
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs


(Ráuelën POV)

We have been in my uncle's city the Hiddën Oásis or 'lomë moinaîdh' in elvish for so long that I almost think we may never go back home and while the idea of never seeing the Floating Jewel of the River again makes me sad. The idea of constantly moving forward and finding new things is amazing like the trip from home to my aunt and uncles City it is so different from the buildings back home.

All of it according to my Amil is made with a special magic while building something, the way everyone does we elves are able to use our voices or songs to blend what is possible and what isn't not by doing this in tandem with the actual working of the project.

You can feel almost guided to what the world or Arda is acceptable for whatever you are creating but I wonder could you instead guide the song not grabbing it firmly and demanding it to do what you want. But guide it using your own mind and fäe to show what you want from the world I'm snapped out of my thoughts by uncle Lijës and my Amil who says.

"We will be leaving tomorrow my little star we are going to see your uncle Tata and Aunt Tatië in Canágöndost. In the south of the Bay of Cuiviënen Make sure you are well rested."

The 4 Stone Fortress not the best name but mom did say that only Imin has a good naming since but lomë moinaîdh isn't a bad name and besides like Mírë-O Insírë is such a good name.

"Okay Amil"

Is all I say before going back to my thoughts.

(Cantëaian POV)

For the past 3 weeks we have been staying with Enel and Enelyë while Ráuelën has been looking at everything with wonder. And sat next to Elwë and Olwë's cribs trying to play with them and asking question after question mainly about magic and what you can and can't do with it. It has been a different story for me and Lijës apparently more and more of those mutated wolves are popping up so much so that we believe that they are a separate species of wolf we have begun calling them Wargs, that's not all Nelyar scouts have reported seeing formless and faceless beings and one even thought, they heard the hove's of a horse. Running towards them but right as it sounded like it was on them the sounds stopped and there wasn't any noise in the forest apparently. That scout ran all the way back home at a sprint covering days of ground in hours because of how scared they were.

I don't know what is coming from the east but I'm thankful I have a maze of thick foliage for a forest in-between my city and whatever is out there. Now though I get to play messenger to Tata and Imin while visiting them while I sent Gálë back home with a scroll in (barbaric) Elvish quite literally saying trouble east be on watch. I pray to Eru that whatever it is never finds its way to the Bay of Cuiviënen my foresight though says darkness is coming no matter how slow it is.

The next day when we wake up and dress in our armor. While Ráuelën is in the reverse colors but same style as all his clothes, a pale blue robe white leggings and shirt and sea green belt and boots and we meet with Enel and Enelyë who each are holding one of the twins Elwë and Olwë while I am holding Ráuelën. Just as we greet each other all 4 of us with what is in our arms start walking to the western gates when Enelyë asks.

"I thought you were Southeastern Gates sister"

I look at her then at my little star whose head is cocked to the side looking confused with why we aren't doing that I just shake my head while Lijës says.

"No Lady Enelyë, Chieftain Enel we were going to go that way and see what is out there and let the little one see more of the world but-"

"What we have in tow is too important to me to risk him"

I cut him off while slightly tightening my hold on him then I say.

"I do love your city Iomë Moinaîdh is truly beautiful and feels like you are still in the forest and not a city"

Enel nods and says.

"Thank you, sister, if it wasn't for your idea to build an actual home. I don't think my people would have built something like this for years to come"

By then we get to the carts with the 3 guardians one of them sees me coming and pulls something out of the cart that is covered in a pure white cloth and rushed over to us and says.

"Chieftain Enel, lady Enelyë"

Then looks at me and saying.

"My Lady I have the items the Blacksmiths made for your siblings"

I nod before handing Ráuelën to Lijës and then grabbing the cloth and pulling it away to show 2 Nënluyár steel ingot and an elvish longsword with a slight curve. Made out of the same steel with a golden green hilt that is engraved to look like the bark of a tree in a forest green sheath pulling it from the sheath to show them the blade is as black as the ingots with the silver ripple's instead being a forest green like the sheath and I speak.

"A gift from one Chieftain to another, from a younger sister to her older siblings, a gift from the Nënluyár to the Nelyar as a sign that like this blade our friendship too never will"

Enelyë is close to tears and Enel say while taking the blade and flourishing it.

"A wonderful gift sister one that I'm forever grateful for, it is as light as a feather what metal is it made of"

I smile and say

"It is Nënluyár metal all of our arms and armor is made of it. I figured why be greedy about the metal when it could instead save a life of one my people. The arms will cut through any other blade that we have tested it on like butter. Even Tityar swords who are the best elven Blacksmiths too bad we are just better at the specific type of blacksmithing a swordsmith that with architecture and sailing are where the Nënluyár's heart lays. But the armor on the other hand has barely been scratched by a Tityar blade though it did scratch it, so they are doing something right. It reflects any blow off to the side thanks to not just the metal but the way it's designed is to reflect off of the armor only things that have cut into it is a blade made of the same metal. I'd assume if you had a war hammer or ax with enough strength in the swing will destroy the armor but most likely the one wearing the armor will only have deep bruising."

Looking at them they are gaping like a school of fish I chuckle snapping them out of it and Imin hugs me while saying.

"Truly thank you for this gift sister but what about the ingots"

"They are for Elwë and Olwë when they are older think of it as an invitation to make a blade or armor the Nënluyár way of blacksmithing"

I tell them and Enelyë says.

"You knew that I was giving birth that is why you suddenly came with nothing more than a I come East in a scroll"

I smile brightly while taking Ráuelën from Lijës who I noticed is gazing at an herbalist walking by with the look of love in his eye before looking back at Enelyë and say.

"Well of course sister we all have a gift for foresight this is your only warning that I will use it to figure out anything I can about my siblings when they are being secretive. I'm the nosey little sister after all. And there are only so many words that are written at the moment oh and you're not the only one that gave birth I believe Imin and Iminyë just had their first child last week."

With that we hug and say our goodbyes while 2 of the guardians mount up on their horses with one having Vöid tied to it and another horse tied to the other guardians' horse. While the last guardian is steering the cart with Lijës sitting next to him still looking at the retreating herbalist while me and Ráuelën in the back babbling about how exited he is while sitting in my lap and a guide through that maze of a forest.

(Ráuelën POV)

As we enter the forest a pressure is almost laying on my mind and fäe thinking back to what I was thinking of last night I wiggle out of Amil's lap and sit on the floor of the cart in-between Amil's legs and cross my legs closing my eyes and try to make contact with whatever that pressure is. I keep trying to send my fäe to it, but nothing is happening I try to give it a push and I feel something in the center of my body and the core of my fäe. So instead, I focus on that and try to get it to do anything at all by again pushing at it but nothing so instead I try spinning it like a whirlpool. And that is when I feel a snap but not in the since of worry but more that I broke through a bottle neck on something that I didn't know about and when I internally 'look' at my core. I can feel it starting to spin right at the center creating an opening that is when a sting hits my body so thinking quickly, I don't just create a whirlpool but a current of motion going from the bottom and to the top. that pushes it out through the bottom and pull it in through the top creating a multi ringed sphere of sorts out of the core of my fäe. Spinning like a whirlpool in the center spreading out while the ring over the top is pulling the part that is constantly being emptied and creating a hole directly into it while the bottom ring pushes it right back to the upper ring. The stinging stops and in its place is a tingling that is almost euphoric but as soon as that's done Immediately fall asleep when I wake the next time it's to my Amil shaking me awake with a look of worry on her face.

"Ráuelën how are you my little star you have been sleeping for 2 days we had to hasten our pace thinking something was wrong with you are you hurt tell me where"

While her hands fly all over my face messing up my already messy hair, I blink at her and asked.

"How long was I asleep Amil"

She stops and says.

"Since we left the forest, you fell asleep and that was 4 days ago what happened"

I look at her and brush her cheek and speak.

"I was trying to use magic and I felt a pull in the center of my body but more like the Core of my fäe. I tried getting it to move but it wasn't till I thought to spin it like a whirlpool and then my whole body felt like it was being stung. Then I created a current of motion that is what gets pushed out of the bottom of the whirlpool is constantly going to the top of my core and filling the center of my core creating a constant loop of motion"

She looks at me in a mix of anger, fear, and awe and yells.


lomë moinaîdh is the name of the Nelyar city

lom- means hidden

moina- means safety

îdh- means peace or peaceful

canágöndost is the name of the Tityar city

canta- means 4

gond- means stone

ost- means fortress

Mírë-O InSírë is the name of the Nënluyár city

mírë- jewel

-o - of

in- means the

sírë- means river

Litsëon-O InlstímörAícö

litsëon- means wise ones

-o - means of

In- means the

Istimor- sandstone

aico- means cliff(s)

ti-ti-ti-till next time folks

Nerdy_stonercreators' thoughts