
Chapter 4:Arena

"Did you hear, The scholarship student kissed Gaius Julius Michael's Girlfriend in front of him"

"And he let it slide?"

"No one knows since the newbie left immediately after... I won't be surprised if he's already dead just like the last scholarship student"

"Shh don't say stuff like that what if he wrong people hear you"

"No one is gonna..."

"O-Oh... L-L-Lagertha hi"

"pathetic" Says Lagertha

"i told you to watch what you say! "



"Hey look"

"I can't believe he came to school after what he did he should be embarrassed... He's just a scholarship student"

The whole school has now started to hate Chris. In the schools Hierarchy the are levels to the students, There Is the Royals who are at the top who do what ever they want in both society and school then there is the Lords who answer to the Nobles they are the ones some would call the middle class in both society and the school and at the bottom of the list is the commoner who are the poor.The school gives away a few scholarships every year to students who show the potential to become lords but in reality They honestly don't care and if there is a student who doesn't follow the rules of Ashford Academy they are disposed off behind the scenes.

Just as Chris is about to enter class he is pushed against the door

"What is your problem newbie... Do you have a death wish"

"Hmm not that I know off" as he Chuckles

"Do you think this is a joke... This is Ashford Academy there are rankings and rules here"

"This again?.. I don't get what the big deal is here"

"The girl you kissed is a Royal here you get that she has the money and power to ruin your life for good"

"And your point is"

"Is this guy dumb or something"

"Look I get what you people are saying but am not gonna follow your stupid rules why should I be treated any different from the noble... They divide us according to family ties... They discriminate against us and am not gonna stand for that now get your hands off me"



Classes started like Usual until the first break

"You newbie I challenge you to a duel"

"And I refuse"

"What did you syy do you know who I am"

"Honestly I don't care... So please get out of my way am gonna miss today's special at the cafeteria"

"hahaha you think your funny huh?... Boys get him"

Chris is teleported to the arena of the school



"This is interesting I didn't sense a Light magic user from your friend here... They must be good considering that a level 4 Magic spell"


"Ignoring me huh... Well I guess I have no choice then... Not with all these spectators... How about this... You come at me all at once and you just may last a min-..."

The floor under Chris let's out and a hole appears. "Flames of ifrite I call upon you to burn my enemies dragon FLAME SPYRAL "... "wind of Sylphiette cut my enemies with your might WIND SLASH"

As the two spells go into the hole creating a huge fire storm "Combination magic 4th Level FLAME STORM"



"Did we get him?" as they both breath heavy

As the dust starts to clear

"hehehehe..... HAHAHA HAHA!!!"

"That's impossible No Scholarship student can survive that No!!"

"Your not wrong spirit magic level 4 so your ancestors are Spirits that's actually two of the most powerful attacks and what is this combination magic?.. Don't answer that I'll figure it out later, right now I've got to finish this and get my Burger at the Cafeteria so watch and learn.... And try not to die"



"What the hell is that"

As a chill Befell everyone in the arena

"Aincient Magic Extinction meteor level 1"

A giant Meteorite the size of the school appears of about 7. 7km

"Now you die... Kidding, Hahaha I think we are done see ya"

As Chris Flys away



"Leo I need a background check on THAT Chris" Gaius Julius Michael Suddenly appeared in the arena

"Y-Yes sir I'll get on that"

"Who are you really Chris... I'll find out soon enough"