
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs

Mercy or Murder

(Cantëaian POV)

How can he just do that, messing with ones fäe that....that....th- that should be impossible. While using your fäe when using magic is part of magic use what Ráuelën just described is akin to soul manipulation. Something that should not be possible is it because of his Valar blood.

Before I can think anymore I hear something running right towards us look behind me. Drawing my sword the 3 guardians and Lijës pulling their weapons too. Me and 2 guardians had our swords drawn. And Lijës and the other guardian have their long bows aimed at the incoming noise. When it gets closer I see a horrid looking monster with a dark purple/blue skin color. That is gnarled and twisted and so tight against the bones that you would almost think it was dead. It had a bald head pointed ears that were slightly smaller than an elfs. And over it's face is a black hand that seems permanently burned. While we are taller this thing is huge looks like it could fight or run for days without becoming tired. It's eyes are an piercing yellow orange. It was wearing twisted armor that is a reddish black.

What he was carrying over his shoulders was of more interest tho 2 elves. A grown female and a little one both with a golden hue to their skin. Their eyes are a beautiful orange red like that of a fire. And their hair is the color of freshly shined bronze. Both are wearing a black and grey ceremonial robes before anyone of us can react the monster sets the elves down and says in a voice that is both dazzling and horrifying.

"I didn't come for a fight just trying to save my people they are all that's left please take them"

(Lempíön POV)

I run closer to the fire so they can see me and when I get there I see 6 beings that while distinctly different have the same general look that my people had. Though they were obviously smarter or it's luck. The one that was fussing over the child that I can now see is a little boy. That like the rest has a very white complexion of skin like they have powder or snow lightly spread around their faces and I assume bodies. The boy has pure white hair and his eyes are constantly switching from a pale ice blue to a vibrant and enticing green eyes that the other 4 have. Tho his face looks a bit like the woman infront of the child with white armor and white and blue feathers going from the top of her helmet to the back. And a slightly curved sword pointed at him with her shield covering all but her head and shins. 2 of the 3 in sea green armor and white capes follow her without hesitation. While the last of the sea green armor has his bow drawn at my core along with the one with golden armor and a helmet of feathers going from ear to ear. On the 3 shields is the same thing a wave in the ocean facing me with 4 stars above the wave. I put down the last of my people stand infront of them and drop to my knees and say.

"I didn't come for a fight just trying to save my people they are all that's left please take them"

(Cantëaian POV)

"You were once like those elves behind you"

Getting a nod from the thing Lijës asked.

"What happened to you if you were an elf and not one now what are you"

"My name is lempíön I awoke years ago and had a mate at that time her name was lempyër and she was all I knew something told us to stay and we did for days but then we Became bored and decided to go find more like us... As you can see we found them but not before we were found and deceived..."

After lempíön finished his tale of having to watch as his people were slowly corrupted and tortured. Till they became mindless slaves forced to repopulate. If they were to refuse during the early months they had their throats slit. Then thrown in a mud pit to later be reborn a slightly smarter but a thousand times more loyal then he said.

"It wasn't till before the little one right here that all of my people were slowly being corrupted. But one day a little over 4 years ago the deceiver on the orders of his master. Forced the few remaining uncorrupted elves that had mates to try and repopulate. He killed the father's and would visit the mothers during their pregnancy All but the mother with me died. I don't know what Mairon did to her in his experiments. But she stopped talking only time I have heard her voice. Is when she is singing to her daughter I.... I don't even know their names just that they are all that is left and I needed them safe"

Once he finished speaking I dropped my guard and said

"My name is Cantëaian Chieftain of the Nënluyár. The elf in golden armor is admiral Lijës of the Nënluyár. This is my son Ráuelën and our 3 guardians we are on a trip to one of our sister clan Nelyar"

Lijës says.

"We can bring the mother and daughter with us and when we leave the Nelyar we will be heading towards the Minyar they are they wisest of all is elves..... I don't know about you though while you say you were an elf we have no way of knowing"

The unknown black elf mother looked at all of us and whispered.

"He is telling the truth-"

But was cut of by lempíön.

"I do not ask to come with you I.....I am corrupted. I can feel Melkor in my mind whispering to me. I want to die as lempíön not the abomination I was forced to become... To meet my love again in the next life like she said"

And pulls out his crudely made dagger and throws it to Lijës feet.

"Please let me find peace.... With her"

sorry been busy with life but I haven't dropped this. I plan to at least get to the beginning of the 2nd age before I stop making chapters might go through all 3 ages depending on if I keep myself interested in it.

Ti-ti-ti-till next time folks

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