
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs

Worst Day or Best Day (Pt. 1)

(4 LTT Y and 10 Months ago)

(Cantëaian POV)

Hearing a noise while Cavyër, Caviön, and myself were searching for a way to strengthen our metal without having to use as much time in the smithy for one object we were all on our completed wooden ringed tower that only reaches 4 tiers inside our completed wooden fort with our settlement halfway done building their homes all 3 of us look up and watch as a ball of fire flies through the air so fast that it is generating more fire at first it looks like a star that I have as my crest But when it's closer in a matter of seconds we can see the flames trailing behind it as it passes right overhead of the fort I snap out of its disastrous beauty and call to my 'Hands'

"Cavyër and Caviön when it hits the ground go get into your leather armor and weapons grab 2 of the guardians and Lijës and meet mee at the base of the central tower"

And run to my home and to my wardrobe just as I feel an earthquake and fall on my but with my pants around my ankles I kick them off and almost rip of my shirt before changing into my all white armor and elven Long sword, with a medium sized round shield and spear, bow with 25 arrows and a sea green cloak I exit my home quickly and see the elves from the leader class outside wanting answers about what that was I just tell them quickly

"A falling star I'm leaving now to try and find and bring it back here you are to lead in my stead but no new laws or charters while I am gone, I shouldn't be more than a week if I am I'll send word"

And run off down the stairs with grace that even surprised me as I get to the bottom, I see both Cavyër and Caviön in identical sea green leather. with black cloaks while the 2 guards are wearing sea green leather armor and blue belts, quiver and sheath and white cloaks and Lijës in brown leather armor with a sea green cloak, all with the same weapons.

"Follow me to the stables where did it impact"

I ask while looking at them

"Northeast Lady Cantëaian"

One of the guardians said I nod and look at both guardians and ask

"What are both your names"

The one on the left is the one that answered

"Talíön my lady my fellow here is jewëls she and I joined together to make sure our people always feel protected and safe"

I nod Cavyër said

"I like him"

Getting a weird look out of Caviön before we reach the stable master and I say

"My friend can you get me vöid and 4 horses attached to 2 carts"

He bows and says

"Yes, my lady it will be done"

I nod and he runs to complete the task I look back at the guardians and say

"Well, if you do good you might just become our first Captains of the guardians"

Caviön nods and add

"It will be a lot more work and you will be in charge of one of the gates be warned until we reach both sides of the river, we are going to be moving the gate lines so for now it will be more construction and deconstruction till we have stone walls"

They both nod seriously and put their fist to their chest and bowing deeply saying in unison

"We swear to always serve you my lady"

And Caviön chuckles and just as the stable master came rushing back with his helper leading a cart each with void trotting behind them. And says

"I am begening to like both of them"

Cavyër and Caviön get on the first cart while Lijës and the 2 guardians are in the other cart, and I mount Vöid and speak

"Let move ladies and not ladies"

The eastern gates open and we ride out with me in the lead Cavyër and Caviön behind me and talíön, jewëls, and Lijës in the rear as we cross over the bridge the safety of the settlement is slowly fading until we are about a league away that it is gone and it's darkness and very little light that we can barely notice but we keep riding for the first 2 nights we come across nothing but trees that seem to be watching us as we make camp for the 3rd night we are in a clearing up against the oldest looking tree as we start the fire we can feel a tremor that seems to come from the tree itself while we are cooking and eating we suddenly heard a howling followed by even more when the first one comes out of the clearing it looks like a wolf but bigger, mutated, and corrupted by darkness itself Lijës yells

"Cavyër and Caviön watch the left and right talíön and jewëls watch our backs"

We all have our bows drawn and just as the wolf makes its move and another follows to its right appears we hold till they both jump for us both mine and Lijës arrows enter the right and left eyes of the 2 beasts right for his left for mine. Right as this is happening another 2 jump at our left and back while another one jumps at our right all getting identical arrows in the eyes one more comes up behind the 2 dead ones in the front it is a white one and instead of yellow eyes it is blood red shine it growls at us and runs away in the blink of an eye then we hear a noise and try turning around only for Cavyër and Caviön to be picked up together by what looks like a hand of branches at the same time talíön and jewëls have the same thing happening to them all 4 dropping their bows when Lijës and myself turn completely around a huge stump of a tree slams into us and forced us on our backs and the giant stump rests on us and we can both see roots digging into the earth slowly crushing us while we can hear the pained yells of our companions before a loud and thunderous tree says in a slow voice

"What....do.... we.... have here.... dark.... spirits... corrupted...and..... made foul....by...the...dark....one"

Looking up I see orange eyes and a face carved into a tree no not carved it was always their but their innate magic that camouflages them as actual trees it's a type of wild magic

"No great tree we are the Eldar children of Eru Ilúvatar and our patron Valar is Ulmo"

It hums so I continue

"My name is Cantëaian the 4th of the 7 original elves from the awakening the ones in your hands and next to me are my people the Nënluyár or river elves we mean.... No.... Harm"

It looks at me like I'm an ant and I hate that feeling

"Eldar.... Never.... Have.... I..... Heard.... about... an.... Eldar... Before.... now.... the.... Valar... Them.... I... know.... the...mother.... of... the.... trees.... and..... us...ents... creator....is...of...The Hobbits.... Valar.... of.... the.... earth"

It says while slightly loosening us a bit

"So, you know the Valar and what is an Ent what do your people do"

"Us....ents.... are.... caretakers... of...the... trees... their.... protecters... Yes.... I..... know.... the.... Valar.... 15.... there.... are.... under... Eru.... Ilúvatar... the.... all.... father"

And I take this time to asks

"They number 15 we only know about 5 and only know 4 names not including Eru Ilúvatar, we know of Ulmo, Manwë, Aulë, and Oromë who are the other eleven"

It releases me and Lijës forcing us to cough while it opens its hands and drops my 4 other companions and backing up saying

(I'm not continuing the space for the ents slow voice if you want to imagine it go ahead)

"First is Manwë the King of the Valinor and husband of Varda he has ultimate control of wind and the air itself master of clouds he is the Valar of light and peace and patron of the Minyar elven clan"

"The 2nd is Varda the wife of Manwë is the queen of Valinor she is the wise women creator of alchemy with cures that can heal all poison and is the lady of starlight of the Valar and patron of the Longbeards dwarvern clan"

"Then is Ulmo the king under the seas and prince of Valinor he controls all the waters of Arda with an ability to learn at a speed that only Manwë can match he is the architect of Arda and the most entuned with the music of this world the strongest Voice or Singer of the Valar and patron of the Nënluyár elven clan"

"Aulë is the prince of Valinor the blacksmith/Craftsman and groundskeeper of Valinor he is a think tank the strategist of the Valar and creator of the 7 dwarf clans adopted and given a fäe each by Eru Illuvitar and the patron of the Nelyar elven clan"

"Then there is Oromë is the prince of Valinor the huntsman of the Valar rides a horse made of light itself able to use light itself to turn invisible and sent less the maker of the bow and the animal trammer of the Valar patron of the Tityar elven clan"

"Mandos is the prince of Valinor and judge of his halls where all fallen of the first born of Eru Ilúvatar will reside till the suffering they feel is healed and they are remade in a new body or kept till all those they hurt have healed then he will judge them he is the Valar of order and patron of the Firebeards dwarvern clan"

"Nienna is the princess of Valinor lady of sorrow and mourning she is the older sister of Mandos and singer of healing she can make the foulest of harts remorse and heal all damage to the fäe she is the Valar of Mercy patron of the house of Mörn humans"

"Yavanna is the princess of Valinor and wife of Aulë mother of the trees plants and animals she is the mother of the Ent's and Hobbit's who protect her trees from the beings of middle earth she is the Valar of the earth on Arda the patron of the Stiffbeards dwarvern clan"

"Irmo is the prince of Valinor and the Valar of prophecies and dreams him and Mandos are Fëanturi meaning they are both capable of bending, breaking, or healing of a fáe or a soul he is also known as Lórien, the younger for his gardens in where he usually dreams and gives visions when needed the patron of the house of jacë humans"

"Estë is the princess of Valinor wife of Irmo and the Valar of raiment rest and the healer of sores, infections, and weariness the Valar of respite the patron of the Ironfoots dwarvern clan"

"Vána is the princess of Valinor known as the ever young is the younger sister of Yavanna and is the Valar of blossoming followers and the mother of songbirds who she taught her song in the hundreds of gardens of Valinor she is the Valar of spring the patron of the Blacklock's dwarvern clan"

"Vairë is the princess of Valinor wife of Mandos and Weaver of fates tragedy and fate all recorded in the scroll of Eru an entire tapestry of the birth life and deaths of everyone currently, has been, or will live on Arda including the creation and destruction of Arda itself the patron of the house of Bëor humans"

"Tulkas the brave is the newest prince of Valinor it only happened in the last battle between the Valar of Eru Ilúvatar and the fallen of Arda the corrupted and twisted when tulkas came down from Eru's realm the very sight of him forced the enemy to run Tulkas laughed in the face of the enemy he is the physically strongest of the Valar hard to anger but never forgets a slight named the champion of the Valar for his lack of a blade or hammer in battle fighting like a god amongst God's with musical laughter and his fists alone he is the Valar of strength and valor the patron of the Ironfists dwarvern clan"

"Nessa is the princess of Valinor known as the dancer for being the creator of of dancing and known for dancing in the fields of flowers while humming a song all her own she is the fastest of the Valar able to easily out run the dear that she herds from one field to the next in Valinor and the twin sister of Oromë she is the Valar of speed, dance, herders, the Valar of victory the patron of the Broadbeams dwarvern clan"

"Melkor is the fallen Valar his name means he who arises in might he is the stripped prince of Valinor the enemy of the first, second and adopted children of Eru Ilúvatar seeks their enslavement and destruction he is the welder of the corrupted fire twister of Maiar he is the darkness corrupting Arda the Valar are all that stand between the Singer of Chaos the patron of the Dázestrikers dwarvern clan, the house of Brëk humans, and the ëravyár elven clan"

"That little elves are who the 15 Valar are the servants sent here by Eru Ilúvatar to watch the world"

All 6 of us are star struck for more than 1 hour digesting all of what the Ent said before I ask "what are dwarvern clans, humans or"....

Yes I know that I added in more to the Valar and left other things unused there is a reason for that. and I know all but 2 are married to eachother I just don't remember who is with who so I have to nerd up and look at fictional marriages. I added one extra clan of each race for Melkor. while I did make it to where there are just as many elven clans and human houses but next chapter it will be explained thank you for reading and ti-ti-ti-till next time folks

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