
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs

Floating Jewel of The River

(5 Light of the trees years later)

(3rd POV)

We see a beautiful white and blue falcon soaring through the air and it suddenly dives tucking its wings and aiming for the river below in less than 5 seconds the falcon is snatching a fish out of the river then stars flying with the river south.

when we see a high white wall that looks like it rises right out of the water only the current of the river says it's not blocked the falcon fly's closer, and we can see it is a walled keep of a town sitting on the very river itself.

2 massive round white towers on the right of the gates they are next to one on the west and the other on the east the gates are right on the land on either side of the river stables on the opposite side of the towers next to the gates.

The gates are made of a steel that is black as obsidian but with silver ripple's traveling up and down the doors the west one has been painted a striking white while the east gate is in the middle of being painted the same color.

As the falcon passes the northern wall we can see healers, herbalists, craftsman, and blacksmiths working in more strikingly white stones but the ground that they walk is green sea stone.

The Falcon circling the base of the green sea stone tower in the center of the city is what looks like homes for the workers of the city going up the next tier.

while the falcon is still circling, we noticed that both the 1st and 2nd tiers were for the workers of the city with homes just big enough for 4 people to live in without feeling cramped in.

the 3rd and the 4 tiers we see that the houses while made out of the same white stone looked like they have another floor the same size of the last ones and having gardens.

When we get to the 5th and the 6th tiers, we see the homes have become very spartan with just enough room for 3 people in each house.

on the 7th tier we see the homes of the leaders or ruling class in the same homes as the 3rd and 4th tiers with a back yard with half walls surrounding them.

on the 8th tier we see 3 buildings right in the center of the platform of this Green Tower within the center is a huge dome shaped building that is the grand Temple of Eru Ilúvatar and the Valar that we can see some people praying to one of the 15 Valar or even Eru themselves.

to the left is a building with pillars acting as the walls of the building looking into it, we see a hole in the ground with steps that looks like you can sit or walk up and down the hole with ease. at the bottom is a single chair while 2 other chairs slightly less magnificent were pointed at such a way that the chairs form a triangle and when used can see every one the last of what can be seen is an engraving under the chairs of a Wave rising up to crash into anything that's Infront of it above the wave are 4 stars that have had different gems set into perfectly so it seems to make a rainbow of colors while the Wave was painted a sea blue with white where the wave curls.

The last building is what looks like an estate in itself with the front area open and pillars acting like walls we can see benches neatly lined up. and on a stage is a royal sea green stone with elder wood lining the back rest and arm rests with the seat cushioned with an ice blue cover over the cushion.

The rest of the ring like tier has moss covering the ground except where the fort steps to the top and bottom to Infront of the temple like sea green colored sidewalks surrounded by grass like moss.

We hear a whistle, and we see 3 people standing at the edge 2 in sea green robes with blue embroidery of the likeness to rivers going through the sea Green robes the edges where white while the one in the center wore a white robe with green edges and on the back is 4 shimmering stars and a wave rising all colored blue.

The all 3 people have pure white hair two of theirs is braided from the top of the head down while the slightly taller and bigger one had their hair loose with only 2 white gold clips connected to a near invisible string is attached to their bangs, so the wind doesn't whip hair into their in their face.

The one in front raises their arm and we see a black leather glove up to their elbow and we see the white and blue falcon lands on their arm having already finished the fish the falcon caught in calls and the person says while giving it a treat.

"Good girl gálë"

(Cantëaian POV)

I pet gálë while looking out at the southern wall where my storage, armory, and market are in the center of the wall is a portcullis just big enough to get to the outside and the newly built docks.

all we have is fishing boats but eventually we will have enough to explore the rest of the coast of middle earth looking at the portcullis door with its obsidian black and silver ripple's traveling up and down it is probably the strongest metal in middle earth.

It's a secret of my Nënluyár, Boat making, talents with our voices, and our talents with the forge are sacred to us no one other than us will ever know our secrets.

the metal is made by taking steel and a crushed mix of obsidian and the stone from a fallen star and sprinkling it over the steel while red hot and folding the metal for as long as you can while using your voice or singing to the metal.

our guardians are outfitted with it just painted sea green instead of black and the silver ripples were painted blue with white capes that are slung slightly over their left shoulders.

but the armor is as light as boiled leather armor, under the armor is a mithril chain link mesh covering your legs, groin, chest, and arms the boots are sleek and have a blade on the toe and a razor-sharp edge on the heel.

while the shin guards only pass the middle of the knee instead of plated metal for the thighs and groin the mithril mesh and a boiled leather belt that has strips hanging down just long and wide enough to cover everything. the strips are only cut to just above the groin on the inside is thin plates of our metal to keep the leather from flying in the wind and extra protection.

above the belt is the breast plate you can't tell if one is female or male while in the armor other than the slight size difference. but it is streamlined with the straps to put it on and off are only on the left side and shoulder.

The forearm guards are sleek and streamlined, the hand guard has a plate that goes half an inch past their knuckles that is curved and sharpened. wearing leather gloves with the palm and bottom of the fingers have a fabric woven into it that gives the guardians better grip on their weapons.

The upper arms are covered in a single plate of armor that meets the forearm guards seamlessly making a fluid joint at the elbows while the left side meets a rounded shoulder plate. that is covered by the capes on the right arm it meets with a shoulder plate that's very edge is pointing to the sky 3 inches in the air and on the top of the shoulder is 2 more point all perfectly rounded and sharp as a razor at the points.

the helmets are made in a way that it is right against the head with only thin lines of patting so it won't fall of or hurt to wear for long periods of time they have a T shaped opening so they can see and eat. without having to take off their helmets the 2 Captains of the East and West gates have blue feathers or fur like strips going from the front top of the helmet and ending at the back of the helmet.

Each of the guardians have a spear made in two separate pieces the pole and the head but both are made with metal and while hot fused together and painted sea green. it is wrapped in white boiled leather. most have something hanging right above where the wrapping starts sometimes feathers, they found or teeth from something they have hunted in the past or something the carved most have something hanging from there spears.

they also have elven long bows hanging over their right shoulders that are made of elder wood and string made from our craftsmen died green. and a quiver on that is sea green boiled leather with 50 arrows each the arrows are made from elder wood and blue feathers with sea green arrow heads made from our metal.

The guardians also have a bastard sword that has a slight curve to it but not enough to take much of any of its stabbing power that is sheathed in a sea green sheath. The hilts are white with blue leather wrapping the blade like the rest of the weapons is sea green.

The last price of equipment that they have is a shield that is rounded and big enough to cover you from shoulder to knee. the shields are layered in the back of planks of elder wood with 2 white leather straps to put your arm through and grad a hold of. On the front of the shields is a field of white with 4 stars over the ocean and a wave rising towards the one looking at the looker all engraved into the shields. Only the lines of the engravings the stars a pale blue and the wave a sea green

"I am glad Eru and the Valar have seen fit to bless us with the secret knowledge we have if it wasn't for them giving us a chance with the falling star that we found weeks later. We would have never discovered the mithril mine or the Nënluyárian metal look at our guardians they look beautiful the colors of our city mixing as one with every part of their weapons and armor. speaking of which Cavyër and Caviön how long until every civilian will have a full set of armors, spears, swords one short bow with 100 arrows 50 for each bow, 2 daggers, and shields"

"We started last week right after we finished the guardians sets the ones for the rest of the civilians won't have to be died or colored except for the shields and capes but by next year we will have every original Nënluyár elf.

Only the little ones will be left without anything but 2 daggers when their atar and amillë allow them as was decided 4 years ago when ruling councils with the ruling cast and us 3.

lt is to become a tradition as they age to give them parts of the set they will have for the rest of their life starting with the daggers when they a 10 or are mature enough.

then at 20 a short bow with 50 arrows they will also begin practicing with both at this age.

If they can by the time they are 30 they will get a sword with how light our swords are it shouldn't be to hard on those little tadpoles. then the mithril chainmail mesh leggings and chest and arm coverings. (long sleeve shirts)

At 40.

at 50 they get to begin getting lessons with any master from a Swords Master, Master Blacksmiths, or Master Hunters, or even outside the clan for whatever they want to master.

At 60 they will be taught how we use our voices or the art of The Singers also they will be taught how to turn natural gifts like foresight, telepathy, and water healing depending on what gift they have into a helpful tool that they can control.

At 70 they will learn our boat building secret and learn how to sail though we will need bigger boats then those big fishing boats to truly learn to sail. When they reach 80, they will get their Spears and shields and Learn fighting with it and in a platoon of the guardians as students.

At 90 they will learn our blacksmith secrets and forge something of their choice over and overusing our secrets till they make a masterpiece or when they reach 100 years old.

When they do reach 100, they get a set of armor made for them in whatever color they want or forge it themselves because if they aren't mundane master smiths with a minimum of ten years of training I question if they are of our blood"

Cavyër said with their soothing voice then Caviön asks looking around

"Where is the 'little chieftain' my lady"

I close my eyes and remember that day 4 years ago when I met my mate and the day, I came to be with my little star...