
Chapter IV

"This is quite unusual" The woman said as she glared at Issei. Her long blue hair flaps in the wind as Issei's eyes glow from the sudden rush of adrenaline. "Hey what's going on?!" Issei asks. "Why are you still alive?" The woman asks back. "A fallen angel. She probably knows what happened to Raynare. I can question her!" Issei thought as he clenched his right hand. "You're one of those fallen freaks!" Issei roars as he gets into a defensive position. "She was supposed to take care of this already!" The woman yelled out with aggression. She then summons a light spear and throws it at Issei. He dodges it as he flashes the Rias family crest. "What the? That's the Gremory family crest!" The woman yelled. "WHERE'S RAYNARE?!" Issei yelled a violent scream. "You're in no position to ask that. With that family crest on it's important that you're destroyed immediately, and I Karlawaner shall get all the glory!" She leaps up into the air creating another light spear. "NOW DIE!!!!!!" Issei backed away in fear at first, however his heart suddenly stopped. "No," he tells himself. I'm so sick of this. For ten years I've known her, and now she ghosts me, after attempting to take my life" Issei feels his hand tickle, it then becomes his arm as metal starts to trickle all over it. The palm of his hand glows green as a green orb forms above it. I'm gonna get answers! EVEN IF IT MEANS I HAVE TO KILL TO GET THEM! I'M NOT GONNA LET MY BORING ASS LIFE END BY THE HANDS OF YOU DEVILS WHO MADE IT THIS WAY!"

Issei yells this as he raises his hand and creates his gauntlet. "You think a pretty face and a big chest is gonna take me down?" Issei asks as his eyes feel consumed by the lust of his own power. "No! A SACRED GEAR?!" Karlawaner says. Issei sends her flying with a blast from his gauntlet. As she lands on the ground ready to fight back Issei feels the weapon complete its form and sends another green laser towards her, sending a house up in flames. "You madman are you insane?!" Issei looks at the house full of regret as he struggles to control his power. "You'll burn the whole city down with that thing!" Issei shakes his head as he hides any sign of remorse or weakness.

"WHO CARES?! I WANT ANSWERS! CONSEQUENCES BE DAMNED!" Karlawaner gets up and shakes her wounds off. Her eyes widen as fear start to blind her. "Dammit Raynare said you were some nice guy! She said to not overdo it." Issei laughs hysterically, interrupting her as he lets his golden eyes turn green from the gauntlet's powers. "She really told you that? Wow you idiot!" Issei yells bitterly as he grins at her and charges up another blast.

"It worked. I focused on a part of my body with the most power and concentrated it into my arm" Issei thought as he stared down the fallen angel. "SCREW THIS I'M OUT OF HERE!" Karlawaner yells as her giant wings suddenly flap, creating a large gust of wind as black feathers fall from them. "You're not going anywhere!" Issei yells as he sends another round at her. She dodges it and flies as high in the sky as she could, dodging each laser as Issei kept firing at her. "NO DAMMIT NOOOOO! GET BACK HERE!" Issei yelled as his blood filled with rage. As soon as Karlawaner disappears from his sight, he takes several deep breaths before falling to the ground. Exhausted from using up all his energy.

Meanwhile back at the Gremory outpost

Congratulations Issei. Now that it's activated all you'll need to do is turn it on and off at your will!" Rias yells excitedly. "Wow Issei I'm so proud of you!" Issei blushes from Akeno's words despite getting the same reaction from Rias as well. "Thanks Akeno, that means a lot" he blurts. Rias looks at Issei slightly jealous. "And thanks Rias" Issei says out of regret. "Sure" she says back. "Oh this is great! You're gonna be so strong!" She hugs him the same way Rias did, causing Issei to burn red. "What the? No way, this feels just like Raynare" "Except she's so much, prettier. Like she's more adult-like. More naughty" Issei thought.

"Anyways Issei. The Fallen Angels now know that you have that and are still alive, not to mention one of us now. Things are gonna get messy here" Issei looks at Rias, feeling almost challenged. "Yeah cause I made them that way I burned down a freakin house! You think I care?" He thinks to himself. "You didn't happen to burn down that house that's on the local news when fighting her did you?" Issei looks at Rias strangely. "Uhhhhhhhh how would I know, who watches the news?" Rias sighs. Let me rephrase my question then, did you burn any houses down?" Issei hesitates to answer. "Look at least that'll show them you already have a decent mastery of your skills. That'll be great when fighting against them." Issei looks away shyly. "Yeah, sorry about that." Rias walks over to him. "Look I know this was an accident but don't go off trying to fight them without the rest of us. That's disrespectful to us as your allies, and not to mention dangerous. We are a team now." Issei glares at Rias. "It was self defense, she jumped me. They've only been jumping me, they're cowards! They owe me answers." Rias crosses her arms. "Still that hurts the rest of us. We all wanna help you but you need to understand Raynare never cared for you." Issei grits his teeth. "Yeah well I just wanna hear that from her." Rias nods. "Be patient. You will." Issei sighs with disappointment. "Alright then. I'm going home." He walks away from the group. "Good night." He then slams the door out of rage as he lets his power flow through him. "Rias why do you have to scare the boy off like that, he's new?" Akeno asks. "I'm not trying to do anything but protect him, even if he hates me for it I can't lose him." Akeno laughs a little. "Don't tell me you're already in love." Rias bites her fingernail as she leans over her desk. "I don't want to lose my favorite servant to those fallen freaks." She then narrows her eyes on Issei as he bikes away. "I won't."

The next day

Issei walked to school with rage as his unsatisfied contentment with life still plagued him. "I don't care about the team. What team? I'm only here to use and abuse now." He kicks a rock as he keeps walking towards school. "I've already made up my mind. With this gauntlet I'm gonna rid the world of evil and build up my own harem. No more being a white knight." As Issei kicks another rock, a girl with a nun outfit trips and falls, exposing her undergarments as she lays on the ground. Issei looks away not wanting to embarrass her. "You alright?" Asia gets as Issei helps her. A sudden gust of wind blows her veil off. "Wow, look at her" He thinks to himself. "Thanks" the young woman says. Issei chases after her veil as the wind carries it. As he grabs it he walks over and hands the white cloth to her. He studied her discreetly, observing her green eyes and blond hair.

"She's kinda my type. Akeno more so than her and maybe Rias when I'm bored but...." He pauses mid thought. What am I talking about? This line of thinking is what ruined those two. I may be crazy right now but this is a new low."

Then again I don't owe the world a savior. I'm not gonna act good for anyone.

"Um, excuse me? You think you could help me find the local church. I was supposed to be heading there but I got spun around" The young woman asks. "Yeah no problem. This way." Issei says with a rather cheerful smile. "Thanks, I'm so glad I ran into a gentleman like you. Someone so kind and nice." Issei chuckles a little. "More like the ghost of my former self" he thought. "Why thank you" he says outloud. Issei then looks at the cross on her chest and looks away in guilt. "I guess someone really is looking out for me up there." Issei groans bitterly as Raynare pops into his mind. "Why couldn't he just give me that one thing? I just wanted my childhood friend to be mine." Suddenly the sound of a child sobbing gets the woman to dart towards the child. "Hey wait!" Issei yells as he runs after her. The woman then gets onto his eye level and puts her hands over his knee. "It's okay, you're gonna be fine. A big boy like you shouldn't cry over a scrape." Issei just stops and stares. "No way, is she about to…" Suddenly the woman heals the boy's wound, each fabric of skin starts to mend itself back as the scrape slowly turns into scab tissue, then normal tissue.

"See all better," she says with a smile. "Woah. She's a healer?" Issei asks. "Sorry about that, shall we continue?" she asks. The two went up to the church. As Issei sees it sitting on the hill the woman starts to leave and head towards it. "I really am grateful you showed me here. Please come with me and let me thank you properly." Issei smiles as he checks his watch. "Oh I'm actually gonna be late for class. Sorry." The woman loses her smile. "Ah too bad. Well I really am thankful." Issei chuckles. "No worries" He says as he goes to shake her hand. "I'm Asia" the woman says. "I'm Issei. Issei Hyoudou."

"If you're ever bored stop by and visit me at the church. That's where I'll be." Issei smiles as he waves her goodbye. "Yeah, well alright have a good one." The two wave as they both part ways.

"She seems nice, we could be good friends" Issei thought. As Issei walks to class he gets stares from others. His two former pals look at him dirty as he walks towards Rias on the second floor. "Where were you? You missed the first period" Rias asked concerned. "What's it to you?" Issei asked bitterly. "I don't get it darling?" Rias asked. She walks over to him with some frustration in her voice. "I've been nothing but nice to you and even like you but you've been mostly bitter back. What's going on?" Issei sighs. "I don't know I'm just. Sorry you're right it was uncalled for. Look, I was showing someone to the church." Rias's eyes go wide. "The church? You want the angels to know about your sacred gear too?" Issei looks at Rias, noticing her shakiness he goes over to comfort her.

"Look God knows everything. So does his son and the spirit. I'd be dead if I was really a devil and you wouldn't be here now would you?" Rias shakes her head. "God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes the enemy has a little freedom if it means ultimate victory for his plan." Issei laughs a little. "Well you're not the enemy. Otherwise why would a believer like me be allowed to become a devil?" Rias looks at Issei strangely. "I don't know, maybe you were just lukewarm. Look just don't go near the church anymore or else you'll get in serious trouble. Far worse than any fallen angel you understand?" Issei rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah I know. Not the church going type anyways. Always bored me to death" Rias calms down. "Phew, good." She then walks over to Issei. "Can I at least get a couple hugs and walk to class?" She says putting on a pouty face. "Alright fine" Issei says in a rather cold tone. He says as Rias leans into him, resting her head on his shoulders. He wraps his arms around her waist as he gets a whiff of her hair.

"You know, maybe she's not that bad. Of course I'm not some simp who's gonna let her kill me like Raynare did. No she won't get the chance. I'll get to have everything I want from her when I'm done with this. She'll be grateful I even spent a little time with her in the bedroom. Yeah, and then I'll kill them all. Every last demon and fallen freak. All their heads on spikes as I reign over this world as a god. Screw them to hell they've made me a perverted monster out of my kindness to Raynare and those two." Issei goes off in his mind until Rias's words bring him back into reality. "Sorry, I'm just worried for you" Rias says. "I thought I was your servant?" Issei asked. "Well you are, but I don't want that." Issei looks at Rias funny. "Oh yeah, what do you want then?" Rias smiles as she puts her fingers on Issei's lips. "My darling bridegroom. He he." She giggles as Issei smiles at her. "How cute, she thinks I'm all hers." He then swipes his finger across her lips, returning the same kind of affection back to her.

"Take it slow alright? I'm still a servant so let's not speed in the school zone with this." Rias blushes as she feels Issei's heat. The two then let go as they head for class. "Damn, she seemed mad at me. Good thing I manipulate the situation. I can't give them an excuse to kill me yet. They might not be devils but you don't need to be one to be a monster. I don't trust em." Issei's eyes suddenly burst into a bright golden color. As he stares down the hall he smirks, turning his arm into the sacred gear he has. "I'd know first hand." As Issei walks into class he sees some girls crying. He walks over to his seat and overhears them talking.

She was in my room last night. I don't know what could have happened?

It's okay we'll find her.

Issei, have you seen Monika?!

"Isn't she the girls lacrosse captain? I'm thinking of two Monika's: one's a freshman and one's in our grade." Issei says.

Oh Issei, could you please help us? Just if you see her call this number!

The girl talking to Issei snatches his phone and enters her number into it with her name.

I'm Monomi! Just please help her and I!

Issei nods. "Yeah of course. Look, it'll be alright, here." He hands her a napkin to wipe her tears as he notices her breaking down. "Sorry I couldn't find a tissue." Monomi starts to blow her nose. "Look, we're sorry for all the crap we've been telling you. We really just thought." Suddenly the bell rings, interrupting her.

"It's okay. Just don't worry about it. I think you should take the day off, you and your friends can get some drinks with me to help cool you off and we'll drive to wherever you need to. How does that sound?" One girl looks at Issei strangely as the others soften up. The one crying leaps into his arms and hugs him, bringing back who he really is at core for a couple seconds. The person he always was before entering the devil's life. A kind warm gentle soul. He then loses it once more as he hugs the girl in return. "It's over! We tried your way, now it's my turn!" Another voice countered his good side, trying to spread the infection of Issei's dark soul and mind.

Later that night

"Stray devils?" Issei asked as the entire house of Gremory was gathered in a group. "Yeah man. They start off as stray devil's servants and then they kill their masters and run off." Yuuto explains. "Makes sense why none of ya'll had to deal with any. Who would wanna kill you cuties." Yuuto laughs. "Ha ha, you really are a perv." The two fist bump as Akeno and Kenoko blush. Rias gets red out of jealousy. "Don't act like you don't have the rest of the school, Yuuto. Leave me these three." Rias lashes out for a second. "Issei!" Issei chuckles. "I'm just joking. Come on baby I'm kidding."

"Not a perv my ass. He so is. But a funny one at least. He's a lot more clever. The kind of creepy where it's only gross if the man doesn't look attractive." Rias wraps her arms around Issei's head as she stares down Akeno and Koneko. The two blush and cover their mouths as they all continue to walk into the woods. "According to the reports this stray has been tricking people into this house and eating them." Rias explains. "Ewww. Cannibals?" Issei asks. "What?" Rias asked, confused. "Yeah this is either a human like us or a real devil. Don't act like you're demons, you all have too much empathy to fit into hell." Rias rolls her eyes. "Well you're one delusional soul I'll give you that." Rias says. "These monsters are nothing but pure evil, they only care about their desires and nothing else, they usually end up leaving a mess behind before they die" Yuuto explains. "Sounds like a demon to me" Issei said. "Issei, have you heard of the game chess?" Rias asks. "Well yeah, who hasn't? I suck though." The five all walk into the building. Issei activates his sacred gear, the metal pops out of his hand and starts to form all over his arm as a green glowing orb takes over his right eye glowing green, his left gold.

"Well you see, as the master I'm the king. My Empress is the queen, my cavalier the knight, my tank the rook, my clergy is the bishop, and my foot soldier the pawn. Devils with nobility grant these ranks to their servants" Rias explained. "Sounds like you just name people these pieces based on their powers" Issei notes. "You know I'm just gonna assume that's a compliment. I'm glad you don't see us as monsters." Rias says with a warm smile. "Ha ha, yeah of course."

"Maybe I shouldn't keep pressing this. They're pretty dead set on thinking they're devils." Issei thought. "Anyways, why are you so dead set on finding this thing? The Archduke said only experienced members should be on this mission?" Rias asked. "Today some girl in my class was crying about her missing friend. You said it lured people into the building and ate them, so that means this thing might be responsible." Rias looks at Issei strangely. "Oh and you suddenly care?" Issei looks back at her. "You sound like I'm the type who'd normally not" Issei says rather offended. "Well you're only watching. Just pay close attention as my devils do battle tonight" Rias orders.

"It's here" Akeno says as the sound of moaning echoes the room. The sounds of a woman smacking her lips as she moans playfully echo throughout the manor. Issei starts to charge up his gauntlet as he aims the laser around. "Oh what's that down there?" She asks as she flings back her long black hair. Her gray eyes stare at her foes.

"You! Damn traitor. Killing your master to fulfill your lustful desires" Rias says. "Lust?" Issei asks. "Yeah, a sin worthy of a thousand hells. Be-"


Suddenly Issei sends a laser towards the naked woman. She dodges as Rias finishes her roar. "ISSEI!" The woman smiles as she wickedly licks her lips. "Oh my, you sent your little pawn after me? You're just jealous your breasts will never be as lucious as these. You poor girl, you could never fulfill your lustful desire with a body like that."

"This is your final war-" Issei cuts Rias off. "NO MERCY!" Issei sends a laser towards the monster as it reveals its nasty beast-like body out from the shadows. Its breasts turn into machine guns firing acid that tears the walls into slosh. Its head grows bug-like fangs. It's naked boy now a deformed giant with two hairy arms and two hands for legs. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What kinda porno was I dragged into!" Issei thought to himself disgusted. Rias moves Issei out of the line of fire as acid sprays all around the room. The beast's tongue slams into some more walls tearing them up. "Yuuto! NOW!" Rias yells. Issei watches with Rias as Yuuto whips out his sword and lunges at the beast. "Holy crap he's fast!" Issei thought. "That's the power of the knight Issei. You're the pawn so take notes because you can use all these abilities. Yuuto can use any sword and move at lightning speed." Yuuko slashes the beast's arms off as he puts his blade back in its carrier.

WHY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"KONEKO WATCH OUT!" Issei sends another laser to the witches face, as it melts her skin off the beast roars and screams at him.

"Issei you need to act on MY ORDERS!" Rias yells angrily.

"NO SCREW THAT WHY CAN'T I HAVE A RELATIONSHIP BUT THIS BITCH GETS TO EAT ALL THE COCK SHE WANTS! WHY DO LUSTFUL BEINGS GET THEIR WAY?!" Issei says rather crudely as he doesn't think twice about his word choicing. Rias looks at him confused at Issei's mindset. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Issei roared. "AND I'LL MAKE YOUR BODY MINE BOY!" The demon yelled.

"KONEKO FINISH IT OFF NOW!" Rias yelled. She says, out of anger and rage as her passion and love for Issei ignites in her heart. As the beast lunges at Koneko it crushes her inside its stomach with its jaws. However Koneko bashes at the teeth as her super strength flows into her body. She then sends the beast flying across the room as its body smashes a pillar. "Holy-"

"Akeno!" Rias yells. "Oh is it my turn? I love this game." Suddenly one of the beast's arms twitch as they lunge at Rias. Issei, without even thinking about what he's about to do, blocks the creature's attack. He finds himself breaking both of them as he defends Rias while she watches in shock. "What am I?!" Despite how Issei felt at the time about Rias, he knew in his heart this would be the best decision he'd ever make. His crush on Akeno won't ever compare to the love he will have for in the future. A predestined future defining the present with every breath he took. Rias looked from the ground as she saw Issei stare at her back with his green and gold eyes, glowing like fireflies in the night.

"Thanks Issei" Rias says with a smile. "No problem. It was like I did that on my own."

Rias gets up and dusts herself off. Her heart races as her crush stares the demon down. "Just watch Akeno finish the job. Her queen attributes are a perfect combo of everyone else's attributes. She's unbeatable." Akeno smiles as her purple eyes begin to glow. "Now then let's have some fun."

She says as she charges up some lighting.

"That's not all." Rias says. "OH MY HOW HOT THIS IS!" Akeno yells. The beast roars as Akeno sends down lighting from the sky, it breaks through the building's roof and slams into the demon, creating a crater into the ground and shredding everything around it. "She's into some really weird stuff" Issei looks at Rias weirdly. "Like, she gets off to this stuff?" Rias nods as Akeno keeps sending more and more volts into the creature. "Alright Akeno that's enough" Rias says. She stops her attack and lets the beast drop to the ground. "Awwww. Already?" She asks. Rias slowly walks over to the monster as it sat on the ground in a puddle of its own drool. It's teeth like sharks and ears like pointy goblins. It's eyes now void black and it's long black hair greasy tied in knots. "Any last words before we finish this?" Rias asks. The demon's voice echoes as its demonic tone sends shivers up Issei's back. He stares the beast down as he thinks about Matsuda and Motohama being lured into the building by the creature's breasts. Her sweet face and sexy voice sending the boys to their death as she devours them. "Go to hell" It tells Rias as it tries to get up. "Then let's get this over with then, game over."

Issei suddenly snaps his fingers with his gauntlet as Rias is about to summon a black lighting charge. She stops and everyone looks at Issei as he stares the creature down. "NO! WHAT DID YOU DO BOY?!" THe demon asks as now everyone is afraid. "You heard her, game over." Issei says before releasing a loud snap. Suddenly the creature finds herself contorting as its organs burst into little pieces. The pain is so unbearable it screams like no other organism could. Issei smiles sinisterly as his sacred gear glows with a flame in the center of the green orb on his hand. The horrible scene ends when the creature shrivels up into a raisin. Then silence followed as everyone stared at Issei in horror. "He learned, so quick!" She says to herself. "What the?!" Akeno thought. "He's the one alright" Koneko thought. "He's not just some pawn. He's....." Yuuto's thoughts are cut off by Issei giggling.


He laughs to himself as he looks at everyone. His eyes glowing sinisterly as he clenches his fists. "I'm not feeling like being a pawn, or anyone's pawn. "I'm gonna become a King, and rule with my own Harem." Issei said with a sinister tone. "What?" Rias asked, offended. "Yeah you heard me. I don't live for anyone anymore. That was the old me, back when I was used by others. "I'm gonna live to be happy now."

To be Continued......