if they weren't related.

Around the time when they entered primary school, Raidon and Ise met the young Irina. She was a bit tomboyish but she like Ise clung to him constantly. He didn't mind though since he planned to pursue her when he met her in the future. Surprisingly both Ise and Irina became jealous when they saw how popular he was in school. Due to the blood of Sparda Raidon was incredibly cute and athletic. He was easily stronger, faster, and smarter than all the kids around him which combined with his easy-going personality allowed him to become friends with all the kids around him and made more than a few girls develop crushes on him.

Raidon did very well in school however he struggled a bit in Japanese but this was easy passed off as him still being young. Other than that though his second life was going great. The only thing that bugged him was the fact that he still hadn't awakened his demonic nature. He wanted to start training his abilities since he wanted to be strong enough to defeat Riser as soon as he meets Rias. Currently, he was just slightly better than the average human child. If he continued like this then there was no way that he would be able to stop the engagement.

"Hey Hel how can I awaken my demonic side?" Raidon had asked this question many times before but he always received the same answer. "As I have said before you will awaken them by interacting with the supernatural and be subjected to either high physical strain/trauma or high mental strain," she replied.

In order to awaken his abilities, Raidon had begun to sneak out of his house in search of stray devils or fallen angels. He knew that at this current time due to what was happening with Claire Belial that soon he would have to chance to interact with the supernatural since things would soon become chaotic.

This was the second week in a row that Raidon had begun sneaking out of the house. It was 11 pm and he was standing in front of the fountain in the park. His instincts were telling him that he would have a chance encounter here. As he stood in front of the fountain he heard steps coming from behind him. It sounded like more than one person walking toward him in complete silence.

Upon turning around Raidon was greeted to the sight of two girls walking toward him. Something told him that there was something off about them. The woman on the right had long black hair reaching the middle of her back. She had green eyes and pale skin. She had a nice figure however she seemed to be lacking in the breast department not that it mattered at the current moment since he was still a child.

The woman on the right was shorter than the first barely reaching her shoulders but she was still about a meter taller than him. She had short black hair that reached her shoulders and green eyes like the woman next to her. She seemed to have a youthful demeanor in contrast to the other woman's serious demeanor. Surprisingly she had a better body than the person on the left with even her chest being fuller than her's.

"Look Onee-chan, it seems that our dinner has finally noticed us. Hey, kid don't you know that it's dangerous to be out at night all alone? Someone could just come and eat you up," the short-haired girl said as she began to lick her lips and began to start skipping toward him. "Val, we don't have much time to spare for you to play with some kid. You know that exorcists have been seen in greater numbers in this area. I would like to leave the Kuoh region soon so finish your playtime as fast as you can," the long-haired girl said to the short-haired girl who was apparently named Val as she began looking around the area consciously.

After hearing this Val pouted for a bit before relenting and saying, "Fine. Sorry kid I wish I could have played with you more but my Onee-chan is too anxious to play with us." As soon as she finished her sentence she released a pair of wings from her back. They were a pair of black feathered wings indicating that she and probably her sister were fallen angels. Before Raidon could even react, Val had already pounced forward and pierced his chest with her hand.

Raidon felt extreme pain as she began moving her hand inside him squishing and squeezing his various organs before taking her hand out of him and kicked him away as she licked her hand. Raidon flew back around 4 meters from her kick. He stayed on the ground as tears began to roll down his face. Even though he knew that this would more than likely finally unlock his power part of him worried that this wasn't enough and that he would just die at this moment.

He turned his head up to look at sister's as they began to walk away from him while Val was laughing excitedly with her sister.

It was at this moment that he felt something change inside of him. He felt immense power flood his body as steam began to pour out of his wound while it began to rapidly heal. In his right arm, Raidon began to feel a slight burning sensation that progressively got worse until he felt that he would rather lose his arm than continue to go through the pain that he was feeling. After an eternity of agonizing pain, it finally stopped and Raidon was back in his peak state. Actually he was better than he was before. He knew that he was leaps and bounds above how he was before.

Looking down at his chest he saw that any sign of being stabbed was gone. There was no wound or even scar left on his chest. He put his hand over his chest and sighed in relief as he had thought that he was going to die at that moment. A second later however he noticed the changes to his right arm which was lying atop his chest. It was completely different from what it used to be.

It was covered in black scales that had a red tint to it. His fingers had grown sharper into what appeared to be claws. His palm was glowing an ominous purple light which continued down the underside f his forearm in a jagged pattern. "Shit I have Nero's arm. How will I explain that to my parents? Maybe I can hide it somehow and start using long sleeve shirts and gloves now."

As Raidon was thinking about these changes Val and her sister stopped moving away from the park as they felt a strong source of Devil power appear. Curious as to whether someone had decided to add that boy into their peerage, the two sisters slowly made their way back to the area where they left the boy.

After making their way back they hid in the nearby trees and looked toward the area. They saw the boy who they thought Val had killed standing perfectly fine as he stared at his right arm. He was leaking a powerful Devil power all around him. Val immediately jumped toward the wishing to kill him as she could tell that he could be a great enemy in the future. As she was nearing him, he spun around at an incredible speed and pushed his arm forward in a grabbing motion. A purple ethereal arm appeared near his devil arm and it grabbed Val's throat imitating Raidon's real arm.

"That hurt," he said in an angry tone as he turned his hand into a fist causing the ethereal arm to break Val's neck. The elder sister saw Val die and rushed toward Raidon with tears streaming down her face however before she could say or do anything Raidon pointed his left arm toward her and a lightning bolt shot out from his hand striking her square in the chest. She quickly fell to the ground in extreme pain before seeing Raidon's striking toward her head.

"That...was surprisingly....tiring," Raidon said absolutely exhausted to the core. Deciding to leave the bodies in the park Raidon slowly made his way home.

Unknown to him however a certain Redhaired man saw this scene in secret before smiling and saying, "Interesting."