
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs

Important Characters

(Minyar/ Vanyar Elves of The Awakening/ First Age)

Imin and Iminyë- First of The Minyar

Ilion- Son of Imin And Iminyë/ First High King of The Vanyar

(Nelyar/ Teleri Elves of The Awakening/ First Age)

Enel and Enelyë- First of The Nelyar

Elwë- First Son of Enel and Enelyë/ First King of The Teleri of Middle-Earth

Olwë- Second Son of Enel and Enelyë/ First King of The Teleri of Valinor

Elmo- Third Son of Enel And Enelyë/ Prince of Doriath

(Tatyar/ Noldor Elves of The Awakening/ First Age)

Tata and Tatië- First of The Tatyar

Finwë- son of Tata and Tatië / First High King of The Noldor

(Nënluyár Elves of The Awakening/ First Age)

Cantëaian- First of The Nënluyár

Ráuelën- Son of Cantëaian/ High King of The Nënluyár

Lijës- Admiral of The Nënluyár

Caviön- General of The Nënluyár/ Right Hand of Chieftain Cantëaian

Cavyër- Founder of Nënluyár steel/ Left Hand of Chieftain Cantëaian

(Ëravyár Elves of The Awakening First/ Age)

lempíön and lempyër- First of The Ëravyár/ First of The Orc's

Unnamed Adult Female- Last Adult of the Ëravyár

Unnamed Girl- Only Child of The Ëravyár

I will update this page as important Characters, come into the story. like with my other fanfiction, i will post pictures when I can. should I add a page for the Valar, and their known Maiar followers? ( when I finish editing the previous chapters tomorrow, I will start posting chapters again)

Nerdy_stonercreators' thoughts