
High School Crush (My Story)

High School Crush Ava tripped over her own clumsy feet and fell onto someone. Ava looked up and freaked out it was Aaron, he was the hottest boy in school and a bad boy too. "S-sorry" she stammered, "He, it's not everyday a hot chick trips onto me" He gleefully look at her body.

kcann39 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

First Meeting

Ava snored peacefully as the morning sun shone through her window creating a warm feeling in this little cozy place.

She rolled over and wrapped her legs around her pillow, her raven hair all matted and some was in her mouth.

A few minutes past and she sleepily pulled her hair out of her mouth and rolled out of bed onto the floor.

Ava didn't bother to hurry on the first day of school or get into a routine because she moves schools to often.

It's all because of her mums modelling profession, Ava stared into her reflection, her deep brown eyes softened as usual when she was admiring them.

She traced her fingers across her face over her perfectly tanned skin. Ava skipped breakfast as usual and changed into her white blowsier and light blue skirt that reach just above her knees and tide her blue bow around her neck, with her new designer shoes from Nike.

She treaded down stairs past the kitchen to the front door. Ava's loose hair flopped hopeless trying to catch the wind, suddenly she was stopped by someone. A tall woman with fierce eyes stood before her

"Miss Chanda" Ava's eyes bolted around.

"Ava, my dear where do you think you are going?" She said sternly.

"Umm to school" Ava couldn't meet her eyes so she just stared at her apron.

"Oh Ava, you need to have breakfast first, you'll never make it through your first day without breakfast!" her hands on her hips lowered then raised out to hug Ava.

She sat at the table staring at the utensils perfectly placed, like in the queens dinning room perfect.

Ava never liked sitting in the dinning room because it was supposed to be where family eats together and family stuff like that.

Her father left her and her mother had a business to run and couldn't care less about her. Miss Chanda was all she had and was the closest thing to mother for Ava. A maid walked over to her and placed a plate with an omeletté on it the seasoning on it making it look like it was for dynasties.

"Thank you" Ava gave polite smile

She smiled back but didn't respond, what a strange girl.

Ava finished as quickly as she could, she couldn't bare to be in this filthy room any longer. She jumped out of her chair and bolted to the door, this time no resistance met her there and she opened the door and ran out to the foot path. She was free.

Ava walked the rest of the way to school and as soon as she arrived she saw a group of boys pushing a girl into a wall. Ava burned with rage and ran up to them and punched them all in the nose leaving them on the ground bleeding she grabbed the girls hand and ran off with her. Little did she know their leader was watching her, he smile as she ran away with the other girl she was gonna be his.

(Authors note:

Hi guys this is my first novel I hope u enjoy, please feel free to give me some ideas to improve. Thank you!"

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