
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivasi dari karya
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17 Chs

2 Solar Years Small Time Skips

(3rd POV)

A week after the 7 Eldar 'siblings' started their walk they were surprised by 6 young looking horses healthy and just the right age to ride. they all look at each other when looking ahead for Cantëaian they found her riding up to them at a gallop she was riding a black stallion horse that almost blends with the shadows. It is quite even at a gallop they could barely hear the horse.

"Come on my friends... my family let us ride at a trot while slower than a gallop and less fun we will still make good time and give our people time to see and hear us"

the 2 white stallion horses went to Imin and Iminyë, while the 2 paint horses go to Enel and Enelyë, and the last 2 bay horses went to Tata and Tatië all smiling at Cantëaian Imin said.

"Very well sister even if we could barely hear your horse and he blends into the shadows easily what will you name him"

"I was thinking vöid... What about all of you?"

Cantëaian said while patting vöid while looking at Imin with a raised eyebrow and smirk on her face Iminyë answers first.

"Súndër and Ístël"

Tata and Tatië answer at the same time.


And Enel and Enelyë say.

"Röách and Strídë"

respectively one after the other and Cantëaian's face drops and starts mumbling to herself that.

"They don't know how to name a horse all except Imin hopeless I tell you vöid it will take me ages to fix this"

(4 months later)

The 7 Elves were riding their horses silently looking for any of their people and around mid-day luck was on their side. As the ran into a temple of sorts that had the words Temple of Manwë in the deep of the woods it reminds the 7 'siblings' of the painting enel and Enelyë drew the temple held 12 sleeping elves and they looked just like Imin and Iminyë as far as the color of their hair and exactly same shade of skin. So as the oldest Imin claimed them as his people awakening them and explaining everything that the 7 'siblings' knew to them we stopped to build a wheelhouse or at the very least a cart that can hold 14 people.

(A month later)

They all finished building the cart and between Cantëaian, Tata, and Tatië alongside the insights from 14 people and you can make a pretty amazing cart with neat details and a natural feel like the wood itself liked the cart we were so happy they all spent 2 more months building 2 more carts and all 3 can hold exactly 14 people each.

(3 months after building the carts)

It has been 6 months since the Eldar leaders found the 12 elves that follow Imin and Iminyë and the Eldar are out of the forest and are up against a lonely mountain. On plains of green feed and a huge lake to the right side of the mountain as they went around the huge lake. Some of the 14 on the cart get bored and attached a fishing line and a stick and thus created fly fishing while they were traveling. though the 7 'siblings' see something surrounded by young but healthy trees with another temple right in the center of the grove of trees in the distance.... when they reach the temple the words of read Temple of Aulë inside they find 18 elves. Just like with the first temple all these elves have a mix of silver and black hair just like Tata and Tatië and the same complexion of skin. Probably the same eye color to if Imin's followers are anything to go by with their golden or grey steel-colored eyes. So, for Tata and Tatia's followers would probably have obsidian black eyes or bright silver-grey eyes.

"Well, if we go by the logic of what we were given or found so far I think we all have a patron of sorts with the Valar under Eru our creator"

Cantëaian said when she stood outside with the rest of the Eldar while Tata was dealing with his 18 followers with Tatië. Imin, Iminyë, Enel, Enelyë and the other 14 elves Imin asks.

"What do you mean sister we would all like to know and perhaps learn a truth of us or our world"

The others nodded in agreement.

"Well brother when we found your people they took were in a temple and above the door it said temple of Manwë. Who I think must be the Valar of wisdom or light or something because that would describe the benefits you and your elves possess. you are all naturally peaceful and wiser than any of us should be because none of us are old yet. and you have a higher learning ability only on par with me. Then there is here above the doorway says temple of Aulë if I had to guess he is the blacksmith of the Valar or the craftsman or the strategies of the Valar at least it would explain the color of Tata and his follower's hair colors and if they all have the same passion for building or crafting and talents for strategies"

"But sister aren't you a good blacksmith on par with them"

Enelyë asks confused and Cantëaian nods slightly.

"Yes, when it comes to weapons and what I'm assuming to be armor I am on par with them if not a tad better but as an all-out blacksmith no they blow me out of the water. the same way you two do with your Bowman ship and horse-riding ability to use your voice or songs to hide yourselves and how you are with hunting. It is a natural talent or ability that while yes any of us can and probably will become masters with multiple things. it won't come as easy to those of us who have been blessed by their patron Valar and we would have to work 2 if not 3x as hard to maintain our skill do you all understand"

They all nod and just in time every one that was outside looked as the door as Tata and Tatië exit the temple followed by 18 elves that look just like them except most have silver hair and black eyes not black hair and silver, grey eyes like their leaders and in one maybe 2 hours the Eldar children of Eru doubled from 19 to 37 Tata looks around and speaks.

"We are going to need another cart possibly 2 at the least if we keep this trend going. we will have another 3 pairs adding onto 18 so that is 24 more people, and we can only fit 5 more on our available carts. that would be 42 elves on carts so we will have 19 people walking so Imin if it's okay I'd like to get started with the other 2 carts with yours and your followers help while our little siblings Enel Enelyë and Cantëaian go get at least 3 horses if you can 4 would be great"

Imin and Iminyë have a conversation in their mind before he says.

"I agree might as well as wait here for 2 more months so it should be more than enough time to get the horses, we need without having to separate Cantëaian and Vöid"

(2 months later)

It's now been 10 months since the Eldar found the first 12 followers and 16 months since the awakening of the elves the Elves are all packed up in our 5 carts 37 Eldar split with their followers, Iminyë and Imin in the lead cart full at 14 then was Tata and Tatië with 12 of their followers and behind them is another cart with Enel and Enelyë by themselves with the food supplies the 4th was filled with 3 of Tata's followers and the last 3 of Tata's followers cart. Had 4 extra horses tied of for when they need them with enough hay for them to eat on our travels in the second to last cart while the last only has enough hay to keep the 4 tied up horses docile with no riders.

(6 months later)

The Eldar are entering through the cliffs of a plateau down on the island right Infront of a waterfall is another temple as they slowly make it down to the little valley before setting up camp while the 7 siblings begin crossing the bridge over the water Imin and Iminyë in the lead with Tata and Tatië on their right side on their left is Enel and Enelyë directly behind Imin and Iminyë was Cantëaian when they reached the temple the script above the door was the Temple of Oromë and Cantëaian didn't even go in to check this is Enel and Enelyë's people she just knew that her people would be somewhere the rivers are around them then she remembered her drawing and the place where 4 rivers cross with each other.... The river is connected to it before she can think anymore, she hears four pairs of steps and turns around and sees Imin, Iminyë, Tata, and Tatië nods to each and asks

"How is it going in there"

Tatië answers

"Well, we have 24 more elves add that to our 37 brings us up to 61 elves which fills up both carts and we have 5 that don't fit in the Carts including you Cantëaian good thing you, Enel and Enelyë got those 4 horses we fit perfectly"

Iminyë giggled and said

"Yes, sometimes foresight is an amazing ability"

Imin and Tata both looked at each other and then back to Cantëaian and Imin asks

"Sister, do you have any idea where your people would be I have a pull up north and a little to the west"

Cantëaian looks at them for a moment before digging into her bag and pulling out her drawing of herself in a cave crying look at her son but at the moment the 2 unknown figures don't matter, and her son is.... Is pointing at the northern most river up in the mouth of the mountains looking at the drawing she shows them pointing to the same place

"In the northern most river within eyesight of the ocean for an elf clearly"

Tata says

"Are you sure Cantëaian"

She looks at him back at the drawing then to Tata again

"Yes, brother I can either go back east and follow the river from where I awoke there west till, I reach the point that all 4 rivers connect then go north but we are already west, and we can see the ocean if barely from here we will find it and.... I have a feeling that going back east is a bad idea right now"

Imin nods followed by the other 3 before he turns to Tata and Tatië and says I want you both to make enough spears daggers and bows with arrows to equip everyone. us 7 already have all but dual daggers so that will be first 7 new daggers for us all then one spear for every elf same with the bows 54 of both to be made and what is that 115 daggers and don't forget 25 arrows per elf"

"Yes brother"

Both Tata and Tatië before leaving to begin their project Imin looks at Cantëaian and speaks

"Until Enel and Enelyë's people are ready to go we will be staying here so for at least a month then a 3-month travel to awaken your people till we set off I want you to train everyone in how to handle a spear while Enel and Enelyë will teach everyone how to work a bow Tata and Tatië already have their assignments so myself and Iminyë will train everyone in dagger play"

"Yes brother, sister"

Cantëaian said and everyone started one their tasks and true to predictions....

(1 month later)

All 61 Eldar in 5 carts and 5 horses being ridden are keeping the sea in their elven eyes clear while going north we did find another temple but the ground and almost the very air is nothing but death the name above the doorway is scratched out by something with a strong weapon or claws all they can make out is m at the beginning or on the ending we all wonder who that is and why a temple that none of the 7's followers awoke them who or what did.

(4 and a half months)

(Cantëaian's POV)

We finally see it and we see a flat plain for miles with only 4 major rivers going through it in the east. you can see the plains turn into a high desert or mountains desert good for crops if used right and minerals. the south has mountains as far as you can see with numerous mountains passes and minerals and riches just on the east and south. This is definitely something I could appreciate my son using this land for. Land to the west is a breath-taking beautiful sight and could be a center of trade and a quick evacuation. and there in the center is where my son my little star will build our people's homes one day I can't wait to see it. Then looking to the North is another mountain range but this one with snow all the way to the foot of the mountains. but there built right over where the partial frozen river completely melts is a temple like the other 7 temples they have found and like all but the one that felt like death had a script over the door that said. Temple of Ulmo I nod at my siblings and walk into the temple alone when I reach the center, I can see 30 elves asleep. I walk over to the middle and start singing or using my voice to wake my people, my family, my Branch of the Eldar....it took me 2 hours to wake them with just my voice I feel like my fäe has tired and dimed at bit I look at my people and see that they all have sea green eyes and white hair. and we are definitely the whitest skin almost like we have a barely noticeable powder on our skin whereas Tata and his followers tanned slightly and was the darkest of us. with Imin and Enel and their followers in the middle I look at all 30 of my people and i say.

"Hello my friends my family my name is Cantëaian my siblings and I have wandered all over middle earth to find you my followers with the 30 of you our numbers are 91 elves from 4 different clans the first clan is the Minyar led by Imin and Iminyë they are the smallest of us In number but they are the wisest among us, the second clan is the Nelyar who are our best blacksmiths and craftsmans with a mind for strategies and tactics they are led by Tata and Tatië, and lastly there's the 3rd clan the Tatyar led by Enel and Enelyë they are the second biggest clan that we have, then my family is us The Nënluyár meaning water elves or river elveswe are the 4th branch of the Eldar and the biggest clan"

(7 months later)

My 6 siblings and I are talking about where to go now that we have all had our rest

"Where do you think we should go the Tata? Because only you and Cantëaian are opposed to going back to Cuiviénen and fortify our people, there from anything that may be out there"

Enelyë said while holding Enel's hand Imin and Iminyë nod towards me and Tata and then Tatië said

"let's just do it my light"

While slowly convincing him Cantëaian sighs and says.

"Well damn you sell out quick Tata.... Fine seems how I'm out voted I'll go inform the Nënluyár"

I know it's not water elves that is Nenlúg but id rather my OC elves not sound like orcs of any kind

Nerdy_stonercreators' thoughts