
Chapter 110: Marriage and Floating Home

Sitri's Territory, Underworld

April 25th, 1200

"No, mom, I'm not pregnant. It's just that Erik's treats are that good. You will understand if you try them."

Serafall said before starting her attack on the recently added tray. Elleanor had to agree with her daughter when she tried the snacks, they were the best ones that she had ever eaten. By the end of the meeting, she had convinced Erik to give her the recipe for some of the snacks so their chefs could learn how to do them.

Under all chances that spelled disaster to Erik's meeting with his future in-laws, things went surprisingly well. For Erik, that is. Romulo Sitri was sulking through the entire meeting, just stopping when his wife, Elleanor Sitri, called him to answer something or to get his opinion. And to his chagrin, at the end of the meeting, Serafall and her mother had agreed on a date for the wedding ceremony to be held.

Two months. In two months' time, Serafall would be Erik's second wife officially. To say that Serafall was giddy with the idea was an underestimation of it. She was so happy that not even the council of old coots would have a chance of ruining her mood. And may the gods have mercy of their souls if they manage to do it.

Two months later, the mood was a very festive one inside the Sitri territory and in part around all the underworld. Serafall Leviathan had married the man who defeated her in a single battle after receiving the proper courtship. Or that was what the great majority of the people thought because the dearest friends of the couple knew that their relationship was decades old already.

The ceremony was a lavish one where the entirety of Sitri territory was invited. Not to be there personally, of course, but each city, town, and village inside the territory was sent people to prepare a party in the place. It was a very welcomed event since differently from most of the Devil Lords in the Underworld, the Sitri clan was a very well-liked one by their 'subjects'.

While a huge party covered the entirety of the Sitri territory, in the capital city the main was going well too. The guests were of a much higher class too. But the 'star guests' would be not the other three Satans, but the very small list of guests coming from the groom's. It contained four different Pantheons! It would have been five if the Devils were ready to be in the presence of a Seraph, but it was too soon. Nonetheless, Gabriel was later sent a magical record of the ceremony with a 'Wish you were here' letter attached.

But back to the groom's guests, it contained Amaterasu, Hestia, Galdun, and Sun Wukong. And being allowed a plus one, Amaterasu brought her brother Susanoo, Hestia brought her sister that loved marriages Hera, Galdun brought an einherjar named Tarik, and Sun Wukong brought his battle partner Yu-Long.

And all of these powerful people were sitting at the same table, and, incredible enough, were talking amicably between them. But as a precaution, Selena was there too to remember them that this night was not about them. In the end, it was not necessary. The Ravenclaws, that now had Serafall in the family, was very well-liked by their friends, so much that they managed to restrict their more rambunctious 'plus one's for one night.

The 'high class' Devils were impressed with the small, but influential and powerful, very powerful, guest list. Some of the more courageous ones tried to approach them to talk some business but were vehemently denied and told that the night was one for celebration and not a business. If they wanted to do business, they had to enter into contact with them through official means.

Not even the assassination attempt on Erik's life by some radical Devil diminished the festive mood. Erik had just waved the Devil away, knocked him unconscious, and left him for the Underworld authorities to take care of.

After the party, the newly married couple parted for their 'first night' together. Selena had given them three days alone for their honeymoon and after that, she would join the two of them. That is if Serafall survived handling Erik alone for three straight days.

In the end, Serafall had survived. Selena found the Satan in an almost orgasm-induced coma, but alive. After some recovering time, the two women tackled Erik in bed.

Years passed quickly for the married trio. Erik's little show of 'power and influence' with the guest list of his wedding had smoothed things a little for him with the high-class Devils.

Through all the supernatural world, people now knew who Erik Ravenclaw was and what kind of power he had.

That had opened some doors for him. Odin, after questioning one of his Valkyries about her presence in a marriage that occurred in the Underworld, had, with some pressure of his wife, opened the gates of Asgard to Erik, recognizing him as a Nordic descendant, even if he was stranged with his grandmother.

That was all that Selena had wanted: access to a veritable source of Nordic magic and runes. Needless to say that she was a constant presence in the Asgardian library after that.

It didn't take long for the couple to resume their trips through the world. The great age of exploration had begun and the powerhouses of the period were eager to launch their ships to the sea in search of new sources of riches.

And it was thinking in this 'great age' that Erik decided to build a boat for the family. It had taken two years of learning inside shipyards around all Europe for Erik to start building their ship.

And when it was ready, Erik brought Selena and Serafall to see it, baptize it, and launch it to the sea.

Ravenclaws' Dock, North of Scotland

June 16th, 1228

Erik was slowly guiding his wives, Selena and Serafall, by hand through the path that connected their house to the recently rebuilt dock and new shipyard. The small fishing harbor that once existed in the sea bay in the village that Erik grew up was not around anymore. It had succumbed to the time and weather and from it, only the stumps from its foundation remained under the sea. Erik had cleaned the area from it and deepened it a little more. There he built another harbor. A much smaller one that could only be called a dock. By its side, a big barn-like structure was raised. It was his shipyard. A place he could use to build his ship away from the weather.

The trio entered the dock area and slowly walked to the shipyard. In front of its huge double doors, Erik let go of the girls' hands and walked to the huge double doors. Without waiting, Erik pushed the huge double doors to the inside with some strength, making them open completely.

"I present you the ship that I built!"

Erik said proudly. The girls stood in place looking at it in a little shock. In front of them was a slick-looking ship painted mostly in white with some details in dark blue, the Ravenclaw's color.

"Isn't it a little small?"

Serafall said while still looking at the ship inside the shipyard.

"Isn't it missing something?"

Selena said too while looking at the ship. Erik smiled at it.

"It is a new model of a ship. Its objective is to be a recreational ship. I call it a Yacht."

Erik replied and the girls nodded.

"Hunter, huh?"

Selena said while slowly walking inside the shipyard to look at this 'yacht' better together with Serafall. She could feel it. The 'yacht' was brimming with magic.

"Erik, dear. I'm no expert on boats, ships, or yachts, but, isn't it missing the sail?"

Selena asked while still analyzing the enchantments that Erik applied to the yacht. Erik negatively shook his head.

"No. It moves through something new that I developed."

Erik replied and moved to the back of the yacht, calling Selena and Serafall to follow him. They walked behind the yacht and Erik pointed to the three big propellers at its bottom.

"When in water, that three propellers will spin at high speed and push the yacht forward. This way it can move anywhere with no need to rely on the winds."

Erik said while making the propellers move slowly with his magic as a demonstration. Even slowly moving, it generated a light wind that moved the girls' hair a little. Selena and Serafall could imagine the effect that the three big propellers would have while underwater.

"And what speed do you think it will reach?"

Selena asked while still analyzing the enchantments in the yacht.

"Hmn… With all the enchantments that I had put on it, I think it can reach up to sixty knots with the right circumstances."

Erik replies to Selena, shocking her. One had to know that right now the fastest sailing ship could reach around fifteen knots. So Erik's yacht speed of sixty knots would be very fast.

"S-Sixty knots?"

Selena said back, and Erik nodded his head with a proud smile on his face. Serafall was looking from Erik to Selena, and from Selena back to Erik. Confusion was written all over her face.

"Is sixty knots fast?"

Serafall asked the duo. Selena looked at her and nodded her head.

"Right now, the fastest sailing ship built by humans can reach around fifteen knots in perfect conditions. Erik's yacht can go four times that speed."

Selena explained to Serafall, who cocked her head to the side.

"So it is fast?"

Serafall asked again, making Selena sigh.

"Yes, Serafall, it is very fast for a boat. For comparison, it is around 1.3 times faster than a horse, and ten times faster than a normal human while running."

Selena said, making Serafall nod her head in understanding. Serafall then jumped at Erik to hug him. Erik caught Serafall and looked at Selena.

"Come, let's go on board. Let me show you girls the inside."

Erik said and cast his flight spell while holding Serafall. A blue aura shined for a moment around him and Erik started to float. Selena soon followed his lead with a shine of the same blue color, starting to float after Erik. They landed onboard the yacht and Erik quickly started to show the girls what he had put on it after letting Serafall back on the floor. On the outside, the yacht didn't have a lot to see. But on the inside… Erik had been very creative with the use of expansion charms and the yacht's interior was two to three times bigger than their house. Not counting the underground area, of course. One master bedroom and five bedrooms, each with its own bathroom that included a bathtub. A lounge room, an office, a kitchen, a dining room, and more. Erik had even added a small gym inside the yacht so they could exercise while on the sea. In general, the yacht was a floating home.

"I'm still wrapping my head around its speed, but how could you put so many enchantments on wood?"

Selena asked Erik as the trio floated out of the yacht and back to the ground. Erik smirked at that question.

"Wood? Are you sure?"

Erik said and walked to the hull of the yacht. He then conjured a metal hammer and lightly tapped with it on the hull three times.


The sound of metal striking metal resounded through the shipyard, shocking Selena and Serafall.

"It is metal? The yacht is made of metal?"

Selena said and looked at Erik in shock.

"You built a ship made o metal?"

Selena asked, still in shock. Erik nodded his head. It could not be noticed because of the paint that he had used. Selena had thought that Erik had transfigured the wood to seamlessly fit with each other, creating a slick look and smooth surface.

"But… It is metal!"

Serafall said, taking the exclamation out of Selena. Erik chuckled at that.


Erik said, already knowing where this conversation was going. He just wanted to hear the question.

"Metal sinks in water."

Serafall said. And Erik nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes, it is true. Metal sinks on water. BUT if the weight of the volume of water displaced by the ship is greater than the weight of the ship itself, then it will float. That is why wooden ships float too. But they too will sink if too much weight is put over them."

Erik explained to his wives. This was some modern physics that he was bringing to the past, but no one had to know about that.

"And you are forgetting something crucial, girls. The yacht has a lot of enchantments on it to prevent it from sinking."

Erik replied cheekily. Selena and Serfall sighed in defeat.


Erik then summoned a bottle of wine from their wine house and looked at the girls.

"So, let's baptize it and launch it into the water!"

Erik said with a lot of animation in his voice. And that's how the Helena's Revenge got its name and made its first voyage.


Chapter #110 is done!

To whom may concern, this chapter has 2220 words.

Chapter #111 is incoming in one, max two days.

Stay 'tuned'!

DonnutHermitcreators' thoughts