
High King

Come and read the tale of Desmond Murphy, as he recounts the story of how he went from a 25 year old office worker nobody, to the High King of Hell. Follow along as he is thrust against his will from his boring day to day office life into one of gods, magic and mystery. Stuck in a plot between Heaven and Hell, Desmond is forced to forge new relationships with demons and other unlikely mythological creatures while he struggles to understand the rules of this new world revealed to him. Will he survive Heaven’s angels that pursue his bloody end? *********** This is my first original work, please read and review if you like. Feedback is greatly appreciated! I still work a full time job, but do my best to update at least every M/F *********** Update 7/17/2022 This work is on a hiatus for a few months. My wife had twins recently, and I overestimated my available time to write. (So exhausted all the time!) so I will resume once my newly grown family gets into a new groove and the twins are old enough for me to get SOME amount of sleep again. (Hoping for early September!) Thank you to everyone supporting this novel and please note that I WILL be returning. That is a promise!

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57 Chs

Malekith Part 2

"What sort of agreement were you thinking?" I asked curiously while maintaining my strict posture more as a means of bolstering my own waning self confidence. 

"You come under my wing as an apprentice. I'll teach you everything you need to know. That way those tyrants back at the home tower can't push you around when they finally decide they feel like it." As if to punctuate his offer, he snuffed out the cigarette in a rose gold ash tray, pressing it rather aggressively until nothing but a broken nub remained. 

Caught of guard, I struggled with maintaining my composure. What did I say to an offer like this? Obviously I could not accept, but would that ruin my chances of getting his magic? My mind reeled as I considered the possibilities/