
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs

Chase to safety

(Lempíön POV)

Looking behind me I see the wraith's that were once spirits. That were corrupted and twisted by Melkor and his foulest of magic that corruption of fire can bring. I have to get the last of my people to safety as I pass the foot hills. That was where i was first found by the Deceiver I hear a roar that shakes the earth beneath the Warg we are riding. I look behind me and I see a Balrog starting to chase us right after finishing it's roar it jumped in the air. And faster the I would believe a Being that big could move it was right above us. Falling on top of us quickly I force the Warg to jump to the right and the mom and daughter scream bloddy murder. While a blink of the eye later a resounding sound was heard. As it landed and it's firey fist broke into the spot we were a moment ago.



It looked right at us as the Warg was running for its life with us as no more then passengers. Asi runs from the mountain of fire and darkness itself. As I reach the treeline while keeping an eye on the Balrog. That has been chasing us. With each step of its foot the ground shakes but behind it. And slowly passing the Balrog was the wraiths I look back forward and tell the mother, daughter duo.

"Quiet Now both of you"

My voice changing in-between my old beautiful voice and the gnarled and ugly voice.

"Just a little bit further and we can hopefully lose them around here somewhere"

The female elfs golden pointed ears poking from the curtains of hair the color of bronze

Moving up and down is all I'm told that she heard me. While her daughter is crying but it is muffled by her hiding herself in her mother's black grey robes that all of my old people were given before slowly corrupting us and that is when I see a small opening large enough for us to get through but to small for the the Balrog to follow I directed the Warg that barely acknowledged me except for it was safe from the fire demon trying to kill it when we get into the cave we see it is only a league till we are out of this cave and so Melkor's cursed realm.

(2 months later)

We have lost most of our pursuers but not all we are running through a field. from some of the wraiths of Melkor when coming over a hill in the field. I can see I beginning of a forest to the west I have no choice but totun and begin running into the forest.

This forest isn't Right it it feels like something is trying to invade my very being. It almost hurts but just barely the foliage is thick but we are on the outside of the thickest of the forest. While trying not to get lost but the Warg bucks all 3 of us off. And then runs off the way we came with a pained wine while shaking it's head. The woman was able to flip an correct herself while holding her daughter tight and landing lightly. While I landed on my neck with my knees touching my head i groan and stand up saying.

"We might be here for a long time if we don't find a way out any suggestions"

She nodded and pointed west saying.

"T-t-that way is the way we were going"

I nod and motioned for her to follow me every now and then turning left or right. But every time we see the same tree that we fell of the Warg next to. I groan and she sighs I decided to look on top of the trees and start to climb. When I get to the very top I see that we are some how in the southern half of the forest. even when we just entered the forest not long ago. This forest plays illusions in your head how long have we been in here. I look past the forest itself and notice 5 things. The first is that there is a tree bigger then any other tree looking like the heart or mother of this forest. A little northeast I see a circular tower almost as tall as this tree I would guess. With 2 smaller towers surrounded by walls made of white and sea green floating on the water. Then I looked west and saw against the base of a cliff is a wall made of sandstone. With 2 figures carved out sitting on either side of the outer walls. One is a male sitting on a throne with one hand upturned. And what looks like a cloud sitting in it. while the other was wearing a necklace in the shape of a star and a bottle in her hand inher own throne. in-between the 2 statues is what looks like floors with the cliff face missing. I can see that from top to bottom only pillars where on each floor. Of the cliffs all the way to the top where some type of plant was being grown. Looking south I see the biggest walls of any I have ever seen. Seemingly swallowing the landscape to the south made of a mix of limestone, obsidian, grey stone, and white marble. The stones were stacked in such a way that the walls looked like the walls were constantly changing colors. From here I can see 2 gates one on the Eastern most wall. And the other in the north both being silver. And in the corners of the walls are 4 massive square towers, with a pyramid of white stone and a black tip in the center. That like the sea green and white tower of the first city is almost as tall as the heart of the forest. But looking at the landscape I see a cart led by 2 horses and 4 following 5 people and one child. From what I can see I quickly jump down the tree surprisingly not hurting myself. And scoop up both female elves and start running in the direction of the cart. As I get closer and closer I see from afar that they are setting up camp. And one of them the one in white armor is fussing over the child when I'm close enough I hear.
